hello to high and dry - Arthas - Printable Version

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hello to high and dry - Arthas - Lepis - 04-14-2018

Despite my seclusion in the hills, I've still managed to find ways to pass the time. With Momma gone, my adventures have grown longer, and at times I have even considered leaving the kingdom by myself. Of course, my courage always fails me at the last moment, leaving me to stand at the border of the kingdom with my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

I had met my stranger on such a venture.

Standing there below the fiery canopy, he had seemed like something out of a dream. Tall, dark, and handsome; the very type of stranger that Momma had told me to avoid at all costs. I hadn't done so, of course, because Momma has left me and I am a Queen. I can do whatever I wanted. (As long as I make sure to not check with Uncle Castile before doing it).

And so I had invited my stranger into Loess, where I felt safe and emboldened by our location. This was my kingdom, I'd told him, and I am very sure that the surprise in his eyes had been genuine. I showed him my favorite spring, took him to the tall red cliff, and told him all about my silent land. I like the quiet, having known nothing else, and when I bid him farewell at the edge of the fire-forest it was with the promise that I would meet him there again.

And I had, twice more, showing him the caves, the bluffs where the handful of other residents spent their time, and the patrol that Uncle Castile flew or walked routinely. Each time before we met I would make sure that the navy waves of my mane were neat and shining from the springs, and that the summer dust was rinsed from my golden hide. I hope that it will impress him, that he will see me as more than just a queen, but I've not yet caught his eye that I've been able to notice.

Still, perhaps today is the day that it all will change.

I'd promised my stranger (though he is no stranger anymore, I know he is @[Arthas] ) that I had a surprise for him. It's going to be a good one, one that he'll remember forever. Quite possibly the very best surprise ever.

"This way!" I call over my shoulder, beckoning with my blue muzzle to the distant hill. It's the hill where Momma had taken me when she announced that my father had left, and it's where we're headed now. "Hurry up!"

We climb up the hill, and below us spreads the wide expanse of Loess, lit up by early morning sunlight.

"Here it is!" I tell him, looking up to watch his expression. "It's Loess. Your surprise, I mean. It's Loess. I want to give you Loess. It's mine, so I can give it to who I want and I want to give it to you. You seem like you would make a good King."

RE: hello to high and dry - Arthas - Arthas - 04-14-2018

She was so young

He had returned to Beqanna and though he found himself disgruntled with the new kingdoms. They were all to trusting of others, did they forget there roots? He was able to find Lepis, she was still very young in age which is why it came even greater a shock when she told Arthas she was the Queen of a kingdom Loess fo be exact. The two grew close, she showed him all her favorite spots and he noticed that she was emasculate everytime they were together

Today she was in a hurry to show him something new, she frantically called for him ti pick up his pace. He shook his hesd playfully, she still had an innocent soul, he only hoped her heart would never be ripped from her chest. The climbed up a hill and looking down to the surrounding area, Its Loess, I want to give you Loess His eyes grew wide.  What! He was flabbergasted, but he was quick to accept the offer. Lepis! I will be the best King, and it will all be for you He reaches over to nuzzle her shoulder. She was too young now, but who knows what the future could hold, in this moment she was a silly filly who gave up her kingdom. Lepis, as King, I have a task for you! My loyal Lepis boy did he have a mission for her. I will find one kingdom to ally with, I want to offer you as a gift, but don't forget your roots, I want you to be a spy for Loess He leans in and whispers the last part to her. What do you say?


RE: hello to high and dry - Arthas - Lepis - 04-15-2018

I have heard it mentioned that I am sheltered, naive, innocent. None of those words sound especially exhilarating, but I've come to accept that they are true. The acceptance was grating, of course, and I have been determined to change it. Doing such a thing is difficult, of course, when my naivity and fear of the unknown are physically limiting, but since my first meeting with Arthas I have become far more emboldened.

Giving away a kingdom is not a small thing, and I feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I wait for him to respond. He seems surprised at first (but, like, a good surprise and not a bad one like an unexpected wasp nest or a snake in the water), but what he has to say afterward assures her that she has made the right choice.

It will all be for me?! He'd said that, I know he had, and a thrill races through me. He calls me his Lepis (well, his loyal Lepis, but that in between is not so important!), and I hold quite still as he reaches over. He touched me! He did! He likes me!

He tells me he has a task, and even if it is throwing myself off the bluff, I imagine that I could do it without hesitation. Anything for him, anything to show him that yes, yes I am his. Anything for him to see me, to prove to him that I am worth his trust.

