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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She spun the stars on her fingernails
    There is a voice, loud, powerful. It rings through the salty air, reverberating through the kingdom as it carries on the coastal wind.

    It calls them to her, their Queen. She stands as a solitary gargoyle on the edge of the cliff with her eyes staring down at the shoreline and ocean. For a long while, she is almost lulled into a daze by the calming noises of her home, but then her heart quickens and her eyelids blink. ”Gladiators,” she murmurs to herself, unheard by the masses that converge to the sound of her call.

    That’s when the earth shakes. Sand trembles below, shifting and sloshing much like an angry ocean tide during a storm. It flails and flips, and churns. Rocks follow in pursuit to help create a monster. It is the primary display, the attraction to lure them all as a trumpeting roar echoes throughout the land. It beats its hands – paws? Hooves?  - against its chest before clawing into the beach. It digs and it reaches, pulling apart their home in front of the caves. The ground quakes underfoot, Nayl’s body shuddering with pride and exertion. A smug grin stretches her lips as she watches everything unfurl.

    Then, silence.

    Her creature pauses as it takes a few steps back from its own creation. It deepened an area of the beach, lined the walls with rocks, broadened it to allow numbers within, and opened a small passageway for the fighters. It peers up at Nayl then, having finished its work. Another roar, another breeze, and suddenly it crumbles into what it originally was – simply sand and rocks.

    ”I give you, our arena!” A thin layer of sweat lines her coat, deepening the smoky black into a solid obsidian. With a thread of magic, she forces a large boulder to lift and move to the side, granting passage into the sandy ring. ”And now, our fighters.” A smile and a gleam in her eyes as her pulse quickens excitedly.

    covet and myrina's creation

    So, the gist:
    A sand ring has been created with boulder walls to accompany the fights. This actually happens to be good timing because of the points raffle in the Mountain. If you have a stallion that you need points for, feel free to toss him in! Get those posts and points tallied up!
    - I do not have strict rules for this. I want this to be fun and to help trigger muse or give a horse some sort of backstory or means of death. I don't want it to be a word-limited, formal battle.
    - Since I'm not sure of all who's in this (I know there was quite a bit of interest), reply first with just the PARTICIPANT'S NAME, BRIEF DESCRIPTION, and PURPOSE (practice, trying to live in Nerine/earn keep, death, etc.). At least then we know who is partaking.
    Monday I will post saying that it can begin.
    - 2-3 attacks per post
    - Defense as needed
    - Attack whomever you want, however you want
    - Make the post as long or short as you want
    - Have fun!
    - Once everyone posts stats, I'll post Nayl shutting them in the arena so it can begin. The fight will only last one (1) RL week. Post as often or as little as you want. Doesn't matter if you post only once.

    If you have any questions at all, feel free to message me!

    i know i'm not the center of the universe
    -but you keep spinning 'round me just the same

    Ivar is shaken awake by his mother. At first he resists, mumbling something about a dream he had been having, but the grey mare is insistent. Eventually he rises, his white legs a little splay-legged as he blearily blinks in the early morning light. He’s only half listening as his mother begins to speak, but by the time she falls silent he is nodding in excitement.

    “If we go now,” she says, “You’ll make it in time.”

    The two of them appear in Nerine an instant later, Ivar dwarfing his small mother. The sun is brighter here with no protective canopy of red-gold leaves, and it takes a moment for his brown eyes to adjust to the difference. When they do, his mother has gone, and he can see a crowd of horses assembled in the distance. The smoky black colt moves toward them, his hooves thudding rhythmically in the damp grey sand. He arrives in time to hear Nayl’s announcement of the arena , and excitedly moves into place to enter with the rest of the gladiators.

    The lanky yearling is inexperienced but enthusiastic; he’s decided that diving into the deep was the best way to learn to swim.

    -------------------i v a r
    ------------------------------------djinni and stillwater---------------------------------

    Smoky black tobiano with brown eyes
    1.5 years old
    16.3hh – trakehner build (but obviously still young)
    Battle relevant traits: sharp teeth (sharklike, on a horse shaped jaw)
    Here to practice/mock
    Smoky black tobiano - one gold, one silver eyes
    1.5 years old
    15.1 hands as of right now
    Traits: Limited dragon-shifting that he doesn't quite understand yet or fully control, immortality, wings
    Here for practice/mock

    I'm about to jump in the shower, but this will be edited, probably tomorrow, with an actual post lol
    Red Dun - primitive markings and green eyes
    4 years old
    Lion Shifting
    Here for mock/practice

      A lion prowls on the boarder of Nerine. The earth rumbles and his meaty paws carry him in the direction of the disturbance. It is easy to find the crowd, he follows the clear voice which rings on the wind. As the arena comes into view Zenith’s body starts to change. He grows taller, and leaner, his claws pull together to create hard hooves and the hair on his tail lengths. After a moment, he is almost fully equine but there are still hints of the lion he is in his appearance. His mane does not tumble to one side as a normal horse’s may, it is full and cascades across his shoulders, under his belly and behind his elbows. And of course, there are the teeth… he likes to keep those long ivory spikes in both forms.

      Zenith is almost there, his emerald eyes set on the woman addressing the group when two other bodies appear beside him. A petite female and what appears to be her son. The apparition is gone in a moment, but not before he can send a charming fanged smile in her direction.

       His giant is elastic and his mood is high. Zenith enjoys the action of his long equine legs when he is in his horse form - when he has recently switched over his step tends to be high and showy. The group begins to funnel into the enchanted arena and Zenith falls in alongside the youthful yet tall colt, the son. “I hope you’re ready to get a beating.” He says playfully to the boy at his shoulder. He isn’t out for blood today, but he hadn’t felt the rush of a good match in quite a while. He thoroughly enjoys a good scrape.
    MARE (ha! sneaky, sneaky!)
    fleabitten gray, stigmata of the eyes and bloodmarked shoulder
    yellow gold eyes

    she's a meany. she's rather annoyed with everyone at any given time, though has been known to tolerate others. she's a fierce warrior, a viciously protective mother and cunning fighter. she plans on proving her worth and tossing around a few boys, at the very least.


    With her child hidden she's free to follow her nose, to follow her pumping heart and the magnetic forcing pulling at it. As the crowds begin to move toward their Queen she watches the scene unfold quietly from her spot among the brambles, her eyes wild and her white hair fluttering freely over her freckled face. I will fight all of them. Her body trembles with adrenaline, sharply sucking in a deep and letting out a clearing breath, releasing it from her stiff feeling lungs. She waits like a leopard in the shadows, eyeing them, circling them in silence as if on paws and not hooves. She will wait for her moment to slide into the group unnoticed, to put on her manliest face and most masculine posture; perhaps even squeezing between two big clunky stallions.
    Orion's Belt
    Draft cross

    Here for extending service to The Queen
    Green hybrid stallion
    8 years old?
    Here for ... practice
    16 hh
    Black tobiano stallion
    Mustang hybrid (https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/621029...997904.jpg)
    No traits/defects
    Here for practice
    I had planned to get Aten involved in this, but I didn't see the deadline date at first. Then, when I checked back, I thought it ended on the 22nd (today). So, if you're still taking in prospective fighters, I would like to involve my stallion. If not, please let me know so I can discard the drafts I'm working on for him.


    Gold champagne roan
    16.4 hh
    Warlander/Quarter Horse
    5 years old

    Aten will (if allowed) be participating in this gladiator fight for practice. He will also perhaps be on the lookout for potential allies for in the future to help his kingdom (and of course, the newfound allies will receive help in return).

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