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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  In the light of the moon; [Leilan]

    And when all the lights are broken, You keep the fire going

    This night in Hyaline was blessedly clear, but Yanhua felt no comfort from the open sky of endless stars. For once, he’s found himself nestled among the mountain peaks he so often gazed at from across the winding River in Taiga. Pangea was behind him, swallowed into darkness again and emanating that self-same sickness it always had. Straia’s dream of the Chamber reborn had been premature. It had foundered underneath Yanhua’s very hooves and been swallowed by the dark God’s power once more. There is (there has always been) a larger fish in this pond called Beqanna, and Yanhua refuses to look back and see its face. Let the creatures have their desolate land and all that it stands for, he thinks bitterly. I've seen what could be, what might be. That's good enough.

    Sleep doesn’t come, though.

    His mind is restless, his emotions wild as the sea that breaks her gray waves against Nerine’s rocky coastline. Yan would walk if he could, had he not exhausted himself beyond measure. The residual adrenaline and the rapidity of everything that’d occurred was what kept him awake now. Straia was gone. Aela, alive and well. The Chamber, destroyed in an instant. The only history he has of such occurrences are those handed down by word-of-mouth from the elders, and so the gently glowing stallion can only compare what he’s just witnessed to the likes of Taiga’s Great Slumber. A time when the discordance between inhabitants had driven Beqanna itself to drive them all out of the redwoods.

    If he wanted to change Taiga - and he did want to be the catalyst for such change - then he knew well enough now to make such changes in harmony with his cohabitants and leaders. His curiosity had led him to Straia again, and in more ways than one the old Raven Queen had answered his questions.

    From high above him, Yanhua sensed the sky darkened by a massive shadow of a beast. Instinctually he froze; mentally he let go. The net of his magic expanded, ready to catch any wavering emotional echo that might give him a hint as to what the being(s) were feeling, least he be caught unaware by some evildoer or conjugation made with malcontent, but a moment or two afterwards he relaxed with surprise. The echo he’d received was familiar; it was @[Leilan], probably out for a flight in his dragon form. Maybe the Freyr had been drawn to the activity like Yanhua had, but whatever the reason for his sudden appearance Yanhua thought it best to intercept the shape-changer as quickly as possible. He drew his power inward and thrust it out again, sending the Northern King a brilliantly vivid memory of Lilliana and her thousand-kilowatt smile, and then he settled in to wait.

    Leilan could work out the details from there. All he needed to know what that someone with Lilli’s power (and a good memory of her face) was nearby. The dragon’s superior senses could most likely aid him in finding Yanhua's hiding spot. Now, all that was left for the Taigan to do was to wait, and he did so happily enough while hoping his energy hadn’t attracted others nearby.

    Perhaps, he figured, they were all too busy in the East.

    And when all the nights feel like they're closing, You're leaving an opening

    OOC: Obviously this a 'for plot reasons' post, but since Yan isn't a Hyaline member I'm totally fine with another pony interrupting!

    Messages In This Thread
    In the light of the moon; [Leilan] - by Yanhua - 11-22-2020, 07:07 PM

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