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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mature]  One of My Miracles [Birthing, Ardashir, Nerinians]
    By the time that spring rolled around, Nalia was torn between two states of mind: anxiety to get the foal out of her belly, and fear at realizing she would soon be responsible for the life of a little creature that she had no idea how to raise yet.

    Sure, seeing the other mares in the Field with the foals helped to give her an idea, and she had knowledge of what her own dam taught her when she was young, but raising a little one all on her own was quite nerveracking. Nalia could only think of the bad situations that could happen, most of them her being a failure to provide for and protect the foal. Would she be a good dam to her colt or filly? Would she be able to help him or her grow into a healthy grown horse with the ability to go out into Beqanna and live his or her own life?

    Would they eventually leave her side one day, and never return, like Nalia had done with her own dam? The filly, soon to be a mare, wasn't sure what was worse. She tried to push the negative thoughts out of her head by taking a stroll down by the beach, thinking of how happy Ardashir would be to finally meet their little one. Of course, those thoughts sooned turned negative too. Would the white stallion be happy with their foal? Would he be a good sire to the little one, teach him or her what Nalia couldn't and help the foal find his or her place in the kingdom should he or she decide to stay?

    There were too many negatives and not enough positives in Nalia's mind. Every positive thought she tried to have was soon overcome by a negative one. She thought about how the little one would look as it got older, if it would resemble Nalia herself or Ardashir more. That thought sooned turned to worrying about the foal's health. Would it be healthy, with four legs and a tail? Would it be able to walk like a normal foal should, or would it take longer to find it's purchase and get it's hooves on the ground?

    Nalia was overcome with anxiety by the time late afternoon rolled around to the point that, by the time she was close to the forest where her small resting place was, she thought that feeling liquid drip down and off her hocks was a trick of her mind. But then she felt a pain tear through her stomach, and knew it was not anything normal. She'd felt sickness in her belly before, from eating a bad plant, but it had been nothing compared to this. This was a solid pain, like she'd been kicked by a draft horse in the stomach, and it almost brought her to her knees.

    The filly, pushed by instinct, headed for her resting place in the trees, stepping through until she came across the small area thick with brush and trees. It provided a good shelter from the wind and overhang to keep her dry from the rain, and it was tall and large enough that even Ardashir could fit inside. Resting herself under the brush, taking in a deep breath as another wave of pain struck her in the gut, Nalia began to pace in a circle, her nostrils flared and body starting to crest with sweat from the strain of the beginning of the birth.

    For a good portion of the afternoon until the sun was starting to set, the filly kept up a continuous cycle. With only the occasional laying down to rest, Nalia would pace for a few minutes, take a break, breath through another contraction, then pick it up again. By the time she felt her body was ready, her legs were sore and hot from the effort to keep her going. Her body was now lined with sweat and her ice encrusted mane was frigid against her warm neck.

    A strange feeling crept up onto her dock, and the filly lifted her tail, something in her gut telling her she had to lay down. Folding her front legs, the filly all but collapsed, only stopping herself from hitting her belly on the ground since she was already in enough pain. Letting out a whinny of pain, Nalia rolled herself over so she was on her side, her abdomen blowing out whenever she took in a huge breath.

    Flicking her tail to get it out of the way, the filly felt another wave of pain, and this time, focusing her strength, she pushed, feeling the muscles near the read of her abdomen contract in the process. At first, she didn't feel anything different, until one push gave her an odd sensation near her hindquarters. A few more pushes and it became more intense, and the longer this went on, the more Nalia was beginning to realize. By now, she was in a great deal of pain, but she gave one final push, and the strange feeling in her hindquarters disappeared. More liquid came and soaked her buttocks underneath her tail before the pain seemed to disappear as rapidly as it had first appeared, and for a moment, Nalia lay there, her nostrils flared and chest heaving.

    A tiny squeal from behind her puzzled the mare, making her wonder what it was, before the reality of the situation hit her full force. Although she was tired, the mare lifted her head and hoisted her weight so she could lay on her belly, turning her head to look near her dock.

    Laying on the grass behind her, before the amazement of her eyes, was a tiny foal, it's coat wet and dark due to the sac it had broken through on it's own to begin breathing. It's little body was shaking from the new environment it was now exposed to, it's chest growing and shrinking rapidly with each tiny breath.

