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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  A new wave; a sibling
    The sand, the land - it bores her.

    She swims around the island, faster and faster and faster - she has no other home to turn to than where her brother claimed a semi-title. A title, she learned, of ‘Beachmaster’ which meant a lot but not enough - the larger island, that’s the one with the nereids.

    But nereids weren’t kelpies, even if they were beautiful in their own right. They had no tails, even if they could swim and breathe underwater, even if they had soft fishy scales. Nilam’s scales were that much thicker, that much better suited for an underwater battle. But she also knew that at her age, she could not rival with those on the larger sands.

    And so she stayed; entertained herself with whomever dared to visit her brother’s island, and her siblings. Her roaning little sister had a few scars, sure, but luckily for both the siblings, she would not remember where those came from. Trial and error and a little time-manipulation had taught the kelpie princess to use her hypnotic features after the fact, and so, everyone remained blissfully ignorant.

    Except Nilam herself, of course.

    Nearing the sandy shore once again, she wondered if she should practise on someone else today. Someone who might not show those hideous bite marks on a roan coat.
    there is no new wave
    only the sea

    @[SecondChances] @[Nyx] new starter, I figured maybe both Cal and Tywyll wanted to feature in this or I can re-post this as a second starter. Lemme know via DM?
    The porpoise male had been swimming the perimeter of his little island. Once he had finished his swim he began to shift back into horse form as he steps onto the sands. He had notice Nilam as he was swimming and smiled as he turned to see her nearing the shoreline. He gave a small smile and said "Hello there little sister. Find anything to hunt during your swim?" He was the worst babysitter ever, he noticed that Nilam has been biting their sister Beck. He had no idea as to what to do to stop this behavior while their dam is away. The gold maned boy had tried to keep his siblings safe but it was proving to be harder than he had thought. 

    @[Nilam] and @[Nyxistaken] I hope this looks okay
    Her brother is a porpoise, not as good as a kelpie of course since it’s not a meat-eater, not actually a predator even though they eat fish - but it’s water related and she can accept his greeting. No corrections of his, though.

    He asks if she found anything to hunt, and she shakes her head. Sure, there were fish and such, but she hadn’t been too eager for them. It was much more fun to try and convince her siblings to swim with her, instead. ”You?” she asks, interested to see if he catches on any potential double meanings in the un-elaborated question.

    She really should learn not to play with food.
    there is no new wave
    only the sea


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