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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful
    What’s your name (real/OOC)?
    sam(antha) aka savage aka samny hoopz

    How old are you?
    however old petrified wood is (30)

    Where are you from?
    i'm from the wilds of washington state

    What do you do for work?
    i don't currently do anything for work

    Do you like it?
    i mean you're not gonna catch me complaining lmao i am very lazy

    How many pets do you have?
    two dogs, a cat, and a horse

    absofuckinglutely not

    Read any good books in 2020?
    eat the apple by matt young gave me so much life i read it in like three hours seems rude that he's only written one book and that he teaches writing in olympia

    What’s your favorite book?
    the things they carried by tim o'brien
    thank you for your service by david finkel
    in the company of angels by n.m. kelby
    the raw shark texts by steven hall
    ohio by stephen markley
    paint it black by janet fitch
    the reasons i won't be coming by elliot perlman
    atonement by ian mcewan
    the mercy of thin air by ronlyn domingue
    i know this much is true by wally lamb

    Favorite movie?
    manchester by the sea
    men in black 3

    Favorite TV series?
    fleabag, the office, parks and rec, new girl

    Favorite song/artist/band?
    matchbox twenty, the lumineers, gregory alan isakov
    and i've been on a HUGE chris stapleton kick lately
    i missed the part where it asked my favorite song:
    here comes the flood by peter gabriel

    What are your hobbies besides writing?
    what is a hobby

    If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
    the arctic circle

    What is one positive thing that has happened so far for you in 2020 (you might have to dig real deep for this)?
    losing our jobs and weasley being diagnosed with lymphoma both really fucking sucked but we lost our jobs pretty much right when he started treatment and so we have been spending literally all of our time with him and i'm really grateful for that

    How long have you been writing fake ponies?
    twenty years jesus

    How long have you been writing fake ponies on Beqanna?
    19 years

    What was the name of your first ever fake horse?
    i honestly have absolutely NO idea

    What about the first fake horse you played on Beqanna?
    i want to say it was the best revenge but that could be wrong or bittersweet symphony or etched in stone
    we may never know

    Who is your favorite character that you’ve ever played?
    never again will you whisper
    just kidding probably jarris if i'm being totally honest

    Who is currently your favorite mare that you play?
    gospel and clementia

    Who is currently your favorite stallion that you play?
    jamie and isakov

    Who would you like to write with that you don’t usually write with?
    everyone write with me :gun:

    What do you like most about your own writing/characters?
    i'm not in a super great headspace for this question right now because i'm currently deep in 'all of my characters are shallow and also all the same' territory but other than that! i kinda like my writing style lmao big fan of my habit of starting sentences with conjunctions

    What is one of your favorite personal plots/threads?
    kensley falling in love with his sister's mother-in-law

    What’s your favorite trait that you have played?
    shadow creature so far!!!

    What trait would you LIKE to play someday?
    equus cryos

    Is there anyone that you wish would come back to the game?
    so many people probably but there's very little chance of me remembering them

    Show me a funny meme or gif.

    why? it's not like your internet is gonna load it anyway

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful - by savage - 09-10-2020, 10:24 PM

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