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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    intrigued by first impressions;any

    She has decided it is best to hibernate the summer away till the creeping cool nights start to swallow up the daylight like little greedy goblins. The frost that covers her body, the chilly plume of breath that forms just beyond the length of her nose, is what she is.

    (ice queen)

    The warmth of winter sun was enough to fulfill the edgiest chill in her spine. But why fight who you are? Why deny yourself? The spotted woman moved amongst the frozen grass shards, the crunch of early frost appeasing her sensitive hearing and spreading a small smile across her lips. It reminded her of the Tundra from her childhood.

    Neva wonders of her family. Where had they ended up? Did they miss her like she misses them? A soft sigh expels, floats, and disappears before her. She gives her spotted skin a good toss as the frost flurries from her rump in a dash of white before slowly crusting over one again. Perhaps if she remained in the meadow for a bit longer, well it could perhaps bring another her way? A face in which to equate with a name? Maybe a voice that could help her find her family.

    intrigued by first impressions
    swayed by cold rejections
    The chill of winter’s long edged tongue slides up over her spine. Involuntary shivers like Eskimo kisses, snowflakes caught in the long, spidery tips of eyelashes. There is something terribly poetic in the soft frost. Winter is a beast who wanders aimless and eager into the unknown, devouring whatever it can wrap its slobbery mouth around.
    It is a slick, wet death.
    Like crawling into the jaws of a snake, like drowning in the depths of the ocean. There are so many deaths that are similar and she sighs to think there is such a lack in creativity – her thoughts push forward like waves, lapping over one thing and then another. She has not long been a resident in this new world but it feels like somewhere she’s been before – except she cannot quite remember where it was she came from. There is only the vague impression of an island, calm in the swath of blue water, this silver scar in the middle of the ocean. She can sometimes taste salt on the edge of her mouth but there is no recollection of how she happened from there to here.
    She watches the curled fingers of young oak and tulip poplar sway in the breath of winter, they sing a quiet song to each other. For days now these trees have been her only company and the spotted mare grows tired of their chatter – they speak a language she does not understand. It is beautiful and terrifying and Tsibyah images their faces are angry. Twisted up in a savage protest of this wandering soul through their groves, down their little darkened paths. Not once has some meet someone like herself and she has begun to worry there are no others.
    Nothing except the trees.
    Not even a bird, not even a print of some other life. Tsibyah wanders in-between the patches of trees and she feels the cold bite of the winter animal on her heels; on her nose; on her lips. It is impossible to escape but that is when she catches the scent. Like something sour or dangerously sweet. The spotted mare lifts her head and breathes it in, cautiously stares out from the patch of woods she has concealed herself in.
    There stands another mare – smoky and hazy and angelic.
    Tsibyah marches forward, determined, relieved. Her tangle of black forelock covering the pit of her eyes and twisted around the thin horn jutting out from her forehead. She is a mess but it doesn’t matter. She’s found someone else, finally.
    Hello,” she says and comes closer, “excuse me! I’ve been wandering around for ages and I haven’t seen another soul. Could you help me?
    Tsibyah comes into the inner circle of where the mare stands but she does not make a move to come any closer. It might be dangerous.

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