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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  take the black out of the night, jamie
    i think i'm better on my own but i get so lost in you
    She is right, and there is a small smile of self-satisfaction that grows on her face. She is always pleased when she is correct about something, no matter how small.

    He is just as she had hoped— a shadow with teeth, much like she thinks this darkness that has descended upon them might be. There are things that move here that her infrared vision can't seem to find, and she won't lie that it makes her uneasy. After all, the ground here had swallowed someone whole, and now they are trapped in a never-ending eclipse; she does not trust what she does not know, and she certainly does not know any of this.

    She wonders if he is familiar with the creatures that roam the dark, but she tables that topic for now.

    With a shake of her head and a laugh that could have sounded humble if not for the glimmer of conceit in her eyes, she says, “No, I think you are the one deserving of congratulations. I simply accepted what no one else did.” She wonders if it was the presence of Carnage that intimidated them; wonders if they were afraid it would be their body being devoured into the earth next if they failed. It was a thought that had crossed her mind, but she thrived off the fear of it— so similar to her mother, and yet entirely different.

    She would not lie, though, that she was pleased to find herself in this position.
    Even more pleased to be in the company of the likes of Jamie and Beyza, and with an idea shaping of adding more.

    “But you,”  she fixes her gaze onto his, finding the glow of his eyes in the dark, her own nearly lost in the purple-black galaxy of her face and the night around them. “You fought your way from the bottom and came out on top.” The admiration in her voice is evident, and not entirely fabricated. If anything, she envies him. Fighting was not her forte— evasion was a better skill of hers.

    “You should be proud,” she finishes, her stare pointed but her voice velvet-soft against the shadow that stretches between them, fading into the shadows of him.

    i think i'm better on my own but i'm so obsessed with you


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    RE: take the black out of the night, jamie - by Desire - 01-12-2021, 03:29 AM

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