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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Ice In My Veins -[Any]
    A Gentle Flutter
    The blue mare was new to the kingdom, she had only met Amorette who recruited her. The ebony mare noted that there was plenty of equine living in the kingdom, alone once again Mura decided to venture out on her own in hopes to run into another. 

    In her quest to find others who lived in Tephra she also explored the land. It was fascinating to her that the volcano kingdom, leaving its members smelling of ash, also homed trees. It was odd that it could appear dusty and full of ash in one section but green and full of life in another. She gently swayed her eyes, the branch of a tree she focused on swaying with her. She laughed to herself overjoyed with all the new items she had to test out her telekinesis.  She allowed the branch to rest and looked around, scanning the horizon. She kept her powers hidden from others, afraid of what they would think. It was hard enough being an icy blue mare, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

    She traveled further into the land, continuing to look for another. Would she like the others? Would they be like Amorette? Would she run into Warrick whom Amorette said was a great leader. The better question, would Mura get along with the others? She could be hard to get along with at times and she really hoped that she could live her, she wanted to make this her permanent home. After living her whole life alone she was ready to settle down, and hopefully this Kingdom would be just that.

    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    He is of sun and light and wind, taking to the skies more often now as the winter’s season scrubs the blue sky clean of any clouds. Great wings - cobalt and dark against the brilliant blue of the sky - stretch outwards from his auburn sides, strong enough to carry him into the thermals of Tephra’s wind, and allowing the Overseer to glide expertly over his country with constantly searching eyes. He effortlessly guides himself from the blackened shoreline beneath the volcano’s breath (painted so from the constant smoke and ash spilling from its never-ceasing plume), carrying himself inland where he is met with tropical foliage that gives way into swaying golden grassland, split apart by both streams of water and lava.

    With one swipe of his indigo feathered wings, he climbs up and then dives, flattening himself out over the land as he hovers close to the ground, cobalt legs tucked tightly beneath his chest. The wind pulls at his mane and tail, spinning out behind him in a tangled mess of black. The roaring of wind flickers past his ears, his speed causing the grasses to part away from him as he glides, his eyes searching but his mind thoughtless.

    A brilliant flicker of blue catches his attention - his ocean blue gaze turns towards it, his wings already obeying his thought by turning to slow him down, catching the wind and lowering him so that his legs now nearly touch the ground. Once his hooves touch he gallops, wings still outstretched to slow his forward motion, and soon he is trotting and turning back to where the mare of ice blue had first caught his eye.

    “Hello!” he calls to her with a lift of his auburn head, salt-dried forelock haphazardly covering the bridge of his nose. He is closer to her now, and with a gentle flutter of his great wings, he tucks them in carefully to his sides. The movement brings forth the smell of sun and sweat and sky, mingled with the sharpness of smoke that clings to his mahogany skin. He has not seen this woman before (he would have remembered her, certainly), but that fact does not stop him from greeting her with a breathless smile. He halts before her as he enters the shade beneath the tropical and green trees, fresh and alive from the summer-time plenty that is year-round, despite the winter that plagues other kingdoms around them. “Welcome to Tephra,” he begins, his cerulean gaze curiously watching her.

    There had been many new faces in Tephra as of late - it is quite possible that Amorette or Wound has found another to bring to the protection of the navy-winged ruler, and Warrick is certainly not one to assume a stranger would enter his home as a hostile. Perhaps it will cause him heartache in the end (trusting so easily, loving so fiercely), but he cannot help the way his soul had been created, and he will not deny his soul its pleasure of meeting new people. “I am Warrick, the Overseer. Mind if I join you, wherever it is you are headed?”

    A Gentle Flutter
    She was in the middle of making some ash and dirt dance together when her attention shifted, the dirt and ash fell to the floor. It was another horse who took her attention, he was large and had wings just like her. He was a large bay, but his wings were navy blue. She gazed at him for a moment, curious if she was just approached by an enemy or if he was another from Tephra. Quickly her anxiety settled, this one carried the kingdoms scent.

    Hello the large stag greeted her, she dipped her head slightly Hello her voice had little to no emotion in it. He grew nearer, the scent he carried was musky. It was as if he was running for a while or battling with another. It was the scent of hard work, a scent she rarely came across. He smiled at her and she force her lips to curl in response to him, Welcome to Tephra she gave a nod of her head. Thank you, I am new her, but I am sure you guessed that. she attempted to continue the conversation.

    The bay stallion continued to talk, he introduced himself this time. The overseerer her ears flicked forward and her eyes grew wide, this was no equine. This was the King, Amorette had told Mura of him but she finally gets to meet him. She gave a full dip of her head this time My name is Mura, it is nice to finally meet you Warrick her tone was much gentler this time. He asked to accompany her to her destination, she gave a nod of her head. I wasn't going anywhere particular, we could head to that heated pond? Unless you have somewhere better? the decision was his, in fact he did not even have to accompany her, only if he wanted to.


