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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  The Kill List | Obscene

    I see us written in the Stars

    The mountain of responsibility before them looked unconquerable to the untrained eye. It was a vast and arduous task they’d set themselves to. There were years to be made up, alliances lost that must be regained, numbers diminished that needed restoring; not to mention the absence of the loved ones still felt by all three parties.

    Obscene, Cheri, and Aela were up to the challenge.

    Were it any other horse, the idea might be unfathomable. To rebuild an Empire from the ground up was total insanity, but then again none of the three characters involved in this scheme had ever been considered steady-minded. They were driven, powerful, and most importantly immortal: each one complimenting the other to make a deadly and formidable team. An unlikely team, sure … but still a team.

    True to their convictions, the first move on the chessboard had been made. There wasn’t any  opposition to their takeover yet, (Cheri suspected there wouldn’t be) and the trio had made quite an entrance back into the world of politics during Obscene’s takeover, but now the time for dramatic action was done. A more steady plan needed to be made and followed through, which is exactly what brought Cheri to the Fae Prince’s side that evening.

    Still warm from the afterglow of their encounter by the River, Ob’s mistress had kept close to the black and gold stallion. Aela, never one to be tied down to any one thing or place, was probably off on another adventure of importance. It was no secret that her love for the redwoods and their impermeable mists went only as far as necessity demanded.

    “Does it feel good to have a title back?” Cheri wanted to know, joining him as she often did during twilight hours. For him she had the faintest of smiles, almost demure but certainly teasing. She pressed her mouth against his skin and let it linger there, happily.

    In her thoughts were many things, Obsidio being the most pressing. She wanted desperately to ask if there was any news, any word from Aela or someone he’d come across about the colt. She knew he must be constantly chewing at the worry, even if it wasn’t so obvious to others. Obscene had always been a master at concealing his plans, his feelings.

    That didn’t mean they didn’t exist.

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin
    Everywhere he goes in this land, he catches the floral jungle scent of his sister. Yet he never sees her. The idea that maybe he is haunted in the way that Aela’s son might be has begun to cross his mind. He says nothing to anyone else, even Cheri. Between the haunting of his sister, the guilt over Obsidio that seems to eat him from the inside out, and the slithering that is slowly returning, squeezing softly at his insides mostly when he is apart from her… He will not add to her worries.

    Everything is still so new between them, crossing that line from enemy to lovers. It feels fragile, delicate. He’s certain he will ruin it. He’s certain he will ruin her. A soft click of scales fall into place beneath the long silky threads of his ebony and gold mane, as if in agreement as his thoughts travel down darker paths.

    Once that was something he had thought he desired, destroying her. How quickly that has changed. Now instead of watching storms all night to escape his wild dreams… He watches her sleep beside him. Curled into his chest, the soft rhythmic rise and fall, her gentle breaths warm against his glittering flesh. It is a strange thing, the power of his emotion, that’s wormed itself through stone and opened his heart to something raw and overwhelming. In public, he remains cold and stoic minus the stolen warm glances or smirks he sends her way. His tongue is still sharp, when it needs to be. Alone with her, he is a different beast that can’t ever seem to satisfy his craving of her.

    The pain of losing the Pampas seems so small now.
    What was lost to the sea could stay there.
    His heart had finally found a place to land.

    Of course he had not told her this, these feelings he truly has for her. The knowing that she is the only one meant for him. Because for how long? How long would this beautiful dream last?

    In the twilight hours, he stands beneath the tall woods looking out where gray silvery sand reaches out for the ocean beyond. He’s starting to understand his calling to the sea. It was more than just his obsessions with storms (with her), why he finds himself looking out on cliffs to the wild waves below or the choppy ocean he gazes at now, turning his dark expression towards Nerine.

    It reminds him of his mother. (”I use to live in Nerine, I loved to watch the ocean there.”) Her voice floats through long pointed ears, a faint memory when they had stood together in the Pampas.

    It reminds him of the home he had sworn he would never return to.

    She breaks his train of thought, appearing from the mist with a teasing smile. The hardness fades from his features when he turns to look at her, an unusual warmth in the glittering iris’s of red. Her mouth presses against him and he doesn't hold back a low murmur of pleasure, wasting no time in returning the favor. The soft click of scales retreating is faintly heard as he reaches for her, his muzzle resting for a moment against her cheek. “I suppose.” He murmurs quietly, knowing they all had their own misgivings on being here for a variety of reasons.

