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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  your heart, measured in mountains, fell and climbed

    i will always hold you close

    She woke to blue skies and warm sunshine splashed over every surface. It pooled in the hollow of her back and the curve of her hip, warmed her face until at last she woke to it with a yawn. With a groan and a stretch, she rises, letting those huge feathery wings unfurl from her shoulders to catch even more of this rare autumn warmth. “Finally,” she says, smothering a second yawn as tiny fluttery wings bat against her dark jaw, “a nice day to go explore.”

    Which is of course what she and Flit are doing about an hour later when the sky turns from blue to steel and opens up on them without any warning. The sound she makes is equal parts gurgle and growl and pure exasperation, and exactly no part ladylike, as Flit flutters anxiously into the tangles of Flutter’s dark mane to stay dry. The problem with having a moth for a companion, is that rain is basically just exactly the same as the end of the world.

    With little Flit hidden away against her neck, she carefully picks her way through the dense green forest until she notices a darkening absence of sky through the trees ahead. Upon closer inspection, she realizes it must be a mountainside, and that mountains have caves and caves are shelter and Flit needs shelter. Which of course leaves no room for any kind of wariness or apprehension of the things that live inside deep dark caves. Really, what's the worst thing that could be inside, a bat? Okay sure, probably not great if you’re a moth and particularly large and delicious looking.

    There’s a sudden angry fluttering against her neck as Flit makes furious moth gestures with her wings. “WELL IT’S NOT LIKE I’M GONNA LET IT EAT YOU.” Flutter says all loud and exasperated as she steps out of the rain and into the stone and damp earth of a very dark cave.

    Eat you.
    Eat you.
    Eat you.

    The girl frowns at the ominous echo as her words sail away and then return back to them. “Okay, I’ll admit that wasn’t great.” She says to Flit, the little moth having wedged her way halfway out to peer around the dark with giant black eyes and the cutest white feathery antennae. But the echo and the dark are already working their magic on the pair, and Flutter takes a casual nonchalant step back towards the cave opening.  “So on a scale from like, indigestion to say, carnivorous dark cave of death,” she makes a face, thoughtful and maybe just a little comical, “remind me how bad rain is for you again?”

    Flit flutters furiously.

    but i will learn to let you go


    Messages In This Thread
    your heart, measured in mountains, fell and climbed - by flutter - 04-26-2020, 01:59 PM

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