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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    belle of the brawl - OPEN
    Casual steps brought the wandering mare to the vast field. Her wandering had been ever so aimless as of late, venturing far from her homeland and into the unknown. She didn't fear the places she hadn't seen though. There was a wanderlust in her, a desire to see the world and all it had to offer, to learn, to feel. Well, the feeling thing didn't quite happen all the way but that didn't much matter. 

    The summer sun was warm on her back as she stepped through the fields, the grasses tickling her dark lower legs with each movement. Pale eyes drifted and wandered but she wasn't as oblivious as she might have seemed to be. Ker was observant and intelligent and she was content to watch everything around her. While she was new here and unfamiliar with most of the lands she knew what the field was.

    It was for meeting, and for claiming - whether one always wanted to be or not. There was no hesitation in her decision to come here, even with that knowledge. She had no fear, she never did, but she'd take what came her way regardless. What was the point of living if you just sat in the corner trembling all the time? Besides, the whole concept was interesting to her. 'Claiming' wasn't a thing that much happened in her homeland, even in the band of miscreants she ran with. 

    It was that curiosity - a curiosity that would probably kill her one day - that made her more than willing to go sauntering out in the open. She wanted to see what happened, what the 'fates' if there were such a thing had planned for her. Besides, sitting around doing nothing as a lonesome wanderer didn't suit her much. She needed stimulation, interaction. And so she sought out whatever would come her way.

    [ Sorry this is a little rough, posts will get better, I promise! Open for anyone! Claim, force claim, meet and greet - whatever, but I'd like her to find a home. Totally open for the 'darker' sorts too, she can fit right in. She's willing to go along with most anyone just because she has nothing better to do. ]

    Summer was the season that Ygritte adorned most. The feeling of the sun's warm gaze across her spine always lifted her spirits, renewing her like the phoenix from ashes. She knows she is blessed that she has Mandan to watch their daughter so she can go off the field to find new faces, new names.

    On this particular day, the salmon pointed mare feels particularly lively and so she heads off to the field with a skip in her step, coral tresses lifted in a small banner as her limbs move her quickly to her destination.

    Honey hued pools look over the field, seeking approachable equines who looked receptive, till they see a lovely silver-blue woman standing quietly among the groups. A warm smile touches the edges of the young woman's lips and she gives a soft call in greeting as to not startle the unknown mare. She stops to give adequate distance in case the other should decide she wants to not be bothered.

    Delicate skull dips in greeting, pink-orange mane sliding along the copper neck. "Hello there." Orbs watch the other, vocals light and feminine as she speaks to the darker mare. "I'm Ygritte. What's your name?" Inquiry is genuine and sincere as she does not want to seem pushy but hoping the other would be receptive to her company.

    The area was popular, various bodies milling about. For once in Ker's life though she wasn't the one approaching to pester and prod - no, she was waiting for someone to approach her. A distinct change of pace, for sure, but it was empowering in a new sort of way. As luck would have it she didn't have to wait very long, either. Her large head turned slightly toward the approaching stranger, watching to see if they were genuinely coming toward her or someone else - though she didn't stand particularly near anyone else or any groups. 

    Those pale, silver-blue eyes settled on the bay mare and all but bore into her. Curious but cold. The other mare was distinctly petite and feminine in comparison to the large, unrefined draft mutt. 

    Her eyes drifted to the mare's long, flower clad mane when she stopped and dipped her head. The roan gave herself just a slight shake, her short, roached mane ruffling slightly at the movement. She twisted around half way in order to face the smaller mare, ears twitching as she listened to the greeting that was offered. With only a few casual, reaching steps of her thick, feathered legs she drew nearer, peering down at the smaller one, who introduced herself as Ygritte.

    The way she'd stood back from afar, introduced herself and not barged up, invaded her space or been forceful. Nothing about what she did was in any way dominating, and therefore Ker found herself increasingly disinterested. There was that lingering curiosity, as there was for all things, and the fact that she was downright..small. It only enforced that dominant desire within her, and it was deliberate the way she peered down at the other mare rather than lowering her head for them to be on a more even level. 

    "Ker." She said simply, a slight tilt of her head following. "What brings you here?" She had a feeling the reason was probably obvious enough - recruitment of some sort, most likely. But all that nonsense small talk had to be started somewhere, didn't it?

    Amber pools observe the woman, almost seething with something. Ygritte was not sure until she took a pace closer and noticed how the other seemed to roll her eyes downward in their sockets before dipping her skull towards the bay female.

