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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baby, kiss it better; pangeans

    Tornados from a butterfly's wing

    Ama knew something was wrong when the wind that brushed her cheek blew hot. The wind in Nerine was never hot, especially not in the dead of winter. The faint scent of smoke that followed it only confirmed the ache in her gut that said Danger

    From her rocky den, the dark and shining girl trotted until the glow of firelight painted the horizon, the smoke filling the air more visibly. Her trot became a gallop. 

    Fear and Rage and Glee touched her, as potent as the heat, as real as the flames licking the landscape. They emanted from the cluster of creatures on the craggy moor. Her craggy moor. Her home. They were burning her home. "No. Nonononono, stop it! What are you doing, stop it!" She screamed as her nimble legs brought her careening into the chaotic scene. Firelight gleamed from her stony surface, igniting her gemstone eyes with horror as faces she knew confronted ones that she didn't. 

    The very air itself distorted with magic and heat mirage. Dream-like the mayhem unfolded, as surreal as any nightmare the girl had known. Something unbidden swelled in her heart, squirming and throbbing foot release until it could be contained no longer. Panic, raw and real and all consuming bloomed from within until all who came near would be overtaken by it. It rippled out in waves, while Amarine watched her home being torched, and felt powerless to save it.


    Ama discovers her home being attacked and sendsa rippling wave of Panic throughout the field. The closer to her you are, the stronger the effect, and vice versa. 

    Messages In This Thread
    baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by yadigar - 09-10-2020, 09:48 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Brennen - 09-11-2020, 12:25 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Eurwen - 09-11-2020, 04:00 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Straia - 09-11-2020, 10:10 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Beryl - 09-11-2020, 10:38 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Anaxarete - 09-11-2020, 11:25 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by breach - 09-11-2020, 12:24 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Amarine - 09-11-2020, 01:19 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by asphyxea - 09-11-2020, 02:02 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by spirit - 09-11-2020, 05:02 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Beyza - 09-11-2020, 07:14 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by yadigar - 09-11-2020, 09:03 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by cirilla - 09-11-2020, 09:21 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Tarte - 09-11-2020, 10:08 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by lilliana - 09-11-2020, 11:40 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Sachin - 09-12-2020, 05:08 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Straia - 09-12-2020, 07:24 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Beryl - 09-12-2020, 10:42 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Yanhua - 09-12-2020, 12:23 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Anaxarete - 09-12-2020, 05:32 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by greta - 09-12-2020, 10:21 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Brennen - 09-13-2020, 07:08 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Nikkai - 09-13-2020, 07:56 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Beyza - 09-13-2020, 08:22 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Straia - 09-14-2020, 08:15 AM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by asphyxea - 09-14-2020, 06:37 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by virgil - 09-14-2020, 08:04 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by yadigar - 09-14-2020, 08:22 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by Beryl - 09-14-2020, 09:00 PM
    RE: baby, kiss it better; pangeans - by lilliana - 09-14-2020, 09:13 PM

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