    For a moment, a single moment, though it seemed to stretch on forever, Nalia could only watch the foal with her wide eyes, amazed at the sight before her. Finally, hearing the little one squeal again, the mare had a feeling she should do something to help the tiny creature. Unfolding her front legs, she threw her weight forward to stand, turning around to face the foal. She lowered her head, running her muzzle over the foal's wet coat, taking in it's scent before, as she'd often seen mares do, beginning to clean the foal off with her tongue.

    Throughout the process of cleaning the foal, Nalia began to see it's coat color come to light. It's legs sported the markings Nalia had seen on her own dam and other horses in her former herd, even darker than the base color that stretched up to the little one's shoulders. The black legs stood out against it's dark caramel colored coat, puzzling Nalia. Her own dam had been a similar color to Nalia herself, as had her grandsire, according to Nalia's dam. She wondered where this tan color could've come from... maybe from Nalia's granddam? It was fully possible, and maybe the foal's color would darken as it aged. But it wasn't like Nalia cared; she thought the little one's color was unique and amazing.

    Near the bottom of it's legs, the foal sported four white socks, it's front left much smaller than the others. It's back was lined with a dark stripe, it's muzzle looked like it had been dipped in black swamp water, and, lastly, a distinct white blaze mark that thinned out to a stripe and drifted off to the right ran down the little one's face.

    It's eyes, Nalia could not yet tell what color they were, until she moved her head closer. For the time, the foal sported brown eyes, a dark warm in color, but Nalia had a sneaking suspicion that they'd turn out like the foal's sire's one day.

    The foal whickered for it's dam's attention, and Nalia moved to stand near the foal's front end. The foal tilted it's head up to sniff the larger horse, Nalia returning the gesture by blowing air out of her nose. The foal kept it's muzzle close to Nalia's, inhaling the scent of it's dam, bumping Nalia's cheek as the mare licked more liquid off the foal's neck.

    By the time the foal was dry, Nalia encouraged the little one to stand. Nudging it's flanks, the foal, at first, didn't seem to understand what it's dam wanted. After a few short minutes, getting a hold of itself, the foal began to try and stand, shifting it's legs to try and find purchase. Many of the first few tries, the foal even failed to get one leg under it's body, falling onto one side and laying there for a moment in a daze. Nalia would encourage the foal each time, standing over it and watching carefully until the foal was ready to try again.

    Finally, seeming to get the hang of it's legs, the foal got all four under it, though not all at once. Throwing it's weight up onto it's front legs, the foal hoisted it's body off the ground, stumbling a stride or two forward and trying to get more weight on it's back legs. Unfortunately, it failed, falling over again into the ground. Nalia licked the foal to clean it from the dust and dirt, watching as it continued to try, accomplishing getting all four hooves on the ground and falling over a time or two again.

    Then, it all seemed to click; the foal got all four hooves under and stood, spreading it's limbs out a bit wider to try and stay standing this time. Nalia moved over to help steady the little one, smiling at it's display. The foal lifted one hoof and took a tiny, shaky, step forward, moving it's weight to avoid falling over again. Nalia nickered to the foal in encouragement, walking a few strides away toward the tree line and calling to her little one.

    The foal, whinnying for it's dam, tried to follow Nalia but only succeeded in falling over again. Nalia waited patiently for the foal to get to her side, smiling proudly when the foal managed to walk two solid strides at a time before stopping, thinking, and walking closer again. When it reached Nalia's side, the foal ran it's muzzle over it's dam's belly, Nalia turning her head back to nuzzle the little one. Giving it a nudge, Nalia turned her rump a bit to help the foal find her milk.

    The little one didn't seem to have any trouble going for it's dam's milk though; with very little encouragment from Nalia, the foal nudged it's dam's underbelly before doing the same to the mare's udder, latching it's tiny teeth onto one of her teats and suckling hungrily at the milk. Nalia twitched at the rough treatment, stomping one of her back legs and swishing her tail to avoid doing anything else that would endanger the foal.

