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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i keep the wolf from the door; lupei/any
    nevling allowed me usage of mr. kingslay <33
    also pls excuse awfulness. first post with him

    He was being a petulant little boy.

    Lestrade had, of course, mouthed off one too many times and was currently sulking over the harsh scolding he had received from his mother. He didn’t see what the big deal was; that lady did indeed have an overly large butt. Granted perhaps the sentence “
    God lady, what did you stuff yourself with to end up with that big of an ass?” hadn’t been the most polite way he could have asked. But still, the question was just begging to be asked. 

    Azlyn hadn’t been amused – he didn’t want to revisit the lecture about his manners. 

    The colt dragged his feet and lagged behind his violet mother. Lestrade had no idea where they were heading and didn’t really pay much mind to his current surroundings. He was brand new to the world (just a couple days old even) and wouldn’t be able to find his way out of a wet paper bag still. But the few feet he allowed between them both would ultimately be his biggest mistake.

    An odd-looking (horrifying really) stranger rushed forwards and startled the duo. A flash of fire separated them and the boy was helpless to cross the impenetrable wall of licking flames. All he could hear was his mother shouting at him to run and he quickly carries out her commands for once in his life. The mint green and violet boy stumbles and rushes towards the towering pine trees and he’s suddenly all alone.

    It was frightening.



    What the truth is, I can't say anymore

    Oh he’d been naughty this year, that’s for sure. Reaching his prime had been the best time of his life, and he’d done his part to re-populate the earth. That being said, Lupei had yet to feel the backlash of his rash actions. The several mares he’d managed to convince had all but disappeared, and he rather preferred it that way. Of course he knew it couldn’t last. The seafoam stallion would’ve been plainly stupid to think that he could avoid it forever. Sooner or later someone would come crawling back and dump something on him.

    He just didn’t guess that it would be this soon.

    The rustle of activity near the border has him stopping in his tracks. He’s in his wolf form, prowling about the extents of the Chamber to enjoy the rather warm day when he smells her. With an irritated huff the wolf bounds forward, expertly navigating the twist of pine and brush while he hears the crackle of newly born fire. With a swift leap he lands in the middle of the fray, behind the bright wall of flame. With a snarl, Lupei shifts, squaring his hooves before meeting the strange foal's gaze.

    “Wandering into the Chamber with mum I see.” He points out rather sourly, peering back to the mare with a narrowed gaze. He doesn’t really remember all of her per say, more just the … important parts. The supple curve of her hip and the stubborn line to her jaw give the two-toned chamber stallion a quick smirk. Now he remembers her name. “What are you two doing here?” He questions slowly, looking away from her to where the colt lingers in the shade of the forest.

    It’s something about the boy's color that tips him off.

    The boy had barely made it to the edge of the trees before a ferocious, snarling predator comes rushing out at him. It seemed to be one thing after another when it came to this stupid place. He tries slamming on his brakes and his feet scrape across the ground beneath before he finally scrambles to a halt. Wary deep purple eyes slowly rise to meet those of the stranger’s before him. The wolf had morphed into a man who wore the same shade of mint green – highly suspicious.

    He narrows his eyes in irritation when the man condescendingly speaks to him. They hadn’t wandered into the kingdom freely. In fact, they had been minding their own business clearly outside the borders. But some dickhead had come along and sprung a firewall up at them. He didn’t see why they should be punished for a crime so that so obviously set them up.

    He glances back behind him and can barely see his mother hovering just on the other side of the flames. Lestrade takes a small step towards her and the fire wall suddenly grows taller and taller and his vision of her is completely cut off. An anguished noise escapes him before he can completely stifle it. He refused to allow this stranger a front row seat to the Greek tragedy which seemed to be unfolding right before his young eyes.

    He turns back to the big, bad wolf and glares openly.
    “And who exactly are you to question us? We were minding our own business outside the border before that gross thing over there decided to spit fire at us!” By then the creature-thing had lumbered away from the two and the flames it had left burning high in the sky. Perhaps he had grown uninterested now that there was nobody around to burn when this chamberling had made his appearance.

    “Also, you’re nauseatingly green!”

    Now the poor boy was simply being petty and hypocritical. For example, take his own mint green and violet birdcatcher spots. Who was he to complain about garish and blinding color schemes? He harrumphs and looks off to the side, berating life for putting him in this situation to begin with.


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