    Pulling back to find her gaze, he asks the question that had been bothering him most. “I’m still not sure why you didn’t want it. It was your home after all.” If anyone had a claim to it, it would be her. “I do hope you know your not getting away scot free from this.” He drawls softly in her velvet ear, teeth finding her neck in a sharp nip as that warmth changes to something impish. “Champion of Taiga seems a good title for the Shield of Justice.” He grins wickedly against her skin, his mood already improving just by being so close to her.


    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

    I see us written in the Stars

    It’s still odd to see the fae Prince here, in Taiga. Now and again Cheri would catch herself lingering over an entire moment; instances arose where something else captured his attention so she was able to observe, from a quiet and contemplative place in her mind, all his regal glory. She never could picture him here before. Somehow the dark, despairing woods just didn’t suit a prince of flowers, and Cheri always saw him blending into the darkness - like the shadow weaver clans - instead of standing out from it.

    But now that he’s here, with her, Cheri was quietly amazed at how the change of scenery did him perfect justice. Nothing could suit him better, she thought.

    His lover felt the warmth of a welcoming kiss on her cheek and sighed prettily, writing off the clicking sound of Ob’s scales as something natural. The truth of his snake-shifting abilities had been revealed during their encounter with The Curse, (the shocking image of Tantalize in Gale’s treacherous grasp still flashed through Cheri’s mind whenever she was reminded of that fateful day) but it didn’t bother the slender pegasus.

    Her many encounters, conversations, and teachings with Ledger, the bear-shifter stallion, had prepared Cheri for the reality of that situation. Whatever was going on inside Obscene was a complicated matter, and unless he felt like the situation was out of control then her interest would remain casual, at best.

    It’s all but forgotten when she snorts, lightly, at his notions on rank. “Please don’t make me cringe,” The green-haired pegasus dropped her ears, faux annoyed, “Champion is fine with me.”

    A taunting expression cracked her facade. He was (of course) referring to a fond memory of hers, one where he’d pissed her off so much that her present and past selves clashed to give him a full timeline’s piece of their mind.

    “This was my home, yes.” She relented, rubbing herself up and under his chin like an overgrown cat. It was more convenient for him to preen her like this, and Cheri had a rather large plume of softly glowing feathers that were begging to be smoothed. Penance, she thought with an evil grin in his direction, for being saucy.

    “But now it’s our home - our fresh start. The previous caretakers of these woods were Guardians, her hills and valleys belonged to free-roamers and small clans.” She took a heavy breath. “I never wanted that. Never wanted just this place. I wanted to see the world, to learn its secrets.”

    I wanted to be so much more, she withheld.

    Settling comfortably in Obscene’s embrace, Cheri allowed the crashing northwestern ocean to fill the void of conversation. She felt at peace despite the blended grays of sky and sea, and had the rapture of another’s warmth to keep away any frigid chills. Things were not ideal, but in the same sense they were better than she could’ve ever imagined.

    She let that sink in, picking up where she’d left off after the silence stretched tolerably on.

    “It’s past time for a change, and I don’t think Aela was jumping at the opportunity either.” She teased relentlessly, chalking up his new position to a default win. A rather villainous sort of glint lit her eyes on fire, and a wicked laugh accompanied the sharp look. It was almost too easy to be herself with him, she realized.

    Before the thought ran away with her, Cheri changed track.

    “Come,” she made to walk downshore - more for the sake of activity than anything else, “you owe me a nice dinner, and then afterwards I’d like to practice some new magic I’ve been working on.”

    She was determined to keep him busy tonight, hopeful that the weight of his troubles might be lifted for a brief while.

    “You can tell me all of your future dreams and plans over food, now that you’ve taken charge my Lord.” Cheri smirked, eager to see what new creations he could manifest for them this evening. The bounties Ob produced since they journeyed from the Ruins had been wild spreads, and Cheri had quickly adjusted her tastes to the lush meals her Prince provided. A few more months and she’d be spoiled, craving them as much as she craved him.

    Nonsense, her heart proclaimed, nothing held a flame against the way he made her feel when they were caught alone, and the teasing turned serious.

