Every lonely night I sing this song [Levi] - Printable Version

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Every lonely night I sing this song [Levi] - Indira - 02-18-2017

all alone i watch you watch her
Dawn shatters the sky, breaking the indigo night and lighting the world in amber splendor. The morning rays beat uselessly against Indira’s eyes, it matters not if they are open or closed. It allows the endless black to become a blank reddish haze but nothing more. 

Crash. The ground shook and in the distance a tree fell. Indira whipped her black head in the direction of the sound, belting out a high pitch squeal that would allow her to asses the scene. Dust billowed against the sky and overhead birds took flight, screaming their lament as they rose feverishly into the air. Sightless brown eyes widened revealing too much white and she momentarily froze as the shrill cry of birds was accompanied by the screams of woodland creatures.

No, not just the forest residents. Horses. Other horses.

Ebon ears twitch on top of her head, tilting against the soft piping of birds, her legs are stiff as she makes to move them, her neck aching as she rouses. Her tongue smacks inside her mouth, dry and seeking moisture that does not come. Wincing she finds that her lips are cracked, likely bleeding in places but that isn’t what hurts the most. She blinks her sightless brown eyes open, heavy lids protesting along with her throbbing head. “Ow,” the word is cracked, simple as it is, her throat is raw and stings from speech.

Run, her brain tells her, her body over thinking the command. She remains locked in place for what feels like eternity, another piercing note and a resounding crash. She doesn’t need to see to know some of what is happening, the stench of acrid smoke takes to the air. The noises are growing, getting closer, cracking trees, the groaning of limbs falling from their places to the ground where they are surely incinerated. The ground rumbles, quakes and there are too many shouts to know from who the words come, the screams, the shouts.

“Mother!” the children scream, bleating as they scramble away from the danger. Indira lets loose another call, the shrill trill that leaves her allowing her a glimpse of something terrible. There are too many, run, run away. Her legs scramble beneath her, bolting in the opposite direction as hordes of others make to trample her. She can not compete with the urgency of the matter, can not think clearly enough to keep her bearings and run at the same time. She falls, hard, the wind leaves her in an abrupt gasp and she tries to cry out as the first footfall finds her. Is this what dying feels like?

Her legs are weary, her eyes search the darkness and she tries to see but nothing happens, there is no sound that emits from her lips save the crackle of her breathing. “W-what?” she croaks, tilting her head, an obnoxious weight presses firmly against her crown. “Ow,” she gasps again, not fully understanding the seriousness of the pain and what it means. For now it is simply the worst headache imaginable, her skull might as well have split, traced a jagged break clean down to the tip of her soft nose. “Mother?” she asked, as if Swift was lingering nearby, trauma clouding her thoughts momentarily. Mother was not like to answer, Indira had spent a good part of her childhood painstakingly trying to keep up with her Dam. She had been lost countless times and by sheer luck and persistence always managed to trace her way back to her, crying out into the wild of the forest just to see.
like she's the only girl you've ever seen
words: 610 points: 1 -HTML by Call-pic by thomas mark jensen
