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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i will sing to you as if my chest is glass; any
    She does not notice him at first, there is too much to see, too much to take in. While she doesn't mind the isolation of her private little cove, it is still a delight to come to a place like this, where life dots the shores as prevalently as the shining shells beneath her feet. But as her gaze wanders from face to face, those luminous blue eyes studying everything quietly in turn, it is on Cormorant that they finally land and stay, and she wonders how on earth she had ever missed him in the first place.

    He is the strangest oddity she has yet to encounter. While her own land and sea forms are quite separate, his seem as intertwined as the wind in the slender tree branches. He is decidedly equid, she can see that in his face and his legs, the shape of his watery gold and white body, but there is a large fin on his back and a heavy, and decidedly not equine, tail behind him where only hair and slender bone should be.

    For a long moment she merely watches him, though her delicate face is gentle and her expression remains soft, curious in that wide-eyed way she can’t ever seem to shake. But he is too much a curiosity to ignore, and even though he watches her now not unlike the orcas have watched her before while in her seal form, she is too bold to be afraid of him.

    She crosses the beach towards him, and her gait is graceful and unhurried, those bright eyes drinking in each new detail this growing closeness reveals to her. His skin is smooth in a way that matches his fins, and she is sure she knows just exactly what it would feel like beneath her lips should she find a reason to explore it, but it does nothing to clarify the mingling contrasts of his body.

    Land or sea?

    When she comes to a stop again there are only inches between them, and she can smell the ocean on him in a way that is almost overpowering and yet so different from the scent that clings to her own sun-soaked hair. He smells of the ocean herself, looks made for her wicked tides and strong enough to withstand her more brutal children, yet he comes here to the shore where his tail hangs and his fin slumps,  and he watches her with a sharp kind of predator gaze.

    And she, ever the perfect, convincing prey, reaches out to touch her nose to the smooth skin of his cheek and whispers, “What are you? Friend or foe.”.


    pull me back to shore, i'll never reach my place


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    RE: i will sing to you as if my chest is glass; any - by alleria - 12-09-2020, 07:50 PM

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