    The appaloosa mare danced a few steps away, enticing Obscene to follow with a suggestive sway of the hips and elated by the idea that their night had only just begun.

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin
    It’s strange because these woods do suit him. Somewhere, he recognizes this. How the blackness of his coat blends with the shadows, the glint of gold muffled by the mist, bright red in the darkness. When Light was hovering above him, he looked even more picture perfect. The Dark Fae of the forest, standing amongst the wildflowers of his own creation that spread wherever his hooves land.

    This forest suits her too. Her own coat melding to the shadows, the vibrance of green that blends well with the foliage. A spasm of need works through the muscle of a broad shoulder as she sighs against him, that pretty little sound that makes the slithering stop and brings a different kind of hunger and heat instead. He grins at her verbal annoyance, pleased. “Champion Shield of Justice it is.” He remarks and lightly dances on long legs out of her reach in anticipation of retaliation. The memory of that nickname is recalled with just as much fondness, perhaps more.

    There is no straying from her for long. She curls herself beneath him and the low laugh that escapes through black lips becomes muffled by her feathers. Ever the obedient servant, his teeth begin to straighten the unruly mess of plumes but he is sure to leave one or two at odds. Just because he can, just because he still enjoys taunting her as well as her particular type of punishment.

    Even with certain words withheld, it is easy for him to read between the lines. He understands what she means. It was one reason amongst many on why he had also left Tephra and had never looked back. Until now. Still, he appreciates the sentiment behind her words and simply nods in understanding, letting the silence strengthen between them and only finding comfort instead of awkwardness there. For awhile he simply straightens her feathers, smoothes the wild tangles of frizz that the ocean air tangles into her mane. He doesn’t mind these little interactions, like busy hands it helps him think.

    At the mention of Aela, he is quiet although he smirks as he catches the change in her demeanor. One he had sensed so long ago in that thunderstorm of her own creation. It doesn’t frighten him, these small shifts in her that he had only caught glimpses of before. Just as she remained unbothered of the serpent, he was unconcerned. Not until he needed to be. If she ever lost her way, he would be there to help her find it again.

    If he was the source of it, then he would remove himself. No matter how badly it hurt.

    That night by the River had exposed and solidified many things for the Dark Fae Prince. Cheri was more than just his lover. A knowledge he had known perhaps since the first time he had laid eyes on her. A feeling that had followed him no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. His mate. His soulmate.

    Once he had ran from it. Now he had accepted this. And in the acceptance, he had come to a place of peace within himself. To make the right choice when it came to her… Even if it was also the hard choice.

    “Come.” She calls to him, freeing him of distraction. Instantly his curiosity is peaked and he follows her willingly down the shoreline. Deep down he senses what she is doing and places a sharp nip to her hip as she tries to dance away, teasing and appreciative. “I thought you were the one who would be responding to my every need, not the other way around.” He says with annoyance but is betrayed by the smile that easily spreads across dark lips.

    “What does the Princess hunger for tonight?” He asks innocently, increasing his stride to amble beside her and tossing a rather suggestive look in her direction. Making it clear that food is not what he had in mind. “More importantly,” He adds when the teasing between them dies a little to make room for something less light-hearted, “What magic do you speak of?” There is a hint of wariness in his tone, by now she was well aware of his natural distrust of magic despite the way he wields it himself. Of his plans of the future he says nothing, holding them close to his chest and debating on what exactly to say. What she might say.

    His thoughts suddenly revert back to Aela and the wicked laughter that had come from Cheri. It seems important, suddenly, to speak of it even if his question seems to come out of the blue. “Do you know why Aela hates this place?” He asks her quietly, his tone no longer hovering on the edge of amusement or misgivings as the red of his eyes seek out the cool green of hers. It’s more of a hypothetical question but he is curious if she is aware of the answer. He knows it of course, Aela had shown it to him years ago. It was the reason why at Cheri’s coronation he had looked at her Uncle with a mostly unreadable expression except for the cool glimmer of distaste that held weight in the glittering of rubies.


    @Cheri   Heart
    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

    I see us written in the Stars

    To think that all this time it was destined to be so simple. He knew and expected her strikes, countered her pride with loving punishment (the feathers would take days to fix, but every touch thereafter reminded her of the red-eyed Prince), and fed into her desires with a nearly untamable lust.

