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    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful
    What’s your name (real/OOC)?
    Ciara / Jassal the Juicy Hassle

    How old are you?
    29, a child

    Where are you from?
    I was born and raised in Alabama (roll tide) but I live in Kentucky now.

    What do you do for work?
    I’m an accountant Sad

    Do you like it?
    I put a frowny face but I really do like it.

    How many pets do you have?

    Hahahahaha haha

    Read any good books in 2020?
    No I never read anymore Sad

    What’s your favorite book?
    Invisible Monsters or Haunted

    Favorite movie?
    Silence of the Lambs

    Favorite TV series?
    Tokyo Ghoul

    Favorite song/artist/band?
    Post Malone

    What are your hobbies besides writing?
    Video games, cross stitch, costume making, cooking and baking

    If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
    Berlin or Tokyo

    What is one positive thing that has happened so far for you in 2020 (you might have to dig real deep for this)?
    I graduated and got a big girl job!!!

    How long have you been writing fake ponies?
    Roughly 20 years holy shit

    How long have you been writing fake ponies on Beqanna?
    16 years

    What was the name of your first ever fake horse?
    First EVER? Uhhhhh Grim Reaper on some other site. She was a black Clydesdale who hated everyone.

    What about the first fake horse you played on Beqanna?
    Bloodlust and Anthrax

    Who is your favorite character that you’ve ever played?
    Probably Larva. He rolls with the punches and he’s always changing so he’s easy to write. I also really loved playing Fleshlip because she was so nice.

    Who is currently your favorite mare that you play?
    Uhhhh maybe Sabbath?? Idk. I like Echis a lot too.

    Who is currently your favorite stallion that you play?
    Larva and I’m super excited for Sixteen

    Who would you like to write with that you don’t usually write with?
    Kahzie because she’s evil like me. Smile))

    What do you like most about your own writing/characters?
    I like that I never know how my characters will respond to things. They surprise me all the time because I just start writing and see where the post goes.

    What is one of your favorite personal plots/threads?
    Ghaul being born, killing Larva, torturing Yadigar. *chefs kiss*

    What’s your favorite trait that you have played?
    I looove aesthetic traits. Like all my characters with haloes are SO CUTE.

    What trait would you LIKE to play someday?
    STONE HOOVES. I want jade or amethyst hooves so bad.

    Is there anyone that you wish would come back to the game?
    A couple people, but I have no idea how to contact them anymore.

    Show me a funny meme or gif.
    No Smile

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful - by Jassal - 09-10-2020, 08:29 PM

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