    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    She is cautious of him at first - her tone is almost dismissive and unsure, which Warrick finds to be unusual. His brow furrows slightly and there is a soft tilt to his head, his blue-tipped ears flicking towards her as she spoke. Warrick isn’t used to being seen as a possible threat, and so the navy-winged stallion is unsure how to put her at ease. However, the moment she realizes exactly who he is in this foreign land, she seems to calm. An easy smile finds his cobalt lips and his eyes brighten, glad that the blue-winged mare is reassured that she is safe just by knowing his name.

    The ice-blue woman accepts his company (though Warrick would have no idea what to do if she had refused), bringing a warmth to his gaze that is natural on his features. The blue-pointed stallion feels as though it is appropriate to move towards her now, falling beside her with a shuffle of his navy wings. He studies her own wings carefully for a moment, his dark blue eyes taking in the vivid brightness of her own shade of blue. “It is nice to meet you too, Mura. The pond sounds wonderful.” The recent flight he had taken has already begun to ache in his muscles of his shoulders and back, and the idea of a soak sounded irresistible.

    They begin to walk, four pairs of different shades of blue legs side by side, the Tephran sun warming their backs. “How is it you have come to find Tephra, Mura? By fate or by chance?” The man smiles easily, his voice as thick and lush as the humid air that surrounds them.

    He was truly amazing to be aside, she was not sure if it was because he was her King or the way he carried himself. He appeared to be a true gentle giant he was much taller than Mura in height but he carried himself in such a calm manner. She would normally have anxiety over the meeting but she felt comfortable around the stranger she had just met.

    She stretched out her light blue wings, flapping them a few times before gently tucking them back to her side. She smiles at his response and with a gentle dip of her head she responds It is nice to meet you as well She looks off to the right where after a small walk the pond rests Shall we go then? she begins to head towards the pond, moving forward at a casual pace. It was not long ago that she had rested in the pond with Amorette but it was such a calming experience she could not wait to test it out again!

    It was a rather peaceful travel to the pond, but the silence was broken. Warrick asks how she came about Tephra I was lucky enough to stumble upon Amorette. Her memory flashes back to the ebony mare that met her in the forest and brought her to there now shared Kingdom. Taking a chance on a stranger, welcoming her to her home. She is a lovely mare, she spoke so highly of you I was truly excited to meet you. a gentle laugh escaped her maw. 

    The finally met the lip of the pond, she lowered her head hovering her muzzle just above the water. The heat stroked her face, that alone relieved any tension in her body. She gentle raised her head back to its normal stature and moved into the water until the water stroked the middle of her shoulder. How long have you lived in Tephra? she asked out of curiosity in the history of the Kingdom.

    A Gentle Flutter

    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    It is this that Warrick enjoys the most about his role in Tephra. His enjoyment for meeting new people and learning their stories could easily be the very reason he has come to such a lofty title - and amidst the business and the politics, he feels most himself when he is merely exploring with someone. There is so much about his role that he’s come to dislike, and he is happy to partake in a simple stroll with a new face to offset the other parts that are heavy-laden and crushing.

    “So fate, then?” he replies with a gentle laugh, smiling at the mention of Amorette. She has done much to keep Tephra growing and flourishing, and he is eternally grateful for the way she eases the burden of his title. “You are very lucky indeed,” he replies wistfully, knowing without a doubt that Amorette had taken care of Mura and made her feel welcome into their home.

    The winged-bay follows her into the water without hesitation, fluttering the feathers of his wings so that the water would seep into the deepest parts, a soft sigh leaving his lips as the warm water soaked his muscles. Her question surprises him - not because of its prodding, but because he can’t remember the last time he’d been asked that specific question. He offers her a smile, tossing his head lightly as the water steams below him.

    “Years,” he replies with a laugh, “but it feels like forever. I don’t know if I could ever leave, now.”
    Her eyes closed as her body relaxed in the warmth the water provided. She was so used to being alone that when she was in the presence of others she grew tense and filled with anxiety. She was slowly growing used to others and even made friends with Amorette when she did not think she could make friends.

    Her ears flicked to the voice of Warrick as he spoke, So Fate he spoke and she nodded her head as her eyes peered open to find him. Fate has not been kind to me, but finding Amorette must be its apology to me. A small smile tugged at her lips. She was not looking for pity, merely joyous that she was able to overcome her own fears with the help of Amorette. That she as able to find the beautiful home of Tephra, thanks to Amorette. You are very lucky he speaks and she nods in agreement You are very lucky...to have Amorette. gosh she sounded in love with the ebony mare, but she was just very fond of her gentle soul.

    He joins her in the pond, she watches as he appears to go into his own relaxation with the warmth of the water. He stretches out his wings and she adjusts her own splashing water up on her back before tucking them back in place. He noted that he had lived in Tephra for years and it was nice to hear he had roots here. I imagine it is lovely to be the ruler, or overseer of a kingdom you love. She wonders what it is like to love a home. For her the forest was her love, she lived there most of her life while she lived on her own. At night it was silent aside from the few nocturnal animals and equines running from there own nightmares. I heard you are expecting a foal this season she speaks to break the silence Are you hoping for it to be a filly or colt? she asks but figures he does not care either way.

    A Gentle Flutter


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