[private] tell me they begin again - Printable Version

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RE: tell me they begin again - Israfel - 08-22-2021

Guilt almost consumes the golden Israfel, feeding back into the panic that had overtaken her and now mixing with a new fear that if she becomes too distressed, something else will disintegrate before their eyes. Before this wave can overtake her, it recedes. It mixes with something calmer - the feeling that, though she had killed the bird, it had not been a cruel death. It had been swift and effective with not even the chance of pain. How could there be, when a single blink would have covered the moment before the golden and red mist surrounded them?

Israfel assumes that it is Reave having this effect on her, but she does not think he is sharing with her any emotions - she doesn’t know such a thing is possible. She believes it’s just his presence - that this bone-armoured boy has become someone she is comfortable around, even as he encourages her to do things that are entirely outside her comfort zone. He is her friend, so of course it makes sense to her that just standing beside him makes her feel better.

For a moment, she seriously considers his question while she looks into Reave’s brilliant eyes. She’s picturing it, trying to care for the egg, and then suddenly the ridiculousness of that thought descends on her. A very quiet laugh escapes Israfel and she presses her shoulder into his bony hip in a playful nudge. “I’d squash it for sure.”

The laughter fades when her invisible eyes shift back to the egg, doomed now, and she sighs softly before admitting. “I just feel bad. It’s life hasn’t even begun and it’s over now.”

Because of me


RE: tell me they begin again - Reave - 08-24-2021

i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high

It would be easy to assume Reave offers the comfort of his memories and steadier emotions for self-preservation. In a way, maybe they would even be right. But as the darkness presses heavily around them, swallowing her fear and panic, it is not self-preservation that is foremost in his thoughts. No, it is something much more insidious. Much more dangerous.

He likes her. He likes her well enough that he has come to find the sensation of those emotions against his skin distasteful. Not because of what they are, but because of who they resonate from. Her curiosity, her bravery, her joy - those had all been delightful to him. He’s a fool to grow attached when he knows too much about the cruelties of the world.

But emotion is never quite that simple, is it?

Though the guilt remains, flavoring her memories, the harsher emotions of moments earlier have dulled as she accepts his gift. And when she laughs, her shoulder bumping his, an answering grin grows on his own lips. “Probably,” he agrees, humor tempering the bluntness of the word. As she continues, Reave’s gaze also shifts to consider the egg gleaming in the nest of grass and glimmering gold. After a moment of quiet consideration, he steps forward. Dropping his head, he prods the egg gently until it rolls to the opposite curve of the nest.

To his surprise, he finds it already cool to the touch. Lifting his head, he shrugs. “Maybe it’s better that way.” He pauses, gaze slipping to the space occupied by his invisible golden companion. “The world is rarely a kind place.”



RE: tell me they begin again - Israfel - 08-24-2021

Israfel half expects (and half hopes) that the egg will hatch when Reave touches it but nothing happens. It just rolls over in the nest and she frowns at it. Not that she knew how to care for a baby bird any better than she did an egg, but maybe there was another nest they could deposit a hatchling in for a different family to take in. That seemed easier than trying to move the egg.

She briefly wonders if she should disintegrate it but quickly shakes this thought away, uncomfortable with how it had come to her. Israfel had already done her part to ensure that the egg wouldn’t survive - but a more active part in it felt worse than the passive hand she had played. Or, at least, it was passive for the egg - not so much for its mother.

When Reave turns to her, she smiles back at him - forgetting that he can’t see her. “Do you really think so? I haven’t found that to be true.”

The memories of her loneliness are fading into the back of her mind. Even with this unfortunate trip into this cave, Israfel is glad to be here with Reave and that she had met him at all. Maybe she never would have left that forest without his help.

These thoughts inspire her to ask her next question while she watches his blue eyes. “Would you mind if I lived here, Reave? In Nerine with you?”


RE: tell me they begin again - Reave - 08-26-2021

i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high

Shifting, he retraces the few steps he’d taken, blue gaze fixed on the invisible woman waiting there. He can hear the faint sounds of her breath in the quiet confines of the cave. She is no longer stricken, but he can feel the gentle tendrils of disappointment and regret wrapping themselves around the moment.

