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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    I’m Dreaming Of A White Custard -x
    Name: Ruinam
    Gender: male
    Breed: Camarillo/Gelderlander
    Traits/defects: companion animal
    Color: camarillo white
    Color Genetic Code (if known): ee/Aa/nCR/nCW
    Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg[COMPANION ANIMAL]

    Name: Ilma
    Gender: female
    Breed: Andalusian
    Traits/defects: Ethereal appearance, sunshine wings, peace induction, self healing, precognition
    Color: white (naturally cremello)
    Color Genetic Code (if known): ee/Aa/CRCR
    Trait Genetic Code (if known): TEGteg [-SUNSHINE WINGS-][-ETHEREAL APPEARANCE-][-PEACE INDUCTION-][-SELF HEALING-][-precognition-*]

    Foal 1:
    Name: Viti
    Color: white
    Player: Nyx

    Foal 2:
    Name: Pyry
    Gender: male
    Color: white or cremello please!
    Player: Vanilla Custard

    Twins were previously approved, no triplets please!

    (NA, 65, NA, 80)

    Andalusian hybrid
    Ruinam x Ilma
    Twin to Pyry, companion animal, sunshine wings, peace induction, will be very weak until age 4
    tegteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][SUNSHINE WINGS][PEACE INDUCTION][ethereal appearance][self healing]
    Played by Nyx
    Due January
    Breedable in July (delayed due to weakness)

    (NA, NA, NA, 15)

    Andalusian hybrid
    Ruinam x Ilma
    Twin to Viti
    TEGteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][SUNSHINE WINGS][peace induction][ethereal appearance][self healing]
    Played by Vanilla Custard
    Due January
    Breedable in May

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