    Watching her little one suckle, Nalia sniffed the foal's croup and searched for some critical information. Discovering what she needed to know, Nalia smiled brightly, excited to tell Ardashir, when he arrived, that he was the proud sire to a filly. Nalia turned her head to look around for a moment to make sure that she and the foal were safe, determing it was so after a few moments of peace and quiet. Although not a lot of grass was around the brush where Nalia made a home for her foal, it was enough to keep the mare preoccupied for a few moments before she moved past the tree line to graze. Lowering her head, Nalia picked at the grass, her ears up and alert as she felt the foal continue to drink her milk.


    Spring was the renewal time. The snow started to roll back even if it was at a snail's pace in some places. The ice dug in deep and clawed at the ground not wanting to release the world from its frozen grasp. The grasses of the lands still sparse and slow to green but it was on the horizon. Trees would start to bud with new leaves and full out once more where winter had raked them bare. The new season brought about of course new life wandering around on shaky legs. There were foals, and fawns, kits, and chicks. The sounds of the season of life came to the ears as one would wander the lands.  

    Ardashir was wandering the isle. He tended to start his wandering in the spring and summer but, with new responsibilities he was at least staying on Icicle isle this time around.  This limited his area but, kept him close to those that needed him. That could be the ice prince, or more than most his Nalia. The white studs horns had continued to grow and now even took on a strange shade and also an interesting shape. He could not be sure though the stallion only glanced them when drinking and he knew the new weight they added to his neck and head.

    A scent came to him on the wind. A familiar one that made him smile and elicited another reaction in a more private place of his. He snorted calming himself knowing that the grulla mare was close to her due date. As he continued forward though another scent came to him. An unfamiliar but somehow familiar scent. It’s presence confused the stallion and he pushed forward more. He called out softy to the winged mare. The stag seeing Nalia first and moved forward at a slightly faster pace. He caught himself though and almost stumbled as he saw the little filly next. The stallion took in the sight of mother and child standing together. Now the scent made sense to him and it all started to click.

    The filly had taken on the color of her dam but, she seemed to not be painted the same. There were four white socks, and a white blazer across her face. Ard took in more of the two of them standing together. A deep rumble passed his lips as he cautiously came forward. “ Nalia..She’s so beautiful.” He stumbled a moment, “ You are so beautiful..”Ardashir paused about four feet from mother and child not wanting to step closer out of his own sudden shock. He was a father. It was real now. Well, it had been real when the deed was first done and then seeing Nalia starting to grow and glow over the last months. But, now that the filly was on the ground standing. It all crashed around him and a bit on sweat started at his shoulders.

    He started to worry about if he was good enough. Did he deserve a family to care for? Ardashir flared his nostrils and ran around in his mind a moment.  
    Out under the sky...

    You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.
    Nalia's cautious nature did not undergo any change after the birth of her filly, so, naturally, when she heard a voice on the wind, her head went up to see who it was that spoke to her. The mare's searching eyes landed on the form of her stallion, a smile appearing on her lips. She became confused at seeing him suddenly stumble over his own hooves, watching to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself. Due to her fatigue, for a moment, the mare was unable to put it together, not knowing why Ardashir seemed to be battling with his desire to come closer and maintaining distance.

    Following his gaze, it clicked like a puzzle in the mare's head; Ardashir was eyeing the filly standing at her belly, obviously not knowing what to do with himself right now. The stallion continued to watch them, and Nalia did not push him to come closer before he was ready. It seemed this development was a bit overwhelming for him; if Nalia's instincts were not pushing her to care for the filly, she might be in a similar state to the stallion.

    A rumble passed the stallion's throat as he came closer to the mare and filly, stating how he thought the filly was beautiful before giving Nalia the same compliment. The mare smiled brighter, feeling a flutter in her heart at his words, "She takes after you..." she remarked, knowing it might not look to be that way but obviously referencing the painted markings and feathered pasterns the filly shared with her sire.

    At that moment, the filly gave Nalia's teats a rough nudge to try and loosen the milk. Nalia stomped her back left leg to avoid striking out at her daughter, turning her head to sniff the little one's hindquarters and rumbling from her belly before giving her a nudge to get her attention.

    The filly reluctantly turned away from it's dam's teats and nuzzled Nalia along the side of her face before finally seeming to notice the other new horse standing there. The filly, unsure, hid beneath her dam's belly, only able to go about halfway since Nalia's smaller breed size didn't offer the hiding other larger mares might.

