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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good day, sunshine - anyone


    Beulah wasn’t entirely sure why she’d come back here. She was happy in Sylva - happy living with Starsin and her other herdmates. She felt safe there. She felt at home there. 

    But once this had been home. Back when all she had in the world was her mother.  Her mother that was full of gentle smiles and bursting with light.  The mother that left lights flickering in the evenings to chase away the darkness.  The mother that she had lost.


    Lala found that guilt was a powerful motivator.  She wasn’t guilty for how her life had transpired to this point, but she did feel guilty that she’d never made a decided effort before today to see if her mother was even still here.  If she had been searching for her.  If she missed her.  That was what plagued the pale pink girl. That she’d been so careless with her mother’s feelings while being so absorbed in her own.

    She didn’t go careening into the meadow shouting Mother! but honestly, had she done so it would have been more in character.  The cautious way she moved through the meadow, her eyes flickering nervously across the familiar landscape...that was out of character for the usually exuberant girl. There’d been no sign of her mother to this point, which was equal parts disappointing and relieving.

    However, she did take a moment to enjoy her familiar surroundings.  The meadow was exactly how she remembered it - blanketed in wildflowers of every color and draped in lush greens.  She dropped her nose to breathe in the fresh, floral scent of the wildflowers.

    Beulah didn’t really know what she was looking to accomplish by coming here, but she was here nonetheless.

    And she would make the best of it.

      there's nothing you can do that can't be done,
    nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
    The sun was warm against Schulee's back  as he grazed quietly amongst the bright poppys and bell flowers. His only company for the last several days had been the honey bees that hummed past him hurriedly from one petal to another on their quest to create honey for their hive, and the occasional song bird that fluttered overhead with a merry chirp before a gentle breeze carried their songs away. As much as he enjoyed the peaceful silence, he had grown lonesome and bored of his own company and longed for something, someone, anything to cross his path. Even if it was for a short while.

    "Maybe this was a mistake..." he thought idly to himself while lifting his head to survey the surroundings, mouth full of sweet meadow grass. He hadn't taken into account the amount of effort it would be to travel this way. Alone. His usual kind and back personality had overtime been replaced with irritability and suspicion. Were there predators around? Was it safe to graze here? What if a herd thought he was intruding? It was all taking a mental toll on the young stallion and while he longed to venture as for as he could into new lands, doing it alone was proving to be quite the challenge.

    The thought of never meeting another herd or  even another nomad such as himself crept across his mind. With a snort and a firm flick of his tail, he forced the though away- for now at least. There had to be others around..right? Perhaps he just hadn't traveled far enough. Yeah, that was it.

    A heavy sigh escaped from his nostrils as he shifted his eyes back towards the grass, watching a honeybee dive headfirst into a flower. "Don't get discouraged." He reminded himself, although he felt it was easier said than done.    

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    thanks opal!

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