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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin]

    one lives in hope of becoming a memory

    I liked to think that I had the best parts of both my mother and my father. I shared a lot of my father’s appearance, from his color right down to the same goat features as him. But I also shared my mother’s blue tail–though not the mane, which is something that had always bothered me. Maybe one day I would get around to doing something about that, but for now, I am content with the way I look, a perfect melding of both parents. And I was the only one of my siblings to share so many qualities with my father. I liked to think that made me daddy’s little girl more than the rest of them, but I know he loves each of us equally.

    Rosey, however, doesn’t look much like her mother. I am quick to take note of this (and little do I know that she is also comparing my appearance to that of her half-brother), and I wondered if she looked more like her father, who I haven’t met and know little about. That being said, however, I can see some of the delicate structural features of Lilliana in her daughter, though even those are overshadowed by what I assume must be her father’s features. A small part of me envies her uniqueness, though. While I am almost a carbon copy of Yanhua, she is something special.

    Either way, we weren’t here to compare ourselves to our parents, so I quickly shove these thoughts out of my head, realizing that I’ve wandered away from the situation at hand–something I seemed to do often (and I’m pretty sure I got that from my mother). Little did I know that what @[Roselin] would ask next would be about my father, and I laugh first. Realizing that this laugh was probably out of place, I quickly add an explanation. “Sorry, I was just comparing us to our parents in my head. I didn’t realize that you would ask something like that.”

    As the other filly moves onto the path, I follow closely. As I do so, I take her question into consideration. At first, I’m not exactly sure what she means. Perhaps she is talking about our empathic echos? But what she says next clarifies it a little bit for me. I laugh again. “Oh, you mean the empathic echos. Yeah, I do that, too. Although, I never really thought about it as ‘ghost-talking.’ Reynard shares this gift as well, much to the dismay of Cheri, who often plays guinea pig in our training.” I give Rosey a guilty grin.

    Truth be told, I’ve probably seen these lupines that she speaks of, but I just didn’t know what they were called. Reynard, Cheri and I had spent a lot of time exploring the redwoods. I didn’t know what a lot of the flora and fauna here were called, though that’s not for lack of trying. I did know about banana slugs, and I wonder if she’s ever encountered those unique little creatures of the forest. Either way, she seems intent on showing me what the lupines are, and I would entertain her in that respect.

    I am so distracted by my thoughts that I almost miss the memory she conjures up for me, but I have become pretty good at feeling the very subtle changes that someone else’s memories have within my head, and when I do feel it, I latch on to the memory in question and thoroughly examine it. “Oh! Those are so beautiful!” I had been to the meadow in question, but I’d never really stopped to admire what beautiful flowers the lupines were, and now I find myself excited to learn more about them. I skip next to Roselin eagerly in anticipation.

    “No, I have never heard of sunflowers.” Just the name alone makes me think of something big, bright and yellow. It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen here in Taiga, so this is something I imagine I’ve never seen before. Eager to know more, I wait to see if she will conjure up some sort of memory of the flowers for me.


    Photo by Saffu from Unsplash

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    RE: Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin] - by Memorie - 01-15-2021, 02:51 PM

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