    Nalia turned her head again and nibbled at her daughter's forelock, whickering to the filly for her to come out. It was clear she was unsure of the stallion, not knowing who he was to her, and Nalia just smiled before glancing at Ardashir.

    "Come over here, meet her. She won't bite," she lightly joked, turning her front end some so the filly wouldn't be hiding under her. The filly tried to do so again, but Nalia just moved a little and nudged her out from under her legs, something the filly wasn't pleased about since she snapped at her dam.

    Nalia snorted at the filly, displeased with that, "Spoke too soon. I'm sure she won't bite you."


    A deep chuckle passed his lips as Nalia said the filly took after her large white sire. “ Oh, I think that she takes after her mother more. That color, and sure just a hint of this big old lug with those feathers.” He looked his daughter over with an approving smile. The white stag crept closer to the pair and stopped again though as the filly seemed unsure and hid under Nalia’s protective belly. Ardashir chuckled a little more and steps no closer. “ Shhh here..” The stallion whispered and lowered his large frame to the ground slowly. He looked a little less intimidating in size as he lay with his legs tucked against him. There was the matter of his horns..they might be a bit shocking still. 

    Hello..” He spoke softly to the filly, “ I am Ard..your father.. He looked to Nalia for a bit of reassurance. “ Your mother is right I do not bite. Not fillies at least.” The white stag chuckled looking to Nalia after the filly had snapped at her some, “ Well, I guess she does take after me.” The stallion laughed loudly staying in his new position. 
    Out under the sky...

    You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.
    Nalia's ears pricked when Ardashir whispered to the filly to calm her, the mare's eyes observing the stallion's large frame sinking to the ground to try and make the filly less intimidated by his size. After all, he was a few feet taller than Nalia herself; she could only imagine how their daughter felt.

    The filly's curious muzzle peeked out from behind Nalia's elbow, her tiny ears forward and large eyes locked on Ardashir. Her nose twitched as she tried to catch his scent, showing her already substantial curiosity, which retreated some when Ardashir spoke again. He greeted her with saying what he was to the filly, the concept of 'father' possibly being something she didn't understand fully yet.

    Nalia suspected the filly only identified the mare as her mother because of her scent; it was the first thing to welcome her in this world, the first thing for her to imprint on and seek comfort from. Ardashir then laughed when the filly tried to snap at Nalia to avoid having to come out from under her belly, something Nalia had one ear back at to show she was slightly irritated and trying to hide it.

    She moved her hindquarters again, and this time, the filly, more curious than fearful about the large stallion with horns, did not move to hide under her dam again. Nalia stepped behind her and gave the filly a gentle nudge on her hindquarters with her nose. The filly stumbled as she avoided trying to step forward to begin with, but still did not retreat. Nalia nuzzled her daughter on her neck and encouraged her with a gentle voice.

    "Go on. Go say hello."

    The filly's eyes shifted from her dam to the other horse on the ground, her ears pricked. She would take one step at a time and sniff the air, trying to catch his scent. When she managed to get it, about a yard away from the stallion, she whinnied in caution and retreated a few steps backwards, shaking her head some to try and figure out what that new smell was.

    All these new sensations, the filly was a bit overwhelmed. Sensing that, Nalia moved to her daughter's side, and stepped forward whenever she did, only stopping about a yard away from Ardashir to let the filly continue on her own.

    It was still slow going, but eventually, the filly got close enough to practically touch the tip of her muzzle to the stallion's. When she got that close, she once again retreated, but galloped in a small circle around her parents before coming to a stop in front of Ardashir again.

    Nalia just laughed aloud as the filly stepped forward again and sniffed Ardashir, this time not retreating. Something in the filly spurred her to reach her muzzle to Ardashir again, rubbing the tip against the side of Ardashir's face. She nickered at the stallion and stomped one of her front hooves weaving her head and neck to the side and turning in a circle.

    Though Nalia could've been wrong, she said, "You can get up Ardashir. She wants to play with you."

    As if understanding her dam, the filly nickered again and trotted a few strides away, then turned to face Ardashir, throwing her weight on her back legs as she turned, then throwing her weight on her front legs to turn her hind end, repeating the process a few times until she completed a circle and was facing Ardashir again.


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