    Being with him was … perfect.

    And if Cheri wasn’t so distracted by his attention, so ready to bite back with a comment about how, once upon a time, he claimed to enjoy the moments where she pressed one of her quartz hooves into his throat, she might’ve been scared by that thought. But as it was, she blinded herself to the reality of what might never come to pass in favor of absolute bliss. Life was easier that way.

    “Wow! So suspicious.” Cheri floated nearly sideways, buoyant and graceful from her heightened mood. Her skin practically glowed with renewed energy, rich enough to look more purple than flat black. The dark did nothing to diminish her shine. “I’d like to try Plant magic with you, scaredy-cat. Think you can handle it?”

    She tossed her head into the thick night air, sending her mane flying. One of her wings was poised and ready to bat Ob if he thought about more rough play, and her gait slowed. Cheri hadn’t thought half as much about dinner or what she was in the mood for when his unexpected question surprised her, making her frown.

    “Do I know? No.” Was her frank and honest reply. She followed it with: “My father most likely did, but he never said.”

    There were a lot of things her father never told her.

    That day after seeing Aela by the River, she was consumed by the question of why, in a place that valued family so highly, her father’s own sister would be shuttered into obscurity. Why Aela? She could’ve gone to Reave and asked, but doubt and Loess kept her from trying. Soon the curiosity faded, the answer evaded her, and Aela’s past remained hidden. Yanhua and all his knowledge disappeared long before Cheri could think to question him.

    Back on the beach in Taiga, his mate stopped.
    The crunch of sand under her hooves made Cheri’s silence more poignant in the dark, and she turned to find Obscene pinning her down with that look of his. He’d gone from playful panther to esoteric Fae Prince in a minute flat; What the hell? She wanted to ask.

    “Are you going to tell me?” The pegasus fluttered her wings, switching gears so that her tone would reflect a more thoughtful depth.

    He either knew already or was as in the dark as well, and Cheri turned the question over and over in her mind, smoothing it out in an attempt at finding its conclusion from all angles. Why did Aela hate Taiga? If he did know, would Obscene cover one truth with another? Would he layer Aela’s secrets beneath untruths... or was there something Cheri should know about the mare they’d brought back home?

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin

    “Plant magic?” He asks, confused. What exactly did that mean? Not for the first time, he finds himself both awed and bewildered by her abilities. Where did she find all this power? And how safe was it for her to channel? He keeps his concerns to himself, not wanting the assumption that he had doubt in her capabilities. Still, he worried beneath all that smooth facade. The smoothness fades as his features twist into something mockingly offended. “Scared? When have I been scared of anything?” He asks with a grin, feeling safe behind the question that doesn’t reveal too much.

    He starts to pave their path with lillies (a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth knowingly) before pulling a variety of choices from nothingness before them. Some appetizers if you will. What the Princess truly wants remains to be seen as she becomes distracted by his change in demeanor, the question he asks.

    It occurs to him that it’s not his story to tell. However, he proceeds and acknowledges the risk. Besides, he doubts Aela would ever actually be as honest with someone in her family that wasn’t Reave. “As a child, her father tried to kill her. Drown her, actually. Her mother left her. Her brother spurns her. A child.” He pauses, considering Cheri and wondering if she could relate to any of it. For all of Aela’s flaws, he understood how they had manifested to begin with. She was the product of her environment. Much like himself. His red gaze moves from her and scans the tree-line beside them. “These woods are filled with ghosts that haunt her.” That’s why she hated this place. Why she detested the North in general.

    It reminds him of something else, Aela’s past. Perhaps what had truly spurred him to bring it up in the first place. Once, the volcano and its jungle had been filled with ghosts too. He thinks, not for the first time, that it was overdue for an exorcism. Looking back to her, his muzzle extending to bump against her own. He hadn’t meant to dampen the mood but it felt important, telling her this, when she had taken that teasing tone. “All I’m saying is… I’ve always seen her for her reasons and not necessarily her actions.” Her chaos. He wonders if Cheri might see him for his reasons too in the days to come.

    “Since we are…working… together, I just thought it important.” He wouldn’t begrudge her negative feelings towards the Seneschal (if she had any or knew the extent of what their relationship had been) and only hoped that it might help with whatever Aela pulled in the future. It was not a matter of if but when in regards to her.

