And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Printable Version

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RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Reuen - 07-13-2015

in my field of paper flowers

The water ripples around me, slithers of crimson like throbbing veins decorating the surface, inching further and further away until the area around me was clearer, my wounds sodden through yet clean. the pain then, it throbbed raw, the lacerations deep and some sinew exposed. Bone deep right by my shoulder, and as I flexed my body, the blood bubbled to the surface once more. I winced then, the pain causing pulses of memories to rivulet across my blank mind.

Run. Run. Run. I recall a face, worn with lines, aged grey around his forehead. His teeth were sharp, bared tight and he forced the words out like poison, and just like poison they bubbled in my mind. That memory was soon gone, back to my flickering reflection in the pooling water. My eyes turned upward to Wichita, her eyes brimming with concern -- is that what it was? what was the feeling, worry, concern? Did it mar at hearts like stakes embedding deeper and deeper? My eyes glazed momentarily as I pulled myself up and out of the water,  but not before staring aimlessly into the rippling reflection.

Cream mane was slick against my neck, thin in places, my hips jutted out, my eyes sank hollow in my skull. I must have appeared like a creature of death to the poor child. I turned my head to quietly observe the little inky filly. A child. A life, and I had witnessed her grace the earth with pumping blood and a sparkling soul. I watched her curiously, little thing, before my attention was drawn back to the mare. My own brow furrowed, eyes squinting, trying to remember, but the blank, bleak state of my mind was becoming a mission to navigate. Just when a few torrents of memory grace the clear walls, they are gone again and all I'm left with is bleak infinity.

'Reuen. Reuen ran. Ran as was told. Ran as far as could go.' the longest sentence slipped my lips; it felt dry, course like sandpaper grating my tongue. I chewed, aimlessly, without reason. And I swayed a little, legs still feeling the journey, even if I had parked myself in the shadows and became a guardian of some sorts. Watching, waiting. My muscles ached with every little movement. 'He said to run. He said to run.' my eyes well with a crystalline sheen, tears, tears? they leaked from my bleak eyes and trickled down my already wet cheek. Perhaps Wichita would think it droplets of creek water, rolling down my cheeks, but then the gasp came from my lungs and it felt like I had finally breathed. After an eternity of holding it in.

'Pain. Everything hurt. Everyone hurt. Pain.' I tremble then, my wet skin shivering, chocolate dark slick skin, trembling like a dying leaf. I closed my eyes and stopped, the thought was a dark one, like the poison in an arrow that had struck my heart and was seeping through my veins, it grew and grew until I took a step forward, closer to the mare. Her soft, warm skin, still damp from the labour of life giving, still slick with the pain she too had suffered. I placed my nose against her, soft, warm breaths pooling. 'Hurt. No more hurt, please.'

As I pleaded, a whisper of a breath, another joined our trio. My eyes flickered over her. Black and white, like the moonlit sky, a swath of moon suspended against the black. blackness. I shiver at the thought and then take a few tentative steps to the side to allow the new mare room. She is visibly concerned for Wichita -- of course, pain is not without concern. I bob my head at her acknowledgment, watching her, my body as still as the lofty statue it was. Slick locks unmoving against my neck. Dead still, my lungs even shallowing down to a brief inhale.

'Welcome. Welcome to the Gates.' I mimic her, my voice a fragile, fine glass flute, near cracking. 'Fiasko. Fiasko.' my tongue rolls over her name, tasting it, chewing it thoughtfully. bleak and hollow eyes then meet Fiasko and a toothy smile, cracks my strained face. 'Reuen.' All is ruin, all is Reuen.

i lie inside myself for hours;

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Tioga - 07-13-2015

I follow mother with little complaint, and I am glad I do. I do not like the tones spilling from her maw, words ringing with stress. She sounds scared, and it makes me scared as well.