    This strikes Ygritte odd as she is not a pony nor small by any means. As genetics should decide, the salmon tinted doe is quite proportionate. This still does not deter from her approach and her extension of her invitation even so.

    There was a bit of iciness on the gunmetal and ebony mare but Ygritte maintains the small curl on the edges of her lips as light pools match those of Ker. -What brings you here?- The low vocals reach their target and Ygritte laughs lightly in response, the curl blooming into a smile. "To offer a home, Ker." Ygritte could been compared as the other mare's opposite. Where Ygritte is delicate, Ker is not. Where Ygritte lacks height and reach, well...Ker has it.

    Now, there are changes to be had in the Falls and as of now Texas is the sole keeper of the army. He is a stoic king tattered by decades of scuffs, nicked and scratched by wars raged long before most of Beqanna's resident's times. But he is intelligent and fierce when provoked. A king and general of many lands in Beqanna over the years, he rules with experience and...sarcasm.

    The bay does see a fire in this woman. She would be a wonderful asset to the Falls army and was too good of a potential warrior to pass. "I come from the Falls. There is a good potential to make rank in our caste system if you were interested in such but also room to simply dwell. The king, Texas, expects nothing except your loyalty and even allows whomever to dwell in herds if they should like. But we are looking for potential caste members. We have the healing waters from our Falls as well, capable of healing any ailment you should have." Ygritte gives a slight nod at the end of her invitation. It got so dull sometimes with the constant recruiting. Most of the times she is successful but not always so it was the least Ygritte could do for her kingdom.

    If Ker decided that she did not fancy the Falls...well that's just fine too for the coral tinted woman. It did prove to be helpful to put names with faces later on down the line should something arise. So there was some level of benefit from this meet and greet.

    A small, patient smile traces across her lips again as amber eyes meet and match the dark ones of the new mare. Do not mistaken kindness for weakness in Beqanna.


    i am the violence in the pouring rain

    i am a hurricane

    No, kindness was not weakness. Straia knows this very well. There are moments when she is kind, when it gets her what she needs. Certainly, kindness has its uses. But the Falls? Oh, the Falls is so terribly kind that their king can’t even pick a side in the impending war. As always, the Falls will remain open to heal any that need it (except, she suspects, they would turn her away in a heartbeat – good thing she can heal herself).

    Of course she knows all this. The ravens keep her well informed, and where the raven’s fail, she does have a few spies. Not so many without Gryffen anymore, but still a couple here and there. Knowledge is the only real power, after all.

    She comes to the field as a horse today, though with oversized black wings so she can fly. The Chamber does not necessarily need to recruit, but she enjoys finding others that want to call the place home anyway. Some are loyal to the Chamber like she is, and others serve it simply because their goals and the Chamber’s goals happen to align. Straia prefers loyalty, but she’s not about to kick anyone out that’s being useful.

    It is honestly rather a lovely summer day, though Straia always misses the cool shade of the pine forests. There is sun in the center of the Chamber, certainly, but she has spent so much of her life wandering the pine forests of the Chamber that it will always be her favorite place.

    She catches sight of two mares, one trying to tower over the other, and a slight smile catches her eye. Tucking her wings in somewhat, she descends slowly before pulling her wings all the way to her sides. Black feathers trail through the grasses of the fields, but she doesn’t shrink the wings. She’s always rather enjoyed the overlarge ones. Between the wings and the crown of raven feathers on her head, anyone who’s heard rumors of the Raven Queen ought to have figured out who she is by now.

    She’s caught some of the conversation, the names and most of Ygritte’s speech. Yes, the Falls really would need caste members. They’ve struggled for years, though Texas at least seemed like he might be worth something as a king. “All of the kingdoms offer potential to climb in the ranks.” she says, skipping past the usual hellos and introductions for the moment. Seems like a waste of time, and Straia has always been rather to the point. Though she does offer each mare a nod, not forgetting to be at least somewhat polite.

    The kingdoms are not particularly different in that one regard. There are not enough horses to fill all the ranks in a kingdom, and the monarchs were always looking for those who wanted the titles. Those who might actually earn those titles. “The only real difference in your choice of home is what you want to stand for.” She rolls her shoulders slightly. “I’m Straia, from the Chamber. And what I can tell you about the Chamber is that we are a rather determined bunch. Not a whole lot of hugs, but you’ll always have someone at your back. If that sounds vaguely like something you want, you can always come and check it out. Leave if it’s not for your liking.”


    the raven queen of the chamber

    Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission


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