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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm Goin Off the Rails On A Crazy Train-[Below, Any]


    Ruri had remained in the volcanic village from the day she was born, her parents promised her to a herd stallion when she was of age. It was unbelievable that her life was chosen for her, before she was even born. Her mother showed the least amount of love possible, and her father was rarely around, the other herd members were rotten and only showed face when her father called upon them. Today she ventured out from the volcanic village, and realistically she ran from the herd lands without anyone noticing. Of course she would have to return and in two years she would be traded off to another stallion to be his toy.

    She gave a snort ears slightly lowered at the thought, she certainly gained an attitude form her mother and strength from her father. This might be the first time she was traveling alone but she was perfectly capable of sticking up for herself. She reached the meadow, only knowing how to get here because her mother came every now and than when she was a foal. She looked around as everyone was already in groups talking with one another, she thought about going up to them but did not want to be turned down because of her age. She continued to walk until she was in a segregated portion of the meadow; the ground was covered in snow but the large pine trees offered protection from flurries and in fact had dead pine needles scattered rather than the white snow. She stepped under the tree, crunching the pine bristles that layed perfectly on the ground from autumn. Extending her neck she reached out to grab a mouthful of snow, it quickly melted in her mouth sliding down her throat sending chills down her back. She allowed a small laugh to exit her mouth, this was her first winter and that was her first taste of snow. Unsure if equines ever had snow, but it certainly was fun to play with, it was nice to not be around the Chambers and to breathe fresh air rather than the dusty sooty air it offered.

    Her head quickly lifted and gazed to the right, further into the brush, she heard another but could not see evidence of someone. H...Hello..? she spoke questioningly hoping that one of her herd members did not follow her to the meadow. 

    I'd rather be running towards someone than running away

    quote for you here beep beep boop boop
    The five year old pink and purple spotted stallion made his way through the meadow. He had know idea as to what had brought him to this place. He stopped for a moment when he spotted another in the distance. He decided to approach her and called out to let her know he was approaching. He said "Hello ma'am. My name is Below. What may I ask is your name Miss?" He took in the younger mares apearrance and smiled. He thought that she was pretty and knew she should not think of her that way.


    The yearling gave a sigh of relief at the sight of the pink and purple stallion, relieved it was no one from her herd. Although her eyes grew wide once she realized she was staring at a pink and purple horse! She relaxed her body and backed up slightly, she was unsure how to react to a stallion as mature as him. The only stag she has been around was her father, and he would cause no harm to her, aside from trading her off.

    He gave a greeting, introducing himself as Below and asked for hers. She gazed at him cautiously, he seemed harmless and in fact his coloring was quite flattering to gaze at. My name is Ruri She said softly dipping her head to him what kingdom do you belong to? she asked curious, perhaps he was a herd stallion, perhaps he was her future herd stallion! What a twisted turn of events that would be. She grew flustered being around him, he was the most exciting equine she has spoken to since she was born! She probably should fear this stallion more than she does, but instead she finds comfort being around him. She stood more proper, her head held high and her tail lifted gently in the air, hoping to give off a more mature appearance. 

    I'd rather be running towards someone than running away

    Below watched the young mare and smiled. He noticed the way she stood and giggled softly. He said" Its a pleasure meeting you miss Ruri. I come from no herd or kingdom. I guess you can say I am a nomad." He bowed his head to the mare to show her is manners. He was actually glad to be in the company of others since it had been such a long time that he had any type of company.


    The bay dun gazed at the pink stallion, she listened as he said he was from no kingdom. She grew curious to his lifestyle, how could you not have a kingdom or herd to call your home. Where did he sleep? Here every night? She looked around, could you possibly sleep here everyday? Her questions disappeared from her head when the stallion bowed to her, she gave a small giggle, she had never had a stallion bow to her. In fact they generally play with her mane, treat her like a newborn foal. Well than were you do stay every night? she asked to curious to continue wondering. Her father had the herd land, and there is so many kingdoms to join. Perhaps she was being nosy, poking to much into his privacy. Nevermind, you don't have to answer that she muttered before he responded how long have you bee in Beqanna? she asked hoping the new question would deter from her previous question.

    I'd rather be running towards someone than running away

    The older stallion smiled at the girl and said"I normally stay out here under a tree or out in the meadows. I have lived here all my life. I was born here in beqanna." The young mare was a curious one and he didn't mind. He was like that once but since he hasn't been arournd may horses he was cautious now.

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