But...leave the kingdom?

Leave Loess and go somewhere else?

I feel a familiar pressure in my chest, that blockade of uncertainty that has always stopped me in the past. I might have said something, might have tried to protest, but then he leans forward, and his whisper warms my cheek and gives my legs an odd sensation, as though they are melting.

"Anything," I reply softly, my own words made a little breathless by the surge of teenage hormones, "I'll do anything you ask." I'll do it perfectly, too, so perfectly that when I succeed Arthas will be sure of my value. He'll appreciate me, want me, need me.

"Where will I go?" I'm careful not to move away, and I casually resettle my weight so my yellow shoulder leans against his dappled one. Can he feel it too, my heartbeat? Can he tell?

RE: hello to high and dry - Arthas - Arthas - 04-15-2018



He tells her his desires, to be a spy for Loess. Surely it was a scary thing for such a young filly, to leave home for the first time, to be under the evil Morty. But Arthas would keep his eye on her, Arthas has his eyes on her she was young now...but soon...soon she would be able to produce foals, and she was loyal to him, something he will never forget.

At first she appears turned off by the idea, but as soon as his nuzzle reaches her, her body language shifts. Anything you ask she says excited to please. A grin grows on his maw I am so glad to hear this Lepis. Where will I go? she asks, eager to know of her future. His own thoughts do not miss that the filly leans into his shoulder, he was a patient man, in due time he would call her back to Loess, to be his maiden.

I was thinking to Sylva, that devil Morty is in charge now, I want to make an alliance with him. I am going to offer you as a peace offering. He gazes over her, curious of how she was taking it He will probably want you for himself He pauses, leaning in once again, whispering into her ear but don't forget you are mine he pulls back leaving his shoulder pressed into hers, his plans were falling into place. I will bring you back to Loess once you are of age, your duties will have been fulfilled, how does that sound to you? It was up for debate, he would not make her do anything she did not want. He would protect her, he could not forget her.

A Product Of Your Despair

RE: hello to high and dry - Arthas - Lepis - 04-16-2018

I know nothing of Sylva's reputation, or even the budding infamy of my own homeland. I had met a single diplomat - Hestia of Nerine - but beyond that my knowledge of other kingdoms is limited to their names and general locations. We have always been safe in Loess - ignored, yes, but safe - and while my heart longed for adventure my mind was not so bold.

Still, my Arthas has asked this of me. He says my name again, and that same shiver runs down my spine. "Anything you wish," I reply, the words catching in my throat.

I don't recognize the name Morty, and I am unsure if the 'devil' was out of familiarity with the Sylva king or an apt description. Surely the former, I decide, my Arthas would never put me in danger. He says that the king will want me for himself, and while I should probably have interpreted as a warning, I am too caught up in what he says next and the heat of his breath on my cheek.

"I'll go now?" I ask him. Surely the sooner I leave the sooner I will return. Perhaps some time spent in the golden woods of Sylva will not be entirely terrible. That is where Arthas had emerged from, after all, a handsome stranger amidst the yellow leaves. I will carry back whatever information I can and do so quickly, all the sooner to be back at his side.

RE: hello to high and dry - Arthas - Arthas - 04-16-2018

She is a good girl, she has been a perfect angel. She agrees with no hesitation and a true smile appears on his maw. Oh how his plans were falling in place, keeping Lepis in Sylva as a spy, he would know if Morty was going to try and pull on over on him, on Loess. Even with an alliance in place, Morty could use Arthas, but in the end he could turn his back to Loess. With Lepis there he will know exactly his next move should he attempt anything.

Anything you wish the words are like music, he gazes over her. He was a patient man, sending her off would keep her off his mind.He sure did have intentions with the young filly, and by the time he brings her back into Loess he could test the waters.

I'll go now? She looks at him questioning, Arthas gives a nod of his head. Yes, go to the heart of Sylva and there you will find Morty, you can't miss him he has an ugly red ball on his nose. He laughs as he nudges her nose. He steps closer, he wraps his neck around her pulling her in close. She was very valuable to Loess, not only because she was once the Queen, but because she is playing a vital role in the change of Loess. He savors the moment, the next time he sees her she will be a mature mare, she could be completely different in a years time. As he steps back his head gazes down towards Sylva and he gestures for her to go Stay safe, and if you ever find yourself in danger back to me Lepis. His departing words, he watches her start her travels until she was no longer in sight.

A Product Of Your Despair
