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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    ISO: baby daddy available for plots
    someone help me make poor last minute choices and give me a Djuna baby. I'm looking for an active or semi active guy to knock her up, probably in a chance encounter-turned one night stand-turned sudden and unexpected exploration into parenthood (for Djuna at least). I'm willing to iron out the details later but that's the gist of it. I'd like the father to have some role in Djuna and/or the kid's life even if it's not positive.

    I'd also like to play the foal but if you find yourself wanting and able to play one as well I'd also be willing to request twins. just wanna say though that I'm not planning on asking for any specifics for mine aside from gender so if you end up having specifics you want for yours then you'll have to let me know beforehand :)

    if this all floats your boat and you wanna offer a potential dad up then please do! I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of trouble will come of all this ;)
    I probably count as "semi-active," but The Tin Man is a very normal Appaloosa stallion who roams around as a nomad. IC-wise, he's lived here since a bit before the plague happened, but OOC-wise, a lot of his threads seem to die off for some reason, so my characterization/plot attempts haven't amounted to much.

    He and Djuna seem like they'd be a fantastic "couple" in terms of playing off each other. Going off Djuna's profile, I would love to see what happens if she gets obsessive over this random, non-magical stallion from the human world who's just trying to get through the day without excessive magical catastrophes. Tongue
    Hi @Kiba !

    Tin Man sounds like an interesting dude, I think he and Djuna might have potential to get along and become friends/maybe something more! She understands the whole "not used to magic" thing too. Magic existed where she came from but worked very differently, so she's also trying to get used to how things are here in Beqanna. I imagine they'd have a fun time talking about all the strange stuff they're seeing. Like "hey are you seeing this shit? crazy right?" "yeah totally, talk about unnatural" lmao.

    AnyWAY, I did end up pairing her off with Calcifer's boy Tiberios to make a baby, but I'm always open to potential pairings later down the line or incorporating this as a potential plot device between them (and maybe Calcifer if they want to get involved?) But in the meantime, it could be fun to just throw them together and see what happens? :D

     Late response, but I'm totally up for plots! Let me know if you have any ideas!

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