Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - Printable Version

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RE: Nothing is coming to rise - Roan - roan - 03-29-2016

How many years I know I'll bear
I found something in the woods somewhere

Roan can still feel the anger fairly singing along her father’s muscles and she trails her lips along his neck and nibbles very gently at his wither in a way that is meant to appease him. Doesn’t he know that she will always love him? Always be his daughter no matter the time or distance or the fact that her heart has finally found it’s match in another? She knows Ianto has a lover and Roan wanted nothing more than that herself and for her father to approve - to know that he would never have to worry about her for the rest of his life because she would no longer be a burden to him but rather, to another and Brynmor - bless his beautiful heart! - knew just what a burden blindness could be because he was once blind himself.

He apologizes and all she can do is murmur in return, “Oh dad!” And there is so much feeling in her voice - an outpouring of pure love for this stallion that took in her as his own (though Roan doesn’t know he isn’t her true father because he was in the truest sense - he raised her and was all that she had ever known). She could taste his indecision still and knew it would take some time for Ianto to come to terms with the fact that she implicitly trusted and loved Brynmor in ways that she would and could love no other. What parent can bear to see their child grow and find love and seem to no longer need them? But Roan knew that she would always need and cherish her father no matter what. “Dad, it’ll be okay.” She whispers to him, laughter softening her words as she rubs her cheek against his shoulder. “I’ll never stop loving you,” she promises him in the way that only a daughter can promise her father - that as a dad, he’ll always come first and that dad was a girl’s first love anyway.

Roan stays between them, tucked equally into the press of both their sides as if she alone could keep them from further fighting over nothing - especially her. She hears her father say Brynmor’s name and it is reluctant but she knows he is trying for her sake and her sake alone. Roan cannot fault him for his reluctance still - it is hard to let a child go and she cannot help the way she snuggles up to him like she used to do when she was much smaller which is silly given that Roan is still quite small and delicate of bone. Ianto bumps her shoulder and she turns a blind smiling face up to him as he tells her that he missed her and she murmurs back the same thing, “I missed you too dad.”

Brynmor had confided in her about his blindness and his newfound sight; she could never be envious of him now that he could see but part of her knew that they would never share the world the same way again. It almost made her sad but she was too happy to hear the freedom in his voice as if a great weight had been lifted off of him and for that, she was glad. But their quiet secret moment together had been interrupted and the interruption was one that she was entirely too happy for - her father was back! And Roan’s heart had soared with such happiness that she could not be mad at either of them except when they started to bicker with one another.

She can feel the tension still tightening the muscles in Brynmor’s skin and she turns her attention to him. Roan doesn’t know what to do to make him relax, to soften the fight in him that roils beneath the surface. She does what she does best - presses her lips to his neck and murmurs his name over and over in hopes of calling that gentle loving soul back to her. It is not that this fierce side of him scares her because she knows there is a fighter in him, but that she wants him gentle and happy again. Of course, he goes completely still when she says that she loves him and that scares her even more - she didn’t realize that he might not feel the same but she couldn’t help how her heart felt. Roan doesn’t know that she’s holding her own breath until he says her name and she feels the air move as he reaches for her. Their faces come together so that their noses can touch and she breathes the scent of him in deep into her lungs along with his acknowledgment that he feels the same about her.

She settles back happily as they tentatively bridge the gap between their shared anger over her and start to have a more normal conversation. There is little for her to say except that her heart is fit to burst with so much love and happiness that sometimes it is hard to breath.


ooc: this is such poop but hey, i finally replied! lol