I watch them though, the adults, they are strange to me, but kind. Mother is warm, her sunshine skin is welcome on my own and I stay close to her side. We watch the other woman, the one that is dark skinned, her hair flaxen in contrast. Mother had told her to wash, but I'm not sure this is what she meant, the other flopping into the water like a fish. I giggle but mom gives me a look, telling me quietly that it is not polite. I nod, though I don't understand why.

After some time Reuen emerges from the creek, sopping wet but still much cleaner than when she had started. There are still cuts though, some really deep, I ask my mom if she is going to be okay. She thinks she will she says, but she isn't sure. Another woman is approaching us, her coat is different colors. Some places are black like my own hide, others are bright is an opposite color,white. She has a large pink scar on her face, and I wonder if she had gotten hurt as well. I cling into my mother's sunshine colored side, as she approaches. She seems to know mother though, expressing how lovely I am, asking me my name.

"Tioga," I reply, meakly because I am shy. "Did you get hurt too? Mother can help you, like she is helping Reuen."I manage to find more words, though my voice still small.

html by Call

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Wichita - 07-13-2015

Wichita listens, butter colored auds flicking at the words.Reuen's life is a puzzle, her situation a thing to be riddled out, pieces together with words, or short sentences. She nods when Reuen mentions running away, she too had run away from her past. That very short sentence brought pangs of hurt and guilt to her own heart. It hit so very close to home, her chocolate eyes sadden, if but for a moment. She shushes Tioga, the girls laughter rather innapropriate to our new friend.

She saw now,as the other woman emerged from the creek, the deepness of some cuts. It would be a nasty business to heal them properly, and she would be able to do nothing for the scarring they would leave, but Reuen would live. They would  need Thyme for an antiseptic, Witch hazel for the swelling and pain. Rest, lots of rest would help as well. Mid thought, Wichita is taken aback, Reuen places her maw on her skin. She needs help, she doesn't want to hurt anymore. What an odd feeling that was, and to ask her of all others for safety, she could try.

She solemnly places a creamy crown on the others neck, "No more hurt, okay."She croons, "I'll fix ya up, best I can. I promise."She isn't sure why she's crying now, her head lifting at the approach of another. It's her friend, and the Queen, Fiasko.

Drying her sorrows, she smiles, "Fiasko! Thank you, she was a bit late coming, but she got here all right."The painted mare, greets Reuen with little hesitation, it makes Wichita happy. Her home in the Gates was a kind one, a welcoming one.The silver black mare repeats the Queens words, doing her best to converse, I know how hard she tries. "Fiasko Reuen is hurt, can she stay here with us? I promised I'd get her cleaned up." Wichita nods to indicate the rather deep cuts, Tioga then speaks making her wince. Children were so very blunt, Wichita hurriedly tries to apologize. "Tioga, honey, no. That's not the same kind of wound dear, I'm sorry Fiasko I hadn't thought to mention. ." she ammens, exasperated.

Aspiring Diplomat of the Gates

html by Call

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Fiasko - 07-17-2015

The stranger bobs her head and, strangely, repeats Fiasko’s own words back at her. Her head cocks to the side - curious, uncomfortable. She hadn’t realized it at first, but there’s something … off, about the mare. Something not quite right. This is only compounded when she finally spots the mare’s injuries - clearly there’s much that she missed in her concern for Wichita (who is a very odd shade of yellow, she’ll have to ask about that). The mare speaks a word finally, possibly a name. “Reuen, is that your name? Are you quite alright?”

Wichita jumps in then, confirming her suspicions. “Of course she can stay! We would never turn anyone away someone in need.” She eyes the mare’s wounds, but doesn’t try to step closer. The mare appears traumatized and Fiasko doesn’t want to push her. She knows all too well what abuse can do to a horse and she doesn’t want to risk scaring her away. The mare needs help. “Would you mind if we took a closer look at your injuries Reuen? Is there any place that’s really hurting?”

