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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless]


    She watches him, feeling his adrenaline begin to heighten in excitement. Her head cocks slightly sideways, as if to ask if perhaps he is the crazy one.

    What could be so great about an ocean.

    More importantly-- if it is as great as her golden accomplice is boasting--why hadn’t mother taken her there before?

    Ruth watches as Aten nods his approval for their dismissal, and part of her is left flabbergasted at his security. Surely he is strong and big and many must not cross his boundaries, but to allow two children to wander off without his guard? Brine could never know.

    A brief tingle of excitement tickles at the front of her spine, the thought of rebellion leaving a tempting taste on her tongue. So many forbidden things now possible.

    Kalil nudges her flank playfully and another quick chill strikes down her hindquarters, as if his encouragement be the devil on her shoulder playing hooky with the angel. He could be the bad boy, she could be the white dressed-saint. He shows her adventure, she shows him generosity and priorities.

    Like the stories mother used to tell.

    Though, seeing him now at a casual high-lope and carrying himself in an elegant manner with poise and sure footedness, Ruth feels distance. Distance because he is from somewhere completely unlike her own, and here there are plenty of pretty, golden ponies. And, Ruth had much to learn.

    But, friendship felt nice. Something that couldn’t tell her what to do and in fact, helped her do things she technically couldn’t.

    While he pulses at different speeds for reasons unbeknownst to her, our little sun-child maintains a steady pace. Mother had always taught her to conceal her speed, monsters could be watching, and to be so careless now would leave the impression of a betrayal. And while her limbs are not sculpted by perfected genetics from what must of been an arranged (but well-matched) marriage that plotted this idealistic colt, she is still beautiful. Her golden complexion painted over a lean, tall, vivaciously contoured frame, with piercing hazel eyes and a milky-cream mess of tangled mane and tail, all wrapped into a charming personality and served with a warm aura.

    More inviting than a grandma’s touch. More captivating than dusted frost on naked tree limbs. As seemingly flawless as the pre-meditated birth of the colt gleefully galloping beside her.

    But there is a shadow that taints her, and that is the difference.

    As grass hastily turns into sand, Ruth’s eyes set on the vast landscape painted of blues and navy-greys that reach far beyond her sight. She is intoxicated by the view, lost in the heavy explosion of waves against land and the soft caw of gulls. The roll of white foam tainting the golden beach in a perfectly imperfect final stroke on the painting, as if hand crafted by the most peaceful and passionate mind.

    “Wow,” a word is able to escape her as Kalil pulls away from her one final time, enveloping into the waves like some mer-horse creature that Ruthless prefers not to visualize. He is home, here. His heart given to the ocean long before this moment now, Ruth feels envy burn at the tips of her ears.

    But yet, her other half (the logical side), softens at his pure joyfulness. She sees him at her level, as her equal, as a safe and good decision. She sees their alikeness and common interests, their opportunity to grow together. And while he may have several options for similar endings--she had heard all about them only hours prior--she does not, and at this exact moment things feel unexplainably hopeful.

    He calls to her, telling her to join and that it is fun and he wants her there. As response, she does a little sing-song in her head feeling sudden appreciation to be wanted and liked, and takes off after him. The first wave comes higher than anticipated and she stumbles to regain balance on the other side. As she feels the coolness of salt water dot her shoulders and belly, she spins to find Kalil.

    “You are lucky to be you,” she calls to him over the noise of rolling waves, the soft feeling of stillness coming to fruition as the waves calm momentarily. “I wish I had known about oceans before now.”

    He may have left his heart here before her, but she chooses to leave hers here and now. She understands why he felt so excited to share this with her.

    “Your dad seems nice,” she comments as she carefully wades herself closer to his reach, feeling her soft voice drown against the loud dramatic backdrop.


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    Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless] - by Kalil - 12-05-2019, 06:54 AM
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    RE: Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless] - by Ruthless - 01-04-2020, 01:21 AM
    RE: Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless] - by Kalil - 01-12-2020, 09:20 AM
    RE: Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless] - by Kalil - 01-13-2020, 04:03 AM
    RE: Sorry For What Happened [Ruthless] - by Kalil - 02-02-2020, 11:04 PM

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