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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    like the dawn you broke the dark; birthing
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    Tephra becomes home with an expected yet still invigorating rapidity; as much as I miss the place we'd called home Outside, the familiarity of this volcanic land begs affection of me -- and receives it. For as much as I miss the clear Hyaline airs and the lake at its heart, I admire Tephra's heavy-thick air and volcano (as well as the volcano's magical pool) just as much, if in a different way, of course. The people make this place home, though. From strolls with Tangerine and Kavi (Solace's mother and my father, who hit it off famously when he made the move here with us), to our reunion with Svedka, Warlight, Rhaegor, and many others, Tepha's inhabitants welcome us home as one of their own.

    Their numbers shall grow by two tonight.

    Solace's labour starts early in the day which gives us time to journey up the volcanic passages in between her initial contractions. Her strength now causes her composure during Oriash's pregnancy and birth to pale in comparison (I joke that she is allergic to singlets) and we arrive to the healing pool with time to spare. More light humour and words of intimacy pass between us as we circle the pool, it which I came to when Tangerine heralded me some weeks ago, to foretell of our twins. Indius and Iridian, she had said, that gaudy and windswept smile that she passed down to Solace and Svedka loud upon her graying face.

    "Indius," I murmur to the first small body which slips from Solace's womb. His ebony coat, interrupted by patches of white just like my own, glimmers with afterbirth and a familiar blue. Solace's blue. And on his nose, leopard print markings; a perfect combination. I circulate warm air around the colt as he shivers and huddles beneath my frame, already familiar with my presence after spending countless nights dreaming with Solace and I. At first the usual joy and elation of mother-fatherhood fills my chest but as time goes on and Indius mewls for food, a pit of concern burrows itself in my chest. Please, I beg to forces I cannot name or know. Please let them be okay.

    We need to go.

    With Indius asleep at my hooves (having drank his fill of the milk I spun for him), I obey.

    The dream feels tumultuous before we even wake up inside of it. The platform beneath us rises and falls like a ship at sea during a storm, and indeed the clouds overhead speak of danger and thunder. I grit my teeth and right the ship, bending the dream to my will with a groan of effort until, in a heartbeat, we find ourselves in a pool much like the one in Tephra.

    Though my psychokinesis would allow me to intervene and help in the waking world, the dreamworld allows forgiveness for mistakes -- and small nightmarish moments do not outweigh that advantage. Not with my wife and daughter's lives on the line.

    "Solace," I call to her, dropping to my knees in a nondescript but familiar shape. I touch her neck and cup her face, allowing my powers to peek into her inner workings; what I find causes my heart to wrench. "Solace, the baby is too small, and she's dreaming, fighting." A flash of light and a crash of thunder reinforces my statement; my daughter and I duel and for a moment. Impressive, I think to myself. Iridian’s authority challenges mine, thoughnot so much that I could lose control of the dream — just enough to reassure me that she will be okay. Please be okay.

    "Indius must have taken the majority of the nutrients in utero." Stupid, stupid, you could have checked this sooner. "You have to give birth to her here. She needs to leave your body but stay in the dreamscape -- it's the only way." I increase the pressure I hold against Solace and begin stroking, my mind's eye finding the passage of her womb and widening it, easing the pain she feels there; tears stream down both of our faces as we fear for the life of our youngest.

    The dreamtime which passes seems unknowable.

    And yet, the storm ends. There in the dreamscape, with Indius' resting consciousness close by, Iridian arrives. Small and perfect, a chestnut unlike any of the children we've had before; she appears half-phased here, unrealized in a way that makes my stomach lurch. The space around her shifts colours and textures as she lay there in the shallow pool, heavy breaths moving her tiny chest. Having done all I could, I stand above Solace, equine at this point, and wait.


    Let me know if I need to change anything!!! And I did not do a once-over so please forgive any typos !!!
    [Image: kag]

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    RE: like the dawn you broke the dark; birthing - by Kagerus - 05-06-2020, 08:45 PM

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