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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia

    no one really knows what the ocean hides
    but you and I, bird, we’re gonna find out

    Reia breaks.

    Every scowl and snarl unravels, coming undone in one swift motion that berths an unexpected bout of laughter. It’s a hoarse, rumbling noise at first that steepens into a lighter teasing image of joy and humor until she quiets herself. How long, she wonders, since she last genuinely smiled or laughed? A pang in her  heart pushes her to believe that it has been years, but she doesn’t admit this to Rebelle, not when their tumultuous relationship balances on snide remarks and hostility.

    ”You know, you may be right,” she confesses earnestly as a shrug ripples through her lean shoulders. ”Unlovable to most, probably, but I’m not…” she trails off in a contemplative pause before flashing her eyes back to Rebelle, ”… traditional.” Of course, that has already been established by her mannerisms alone. She does not bend to the whims of kingdom politics or whims, just like she does not precisely fit within the confining walls of wifely duties. Compassion is fleeting, her affection displayed with nips and rough housing. Above all, Reia’s mindset is predatory, but she claimed prey as her husband.

    A fool she is, but it’s too late now.

    Much like it is to elude the clap of Rebelle’s teeth.

    Reia doesn’t flinch as the aquatic girl snaps at her cheek, her teeth scraping against hardened scales. A derisive snort expels a rippling tendril of smoke, loathing their physical closeness in that one moment, but the distaste disintegrates as quickly as the exhaust above her head. Eerily still, Reia almost considers retaliating, taking out her aggression on Rebelle, but how obvious would her unhappiness be if she acted out? Swallowing, she measures the weight of her response, her tail hissing as she sweeps it idly from side to side.

    Just when it seems as though she will ignore the question, she simply states, ”It depends on my mood,” why is this suddenly so thrilling and their conversation sinking deeper than facetious insults, ”and how much of a fighter the fish is.”

    and I'll be next to you when the lights go out



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    RE: In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia - by Reia - 02-07-2020, 02:01 PM

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