The child pipes up then, asking after Fiasko’s face. Fiasko is momentarily struck dumb, but she smiles patiently when Wichita apologizes for the girl. “That’s quite alright.” She reaches for the child with a gentle muzzle, stroking the little fuzz that is her forelock. “Quite a caring little one aren’t you?” Something she gets from her sweet mother. “As your mother said, it’s not the same thing. I was hurt a long time ago, by someone. I’ve healed, but too much damage was done. My face will always look like this. But Reuen’s wounds are newer, and we should take care of them. It looks like she’s been through a lot.” She wonders if Jason would be able to help - from where she stands, some of the wounds look potentially serious.

i'm still waiting for the world to end

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Reuen - 07-19-2015

Is it just me,
Or do you wonder if we're put here just to see,

The crowd feels claustrophobic. I feel like spiders crawl along my skin, burying deeper and deeper inside of my wounds. I shiver, a full bodied shake that doesn't get rid of the crawling monsters on my flesh. I paw at the earth, hoof grating the grass until the dirt beneath comes through, I continue, focusing on the mechanical movement until I stop and whip my head up, watching Witchita and Tioga. 'Tioga.' I whisper, extending my muzzle, lips twisting and curling in an attempt of a childish little smile. I tilt my head to the side and at the young one's observations of Fiasko, I follow her gaze and too, am awed by her. 'Hurt. Everybody hurts.' I draw my head back up and look straight at Wichita. She hurt, she was hurting when I came, and I ache, and Fiasko, she hurts but with something else, something forgotten but not. I step forward and reach out my velvet nose, daringly towards the painted queen.

'Hate. Hate hurts. Hate hurt you.' My velvet lips touch her, ever so slightly on the neck before coiling back and shuffling on my hooves. Trembling yes wide, large and white. I remember something, fragments, like shards embedding themselves into my heart, my soul. Like fragile spindles of glass that only delve further into my depths the more I try and remember. I shake my head, the cold, iciness that mars my insides fades for a moment as I flick tufty ears forward, absorbing the words thrown about like falling leaves, but I barely catch them, my eyes are up, staring at the skies, the stars hiding beneath the blanket of sapphire.

'Reuen hurts. Reuen hurts everywhere.' Because I do. My heart, my soul, even my head. But not as much as the exterior wounds, that dig deeper and deeper. The more I move, slither about like some serpent, the more the scarlet trickles from them. What once was clean, open flesh was now congealing blood. I turn back to Wichita. Whickering gently, hoarsely. 'Stay. Stay here. Safe here. No blood. No teeth, no hate. No... Hate.'

How much heartache we can take,
Without hanging from the tallest tree?

- resident of the gates -

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Tioga - 07-21-2015

I watch the adults, their interactions enrapt me. The one called Reuen says my name, a small whisper, an imitation of my unsure voice. She is in great pain, and still she manages to reach her maw towards me. Her pelt leaks rivers of crimson, but I do not flinch. I am quick to accept, touch I do not fear, mother cuddles me so often.  Our colors are almost alike, though the older females perhaps a tinted sheen, a mixture of chocolate and oil. I would not know until sometime later, that she and mother were practically mirrors. I giggle, sending titters of noise from my tiny jaw, whiskers stroking my tender chin. A sooted maw tells us of pain, of hurt, of hate. My insides roll. Just the words alone are enough to set harsh thoughts rolling in my small, innocent mind. I did not know hate, nor did I wish to.

I blink up at mother, my copper eyes reflecting her stern look, she is upset with me. I have said something offensive about the painted mare’s face. Mother calls her ‘Fiasko’, I do my best to remember it, practicing it in my mind. The one I spoke of reaches for me as well, a gentle velvet strokes my forehead, this feels nice. Her words are kind, and she does not seem to be upset. I learn of how some wounds are different, hers are old and will stay.  I consider this, how very unfair I thought that was, the permanence. Something I had never contemplated before. ”I’m sorry.” I offer though forgiveness has already been given.