    They continue to move down the shore and he brushes his mouth against her neck, murmuring quietly against her dark skin. “There is something else I would discuss with you. Before you turn me into a tree or something.” He adds with a grin, the mischief in his red gaze blurred with the glint of uncertainty at what he wanted to share.


    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

    I see us written in the Stars

    Obscene was a Prince, for heaven's sake. He was a master at disguising his feelings, making it so that everyone around him saw the mask and not the soul underneath it. He played his part well enough that Cheri laughed along with the sarcastic comments, all the while knowing his fears as Obscene intimately knew hers.

    This time, however, he had nothing to fear where her curiosity was concerned. The idea Cheri had about practicing her magic on plant life more or less mimicked the powers Ob was already using to make her favorite toxic snack. She actually lipped a few outer petals of one bulb and chewed them thoughtfully while he talked, so accustomed to the plant's effects that her taste for them had long surpassed acquired.

    Her jaw stopped when he got to the phrase about a child.

    Outside of the supernatural sense, Cheri could feel the heaviness in Ob’s labored pause. He was staring at her, perhaps looking for some sort of reaction to this incredibly private side of Aela’s past, while Cheri’s expression grew darker and darker - if such a thing were even possible.

    She felt … angry.
    Angry for Aela, who had every right to despise these woods. Cheri didn’t even bother questioning Ob’s story since his little *loophole* prevented him from lying, but she did scoff very quietly at the notion of ghosts.

    Lost to her thoughts, it was eventually Ob’s gentle embrace that snapped Cheri out of her quiet furies. She jumped at his touch, snapped her eyelashes together in sweeping confusion, and then comprehended what he was trying to say minutes after the words already left his mouth.

    “I’m beginning to see it myself.” Her steps were slow and unhurried. “Thank you for… trusting me, I guess. In the same sense, you should probably know that I don’t necessarily despise your pretty ex anymore.”

    The smirk on her black velvet lips was sent straight from hell. When the Fae Prince leant in to kiss her neck she was smiling again, too enthralled by his touch to think of anything else for the moment.

    A dangerous feeling.
    One she could easily get attached to.

    “Or something.” Cheri murmured the tempting threat like she was actually considering it. “What is it? I can’t believe how full of surprises you are tonight.”

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin
    lt had never been a secret, what Aela had once been to him. Her expression darkens and he wonders if it’s because of the information he’s shared or because of who it is about. If Mr. Lost Prayers came wandering back into the Taiga, would he be dealing with his presence with any grace? A soft snort escapes him at the thought, knowing very well what the answer would be. He’s starting to become attuned to the crystal mare’s various moods and when she becomes lost in thought, he notices.

    A soft laugh escapes from deep in his chest, casting warm breath to whisper against the lovely dark velvet of her skin. The thought of her actually being jealous because of him sends a strange thrill to run along his spine. It was still hard to wrap his head around it sometimes, how they had gone from such tense rivals into… this. “Are you admitting envy over me Cheri?” He teases against her cheek, letting his wandering touch express what he truly found enticing, what Aela couldn’t hold a candle to. He pauses, breathing in that intoxicating scent of rain and lilies. “I suppose I should be disappointed you won’t be fighting over me after all…” His dark laughter follows him as he pulls away, crimson eyes flashing with delight and amusement.

    Still grinning at her thinly veiled threat, he keeps the distance closed between them as they amble further down the coast. He falls quiet for a moment, letting the crashing sounds of the ocean mix with the twilight calls coming from the forest. Full of surprises, she had said. Would this be one she would approve of? He moves in front of her, blocking her path, so that he stands directly in her path. The look he gives her is piercing, potent. “When we’ve rebuilt, found those who are missing… I’m going to take Tephra. And then I want to find a way to bring back the South.” Aela had wanted him to dream bigger. And he had. The claiming of the volcanic kingdom was something he needed to do. Even if it wasn’t forever, even if it was temporary. It was something he had to prove to himself, an obstacle that had stood in his path for too long. Once he could overcome that, the possibilities were endless. There was also that twisting around his ribs, the memories of what had happened in the meadow never far from his mind. Aela looked at them as Immortals with nothing but time. The Serpent disagreed. This, at least, was something he might be able to do for them before time was no longer his to grasp.

