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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    dovev, anyone;

    A home. It’s what they both wanted, needed. Dovev is adamant about it and deep down Cerva is determined to shelter him as well. They want security for each other; they are all each other has, after all. The Gates are segregated from her and after the recent meeting with Magnus Cerva doesn’t try to pursue them. Their conversation had been terse, but as her heart was beginning to melt Dovev stepped forward to be her rock. Although the sharpness in his voice pulled at her Cerva appreciated the protective nature that he adopted in her weakest moment.

    She doesn’t quite realize what he is becoming. To her, he is her son; he is an innocent boy that wants mother to be happy and to smile.

    That’s the reason she so willingly obliges when he decides where they should go. The periodic touches against her flank guide her in a direction she doesn’t know, but she doesn’t fear anything as long as he is close. His warm breath fans across her skin and it’s reassurance during their trek toward Taiga. They scale very few hills and weave through a city of trees. There is a river they cross, but Cerva is sure to find a shallow crossing they can both survive. She cannot – would not – let anything happen to her precious Devov. A smile presses itself to her lips and she takes pause to reach around and touch his neck before continuing on with him herding her. The occasional nips she takes as instincts more than anything else and she, so weak from a warm heart, thinks nothing ill of it.

    And so they arrive together, side by side, and digest what scenery lies ahead of them. The redwoods are sentinels towering above them and blocking any further passage, so they wait together with occasional exchanges of adoration.


    The dark colt was growing taller, but not broader. He was already well-filled out for just a little boy, heavy-set limbs with a strange sort of elegance, such an odd thing. Sometimes, he could swear he felt as though he had muscles beneath his wide shoulders for a pair of wings. He imagined they'd be as rich black as his coat, made of thin membrane like you'd see on a bat.

    But he didn't truly have any; wings, that is. He was blessed with something far greater, and took extra care to protect it. He cradled it close to his heart, guarding his treasure like some great dragon of legend. Even now, to be sure it was safe and protected, happy with him, he nosed lightly at the curve of her generous hip. Her sweet scent was permanently forged in his memory, but it never failed to set his heart skipping.

    He kept her in the lead, gently directing her when she strayed off the course he'd planned for them. So sweet, so pliant. His Cerva was simply magical. Her perfect grace warmed him through and through, and his black eyes twinkled in merriment each time her gaze met his. He'd never been so happy.

    She took great care to guide them both safely across a waterway, and he beamed proudly at her clever resourcefulness. Absolutely perfect. Then, it was not long after when she paused briefly to brush him with her soft velvet, a divine little smile playing at her lips. His young coat shivered under her light touch and he stepped into the caress, nosing her back eagerly. He'd never let any harm come to her. Never.

    Before he'd met her, he'd seen little foals like him. They'd always had a female nearby, older and kind. They all called them Mother, or sometimes Mama, though he assumed those were the children less capable of proper speech patterns. None had been near as beautiful as his Cerva. He named her Mother the same day he met her, certain of her perfection. His claim still held strong, as they were inseparable. Her gentle eyes bathed him in love, and his returned it with a warmth no other could call from him.

    Every so often as they journeyed in their peaceful paradise of togetherness, he'd reach out and give her a little nibble. And each little bite said Mine with a proud sort of reverence, reminding her she was his alone. He would never lose her; always keep her safe and happy. Which is why they'd come here, side by side, hip to hip. He wanted a home for her, somewhere he knew would be safe.

    But also, somewhere with a strong leader that could train him. He desperately wanted to learn to fight, to always be able to protect her. When he'd heard the tales of a frightening man of beast, able to shift to a large feline at whim, and the powerful witch that kept the place protected, he knew he had to learn from them.

    He was young, but he didn't dare let that stop him. The boy stood to his fullest height, just above Cerva's shoulder, and watched someone approach them. I'll take care of us, Mother. I swear it, he whispered to her, stroking her neck with a feathery-light caress, his deep dark eyes never leaving the figure.

    He had always been the type to great new and unknown faces when he had lived openly within the Valley and not much had changed when once he and the small group made up of Ruan, Reagan, Jinju and Romek and the stallion's family had come to find their home. So when he was making his way towards the Taiga's dense border and over heard the male's voice, he momentarily came to a stop, nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath in order to catch their scent. He first catches the stallion's and then the mares and with slight curiosity, his head tilts slightly, ears flicking gently. After a few moments he finally steps forward, his long jaguar spotted legs carrying him through the trees with carefully placed hooves as he moves towards the pair.

    He can feel the way the stallion's eyes are pinned on him. He too would be hesitant were their positions switched and though he had never known love, that from a partner or a child... He could understand the protective nature that was emanating from the other as he stepped up close enough to greet them without posing a threat. "Hello there, I'm Demian. Welcome to Taiga." He smiles gently as he faces them with a set of empty eye sockets, showing them both that he was unable to truly see them. "Is there something I could help you with? Are you looking to call this forest home?" It could go to be said that he was a bit rusty with the whole greeting thing. Though he loved to be the greeter, it had been years since he had played the role appropriately and so his blunt nature was stronger more than he probably would have liked.

    Though if either one of them were the same, they would allow it to roll right off their shoulders and notice the slight awkwardness that slipped haphazardly between his words. Gone were the days of a well adjusted king. Here were the days of a stallion finally getting back on his feet and once again learning the ropes alongside the rest of those that called the Taiga home.

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