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RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Wichita - 07-21-2015

Wichita’s cocoa eyes soften, (not that they had held much hardness to begin with)  as she recovers from the bit of embarrassment. It had not crossed her mind to share with her daughter that bit of information, the Queen’s skin having become something common to her. Not to mention, Fiasko’s scars had not been at the forefront in her mind in all the commotion. What with birthing a baby, helping the cut riddled mare, and being quite tired she hadn’t the time to. One could hardly blame the coal colored tot for her observance anyhow, she had been born merely hours beforehand.

The butter colored femme watched the interaction of her child and the Queen, a smile pulling at her lips. She had done well in choosing to follow Jason to the Gates, for the most part it was more than she could hope for in a home. For her, it was an ideal place to raise children as well. Thinking of Jason, they really should find him, she thought. She had at first sought to inquire about how she had come to be yellow, or if he could help it go away. Now they had a much bigger matter on their hands. Reuen was steadily losing blood, the lines of red still wet and fresh. Wichita was not sure how much blood their bodies held, but at this rate the silver black could not have much more to offer.

”You’re right Fiasko, before this all started I had hoped ta find Jason. It seems I woke up yella today. Looks like we still need him, I don’t know how Reuen is still standin’”as if it even needed mentioning.  She nudged Tioga appreciatively after her apology, it was the right thing to do.

Aspiring Diplomat of the Gates

html by Call

RE: And all that she intends, all she keeps inside.. [birth;any] - Fiasko - 07-29-2015

The crowding appears to be making the mare uncomfortable and so Fiasko takes a step back, trying to give her a little more space.  She has to wonder what the mare has gone through, to end up looking like she does.  The more Fiasko looks, the more injuries she sees.  And the way Reuen speaks … so, disjointed.  The mare has been through something big.  

She is surprised when the mare actually reaches out to touch her, given Reuen’s uncertainty, and forces herself to pull away.  She is not a huge fan of being touched by those she does not know well, but Reuen needs their help and she does not want to startle her or make her feel uncomfortable.  “Yes, hate does hurt.  It can hurt a lot.”

She’s struck by an errant thought that they make quite the group.  All three of them (with the exception of Wichita’s beautiful little girl), have clearly been through some trauma in their lives.  Hopefully they can all help each other.  “Yes.  There’s no violence or hate here.  We are a peaceful kingdom, always have been.”  Even in Beqanna’s heyday the Gates had been a place of light and peace.  “Will you let us help you Reuen?  Will you let us take a look at your injuries?”  The mare has yet to answer and Fiasko wants does not want to get into her personal space without permission.  “We have a stallion here, who might be able to heal you if you are willing.”  She doesn’t know Jason’s skill with healing, but considering the kind of stallion he is (so kind and caring), she’s sure that he’d be willing to try.

Tioga speaks again, apologizing, though she still looks a little confused.  “It’s quite alright Tioga.  Here, take a closer look.”  She lowers her head so that the girl can peer in at the scar tissue.  “Do you see the pink skin?  That’s scar tissue, which means it’s an old injury.  Some scars look pink like mine, or they can even be white or black.  Reuen’s injuries are still open, however.  And there’s some old blood around them, which means they’re newer.”  She’s not really sure how much she should be explaining to the child, especially when she’s still so young.  But it might be good for her to be able to avoid such confusion in the future.  “And what your mother means is that it’s sometimes not very polite to ask after old injuries, especially if you don’t know the horse that well.”  Sometimes it’s not polite to ask after new injuries either, but Fiasko would often rather be rude in that situation, if there’s a chance of someone needing her help.  “But, I don’t mind at all.  I think it’s good to be curious!”

Wichita speaks up again and Fiasko nods her agreement.  “Yes, I agree.  We need his help.”  She raises her voice and calls out to the grey stallion.  Hopefully he will hear her.
i'm still waiting for the world to end