He doubts this is something she would ever forget.

Though he cannot see the smile she levels at him, his own lips curl in response to her question. The expression has no trace of its usual levity. “You have been very lucky,” he replies, not quite able to keep the heaviness from his voice. “Most of us aren’t.”

Glancing briefly back at the nest, he eyes it thoughtfully before returning his attention to Israfel. Her next question catches him by surprise, but the surprise swiftly morphs into a deep-seated delight. His eyes gleam in the faint glow of his armor, mouth widening into a pleased smile. “I would like nothing more than for you to stay here with me.”

Pressing forward, he touches her lightly (her neck, he thinks, though he can’t be quite sure). “I’ll show you more, if you like,” he continues. A small laugh escapes before he adds, “No more birds though, I promise.”



RE: tell me they begin again - Israfel - 09-01-2021

She considers him for a short moment, the heaviness in his voice and then it takes no effort at all to reach out and brush her invisible muzzle against him. Just for a moment. “Well maybe things will be kinder for you now.” It isn’t much, a very tiny way to share her thoughts. Because she truly does want happier things for him if his past hasn’t been kind.

Happiness surges through her when Reave smiles after her question, his words filling her with warmth. Not even the memory of this cave could tarnish the joy at staying here with Reave and making this place her home. Where she wouldn’t have to disappear unless she wanted to, and maybe she could find a safe (non living) target to practice this disturbing new power.

Her joy doubles when Reave touches her neck lightly, and she thinks she’d probably say yes to anything if he asked her - if she got to see the way his eyes shine when he laughs. After he'd done so much for her, she certainly needed to repay him somehow.

And what he suggests is no difficult thing to agree to at all. “I’d love that.” She’s eager to get out of this cave, eager to see what else he might have to show her - and hopes a little less death is involved. “But yes, no more birds please.” She adds with a small, nervous laugh, and begins to move back towards the entrance - where the sunlight will turn her golden once more.


RE: tell me they begin again - Reave - 09-07-2021

i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high

He laughs softly at her optimistic statement, though it is not a joyful thing. “Maybe,” he agrees quietly. But he doubts it. He holds little faith that the future would be any kinder than his past has been. Still, he would endure. Not just endure, but thrive. After all, a weapon born of fire is made all the stronger for it. And if there is anything Reave does not lack, it is will and determination.

So he grins at her as her happiness bubbles forth, wrapping around him. Around their memories. His future may not be everything she wished it to be, but he would gladly take what small delights he could find in this world. This time with Israfel would always be one of them, he knows. Beyond a doubt, he knows he would cherish these memories.

He lingers for a moment, his lips on her invisible skin before pulling away and striding towards the entrance. Her agreement had filled him with something he didn’t want to look at too closely lest it slip away before he had a chance to truly understand it.

When they break from the darkness into the sunshine, his armored features turn to watch her turn back into the lovely gold creature he had enticed here from the meadow. A smile settles onto his lips, undamped by the shriek of the raptor that had been waiting impatiently at the cave’s mouth. With a wide sweep of his wings, Rune launches himself into the sky, grumbling his discontent in words only Reave can hear. His grin widens at them.

Slipping closer to Israfel, he murmurs softly, “How would you like to see the entire world at your feet?”



RE: tell me they begin again - Israfel - 09-19-2021

She is glad for that moment before they leave the cave, where Reave’s touch lingers on her invisible skin. It does not change her grief and uncertainty at the other cave events, but it ensures that there are not only bad memories tucked away in the shadows of her new home. She intended to do whatever it was in her limited power to help Reave’s future be a kinder one.

They emerge from the cave and Israfel relaxes as she becomes visible once more, finding it strange to think that not so long ago her comfort had been found in shadows and now the opposite is true.

Or maybe it is not so strange at all, as her bright eyes watch Reave’s smile widen before he steps closer. Unaware of the grumblings of his companion, it is easy to believe it is a smile entirely meant for her and even easier to grin back at him. Her gaze widens a little at his question - surprised and delighted that there never seems to be any shortage of wonderful things that Reave will offer to show her. And, of course, like she knew she would - she is quick to agree to anything he suggests.