    “I would see you be Queen again.” His whisky voice dropping low and rough with intensity. “Would you be mine? Until your kingdom is restored?”


    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

    I see us written in the Stars

    He would love to hear me admit envy, Cheri thought as the Fae Prince let his mouth brush gently over her cheeks. It would tickle him pink to know that up until their most recent encounter with Aela, his little green flame had been very jealous of the mare Obscene once showered his affections on. How could she not have been?

    Aela was near perfection herself. Her golden markings and the power she wielded were only a few of her outstanding strengths, and whenever Cheri had seen the two of them together their energies almost synched. It was like watching a pair of horses mind-linked to one another, always knowing what the other was thinking in private while the rest of the world sat out on their innermost feelings.


    She would never admit it aloud to him, but Cheri was more than happy to see those days long gone. Besides, she couldn’t possibly doubt his devotions now; not even when he teased her. All his Champion could do was growl lamely through her teeth and brush his silly fantasies away with a well-practiced eye roll.

    “The tree version of you is sounding very appealing to me right now.” Her ears tipped back.

    She would’ve kept hounding after him too, if her curiosity hadn’t won out. The Lord of Taiga didn’t necessarily bite back like she was used to, falling quiet instead of reacting the way Cheri expected, and so naturally her interest piqued at his (once again) sudden mood change. The coastline roared quietly, dark and out of sight whereas Obscene’s gleaming, handsome form could be seen clearly from the mixture of their magic glow, and in suspense his Lady walked quietly beside him until she could walk no further.

    The Prince stepped out in front of her, blocking the way with one of his satin black legs. Cheri halted, confused but holding steady under the sudden weight of his intense glare. He had a good few inches on her, height-wise, and so those piercing crimson eyes of his became inescapable. She could only stop and stare up at him, unconscious of how tightly her wings were pressed together.

    Alone, together, shielded by the dark of night but sharing the warmth of each other’s light, Obscene poured his heart out to Cheri and she listened. How could he possibly have known that in her heart, they shared the same vision? They’d never spoken of it, after all - what they would do after Taiga, what would become of them in the future - but all along the green-haired mage held that faint hope of restoring her beloved Loess.

    She had his answer ready without hesitation.

    “I would follow you to Carnage’s own Hell.” Cheri swore to him, fiercely loyal to the part of her heart she’d eagerly given Obscene. He could no more doubt the sincerity in her words than he could argue the sky was green, and that was evident in the tone of her voice as well as the way she leaned toward him, intently.

    Her chin set stubbornly. “I dare you to try and stop me from coming along to Tephra, and you would have to find an entirely new set of Fairies to pray to if you ever crowned another in my place.” Cheri promised.

    She didn’t make threats.

    So for a second her wildfyre eyes glinted back at him, defiant, and then they smoldered into a passionate, heated stare.

    “So my answer is yes,” Cheri lowered her voice and her eyes, failing to hide how excited she’d become during the tense exchange, “yes I would be your Queen. I would be anything you asked of me, Obscene.”

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin
    Obscene had expected some sort of pushback on her end. Some sort of argument or disagreement. What actually came out of her mouth, he wasn’t expecting at all. There is a fierceness in her swear, unwavering and strong as she pledged herself to following him to hell itself. His red eyes widen slightly in awe, the slow easy smile spreading across his dark mouth turning hungry and feral with the intensity of his desire for her. Defiant, smoldering, she looks at him and leaves no questions in her wake. In this, at least, he is certain of her sincerity.

    “Anything?” He murmurs, his wicked mouth brushing heatedly against her neck as an entirely different craving (all thoughts of food and plans forgotten) takes over. “What else would I ask of you, Cheri?” He growls softly, his roving touch becoming more possessive as an ache flares deep in the pit of his belly. What he would not do to keep that smoldering flame alight in her spring hued eyes.

    There is every intention of taking her but he enjoys this new game between them, the one where they still dance around each other and draw out each delicious bite until neither one could hold back any longer. “More importantly, what would you ask of me… My Lady?” His words are low and husky, sweet and warm like the nectar of the gods as they whisper against the supple dark flesh of her before his teeth pluck at the delicate skin beneath her long silky mane. "What else do you wish for in this world besides Loess?"


    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

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