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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there's a devil in my brain with a pitchfork and a flame


    some say I should learn to cry but I only learned how to fight
    and I know everything must die but nothing fades like the light

    "I'm happy to just hang out," Elio quips contentedly, "so I don't need something in return. Sometimes gifts are just gifts." He doesn't mean to lecture (and maybe Nashua won't see his words that way); but Elio knows that many times, especially in a place such as Beqanna, that "gifts" come with expectations, and this gift Nashua will never have to do anything to earn.

    The way his face lights up is simply enough.

    Elio is happy to fall into step behind Little Feather, dipping his head low to the ground to appear as if he's being stealthy (there's no way to be stealthy while red and gold in the middle of brown and green). When the pair reaches a large fern, Lio lifts the leaves with his nose to make more room for Nash to squeeze through, then shimmies by while the verdant leaves deposit little dew drops on his coat. For now, he keeps his gaze locked on the leading colt's chestnut and gold frame, wondering why it took him all this time to discover his affinity for children.

    An amused snort leaves Elio's nose when Nash asks about hunting. He is reminded of feral Celina, and wonders just how commonplace carnivorous horses are in Beqanna. He remembers his sister liking this part of Taiga, too, and that brings a smile to his face.

    "No, I eat grass and too many Loessian fruits," Elio answers with a small laugh. "But my sister hunts, too. She mostly likes fish, though this part of Taiga was one of her favorites, too. Do you live in Taiga? I used to live here with my family." If only Elio knew how much the pair have in common. Both raised in Taiga with a (at the very least) strange father named Wolfbane.

    Another smile, warm, unsuspecting, and terribly genuine once again lights up Elio's face.

    "I bet your fort is even better than the one I had growing up."

    [Image: elio-by-dozymare-ddo34i6.png]

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    RE: there's a devil in my brain with a pitchfork and a flame - by elio - 04-25-2020, 12:55 AM

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