“Okay.” The world feels like too large of a place for Israfel, but that does not mean she isn't curious to see it stretch beneath her. She'd seen only a small portion of it so far and has no idea just how truly large it is.

Sure that it is the blend of her curiosity and nervous excitement that is causing the fluttering feeling in her stomach, Israfel asks in a quiet, awed tone - her golden eyes never shifting away from him as she stays close. “Can you give me wings, Reave?”


RE: tell me they begin again - Reave - 09-20-2021

i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high

He should feel guilty for the way he has drawn her in already. For the way he has taken something so pure and exposed her to guilt and pain and darkness. She is a woman made for shadows, yet she is filled with light. But now, in his company, she has found the shadows creeping in even here in the brightness of the midday sun.

He should feel guilty for it, but he does not. He had been selfish in drawing her here. He had been selfish in wanting to keep a little bit of that light for himself. And he does not regret it even a little. She could have painted those cave walls in blood a hundred times over, and he still would not regret it.

Instead he offers her more, because he knows she would not deny him. He knows she hungers. She hungers just like he does.

Perhaps he should have given her time to come to terms with everything that has happened so far. If he were a better man, he would have. But he is not a better man, so he accepts her agreement and hoards her curiosity with a reckless grin.

He could have swept her away then, bringing her into a vision of the heavens where the land and sea sweep endlessly into the distance. But this is not the place for it. Not here, in the mouth of death. When she asks if he can give her wings, he moves closer. “No.” The denial is soft and resolute. “But that doesn’t matter.” He slips back from her, temptation on his tongue, in the glint of his ice-blue eye. “Come with me, I have a better place in mind.”



RE: tell me they begin again - Israfel - 09-24-2021

The idea of wings had been the only thing Israfel could think of - so once that thought is taken away, she doesn’t know what to expect. Which perfectly sums up their friendship so far and does not deter her in the slightest. The last place Reave had wanted to show her had ended up resulting in a fine spray of blood, some of which still freckled her golden coat, but even that wasn’t enough to make her cautious. Not when she wants to know what it is that is causing that glint in his eye, not when she enjoys both his nearness and whatever smiles he might send her way - even if they are often mischievous.

Like there is a tether between them, when he slips away from her she steps forward, her eyes bright with a curious grin. “Lead the way.” She says to him again, the same words she’d told him when he had taken her from the forest and given her a new home. This time, at least, her excitement outweighs her nerves and the words are not so breathless.

She doesn’t blame Reave for the guilt and blood she discovered in the cave. He had taken her in there but she’d been the one to disintegrate the bird. To her, all he had done was show her new things. And to someone who had lived her life in the same spot for the first few years, she was grateful for each and every one so far.

As she falls into step just behind him - happy to be led wherever he wishes - she attempts to satisfy some of her curiosity about him. “How long have you lived here?”


RE: tell me they begin again - Reave - 10-01-2021

i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high

Just as he had known she would, she agrees. She follows, the luminous grin on her lips redolent with curiosity, her breaths edged in excitement. His grin matches hers in its depth, unrepentant in its delight. Though blood still dots her gilded skin, the hazy moments of death are left behind them. Not forgotten, but irrelevant to all the things that come next.

He should invite her to a secluded cove to wash away the evidence of her darkness, but he does not. Truth be told, it doesn’t even occur to him. He is so accustomed to blood that the small sprays of it on her flesh do not signify. His own form is dotted in it too, speckless of avian and equine blood mingling where it dries on skin and bone.

Instead he leads the way up the cliff and across the heathered moors of his home. Her question draws his attention, though it does not slow his steps. His blue eyes find her, boldly inquisitive in their directness. “A few years,” he replies softly, watching her, wondering what had inspired this question. “I claimed the seat when I was two.”

He wonders what she will make of that. He had been young - barely more than a boy - when he had taken Nerine as his own. Ambition had settled heavily into the pit of his stomach from a very young age, and he has not been shy in pursuing it. Just as he has not been shy in pursuing her.

The small cluster of mountains he is taking her to are not far. They are not tall compared to some, but in the open expanse of Nerine, the view is unparalleled. As they begin to ascend, Reave slips his gaze over his lovely companion, lips tilting into a smirk.

