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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  I have never been nothing; lepis, any
    i feel
    a bad moon rising
    Though Lepis has never doubted it to be true, she does smile at Dracarys’ acknowledgment that Loess is in good hands. It has been years since Lepis last held the title of Queen, but it fits as well as it always had. Better, perhaps. As a child it had always seemed slightly too large, like a girl playing. The second time, and the third, she bore it only by merit of her husbands. This time, though? This time it is hers alone.

    Despite the somberness of their discussion, the smile remains.

    She is quiet while the mare in front of her thinks. Lepis is in no rush, and the things they discuss are not to be hastily considered. When Dracarys finally speaks, Lepis suspects from the firmness of her tone and the mare’s posture what her decision will be before the words themselves emerge. "Yes," she agrees with a nod, "I would like to have you with me." Lepis has done her own thinking as the other took her time, and plans to visit Nerine. Nerine, and then the Isle, she thinks, taking Dracarys along on that second trip.

    The other accepts Lepis’ offer, and Lepis nods a second time.

    She takes a step back, and her head tilts just slightly to the side, causing a dark lock of navy hair to fall across her line of vision. She does not need to see to do this. This is something she’s known since childhood, though the amplification of it is a newer thing.

    The dun mare projects calm at first, a gentle trickle that she waits to see make a mark in the younger pegasus before she adds to it. Peace follows it, the emotion stronger than the calm that came before. It is deeper too, her magic stretching beyond the emotion, sinking farther and soothing the peacelessness of a rapid heartrate, racing mind, and uneven breathing. Hours of meditation might bring this sort of peace, yet Lepis shares it in the space of a few breaths. She’s never done it on purpose before; its only broken out during her usual projections. She has accepted that this is the gift of the pied magician though, and knows that using it is the only way to earn it.

    "How’s that?" she asks the frosted mare, shaking away the wayward bit of mane from her blue-grey eyes. "Feel a little better?"

    n | l

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    RE: I have never been nothing; lepis, any - by Lepis - 04-17-2020, 05:08 PM

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