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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  The things we leave behind || Hod, family ||


    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    Many, many nights have passed since Adria swam off from the shores of Ischia and began her journey south to the common lands (which at that time had been Taiga, unincorporated.) Her waxing youth has blossomed into adulthood and now wanes, leaving a marvelous specimen in its wake. Every bit her mothers daughter in appearance, with her father’s gentle and steadfast nature to guide her, the young Nereid is coming home fully changed but still completely herself. She finds herself carried along to the east now, by way of gentle current and her powers, a smile brightening her damsel face and a secret virus embedded like an invisible parasite in her blood.

    Adria looks healthy and perfect as ever, as close to purity as one could hope to be, but when she breaks through the surface of those familiar, warm waters and eyes the beautiful shores of Ischia from afar, she’s unwittingly become the harbinger of death. 

    In her ignorance, the infected carrier of the plague sees nothing wrong with drifting to shore and climbing out onto land. Her still-wet scales glimmer over the surface of her golden, flecked-white skin and her drenched mane and tail (growing ever longer with each passing season) frame her in a dark swath of luxurious plaits. Closing in rapid succession over her pale purple eyes, her lids obscure the world around her for moment and the sounds wash over her in place of sight: far-away echoes of the parrots, the thrum of the entangled, tropical forest breathing in and out to the time of the sea … hoofsteps making their way through padded layers of pure white sand.

    The islander opens her eyes and finds herself greeted by a vision of pearl and seaweed green.

    “Mother!” She cries out, a whimpering plea from the child that still dwelt inside. Her appeal works and Nyxa beams in recognition, trotting swiftly through the high, grass-topped dunes down the inclining slope of beach, a leggy filly trailing eagerly behind instead of Tyr, as might be expected. The two mares greet one another fondly, with lips tugging at manes and cheeks pressed eagerly atop one another until Adria’s younger sibling snorts in admonishment. “This is Aquaria, your sister.” Their dam introduces, stepping back so that the inquisitive (and rather bold) youngling could properly greet her kin. “Aquaria this is Adria. If you behave until your father arrives, she might go on a swim with you.”

    Shocked but not wholly surprised, the sabino water horse gives her full-blooded sister a sweet nuzzle before glancing back towards her dam. “Father’s not with you?” She asks, a hint of concern giving edge to her words. Nyxa laughs, the sound like high, twinkling bells. “@[Hod]’s been busy, my little guppy. Aquaria isn’t the only surprise that’s come to us in this past year.” She explains, too cryptic for Adria’s liking as the trio of water nymphs stand exposed.

    @[Bruja] Hopefully I didn't go overboard by throwing Aquaria into the mix! Let me know if you want anything changed in her mention/actions. I tried to stick to her personality as written on her profile Big Grin Yay for family time, finally!!
    Water parted around his body in gentle ripples, soaking through the red flecked silver of his coat. The thick ropes of his mane and tail floated on the surface of the sea, hung with foam and strands of kelp. The sea had tightened its grip on him, making him surface only when necessary now that his home had shifted hands once more. It was dangerous, inhabited by a creature of voracious appetites. Home was perhaps not so home like anymore. Not when he felt the fear of violence hanging over his and his family's heads. 

    Inhaling a lungful of salt air, the powerfully built stallion sank to the sea bed, nostrils held shut against the invasion of water. It was faster for him to walk than swim, hooves sinking into the thick silt if he held still too long. His lips opened to accept a mouthful of brine. Sifting through the salt masked flavors, but he had grown used to deciphering the different palates. As distinctive as scent, the waters of his home held their own signifiers. Tastes of plankton and algae, mineral corals and the spore of certain fishes. The mouthful of water forced out between the serrations of his teeth, back into the living sea. A smile pulled at the blind man's lips. He had touched on a familiar flavor in his tasting, one that filled him with joy. Adria was home. 

    He stepped forward, following the slope of the floor as it climbed up the island's roots. There were no paths down here, none that would remain against the currents that commanded this submerged world. Sightless as he was, Hod produced instead a strange, steady sound. Somewhere between a whistle and a whicker, it swung away from him only to return when it encountered impediments. It worked on land as well, but seemed so much more effective when he dove beneath the waves. It led him home to where his family stood waiting. 

    With a strong upward leap, water sprayed outward dramatically as he broke the surface again amid a frothy breaker. Mist exhaled as he returned to breathing oxygen, hooves landing on the sand as he trotted from the bay into his cove. Whistling softly he focused on the soft outlines of his wife and children. Dripping gently on the sand he sang out a cry of greeting on approach. His muzzle brushed tenderly against the curve of Nyxa's shoulder before turning to lay a kiss on his eldest's brow. "Welcome home, daughter. We've missed you." His unguarded affection shown through in his voice and his manner. 

    The ruddy girl who stood by her dam's side looked on excitedly, taking in the appearances of her sister and sire. At her mother's admonition the child nodded enthusiastically. "Really? Yay! Swim wit' me, 'Dria!" She crowed, giggling as the older girl tousled the fluff of her red-gold forelock. Her amethyst eyes sparkled as their father drew near,  prancing in place until he was close enough to be heard without yelling. Mama wouldn't let her go swimming if she was yelling. "Da! Da! 'Dria's here! 'Dria's hereeeeee!!" She didn't quite manage to keep her voice low, excitement throbbing through her slender frame. Glancing back toward her mother she grinned sheepishly, hoping she could still go swimming. Swimming was the best, and she'd never gone with her sister! Her really pretty, important big sister. This was the best day ever! 



    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    How long had it been?

    Hod, her sire and for the longest time her hero, burst through the whitecaps of Ischia’s waters and came to shore looking every bit the age he should be. Ignorantly his daughter hadn’t thought much of her parents or their eventual steps towards death; they’d always been so youthful and robust when she’d been growing up here. But now the obvious couldn’t be ignored. Her father was certainly more white and less gray around the muzzle, and Nyxa seemed thicker as well as less energetic. Both had aged in her absence, and the clarity of that fact tugged sharply on her heart.

    “Oh Pappa!” She sang in reply to his greeting, leaning in with eager hunger when he kissed her salty brow. Mwen rate ou, I missed you as well!” The seamare gushed, backing away to watch her mother melt into his speckled side. Their Patriarch and leader brought happiness with him wherever he went, and the three water girls seemed at ease now that his presence dominated their small sphere. Kesyon pappa,” His eldest daughter drawled, both accent and her native tongue sprouting up again in the comfort of her family, “where is Tyr?” Adria managed to ask, pale eyes glancing between Nyxa and Hod before Aquaria drew her attention away.

    Trankil, trankil baby sis!! We’ll swim! I promise! Give me a sec, eh?” The elder Nereid teased gently, all smiles as she lowered her spotted face to level with that of her younger sister. She blew a rather strong gust of wind from her lungs, not enough to unsteady her sibling but certainly enough to dry the eyes, before turning back to mother and father.

    What was this surprise Nyxa had hinted at, and where oh where was her little brother?

    @[Hod] feel free to power play Nyxa, since she’s “here” but not being posted Wink Also, I’m using Haitian Creole from google translate to flesh out Adria’s vocab and character, if you were curious.

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