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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i will not speak of your sin; aquaria

    She did not grudge him his warning. There were far worse ways to realize one was being stalked in the dark, after all. She rather preferred this to being attacked with no warning. 

    Weakly, the mermare smiled at the aquiline stallion, her head shaking ever so slightly. "Don't apologize for making the world a more informed place," she chided dryly. These were strange days, and while the idea of unfriendly beings lurking in the dark wasn't a nice one, she couldn't say she was ultimately surprised. The sun had gone out, why shouldn't there also monsters on top of it? Why not make all the waters poisoned and really seal the deal? "At risk of sounding paranoid, it's beginning to feel like someone has it out for us," and it was with a grim sort of humor that she admitted it.

    Idly, she spun the orbs of illuminated water a little faster. She had to keep them spinning. The unseen organisms that caused the light were brightest when they were a bit disturbed. So she kept them going, feeling the constant use of power like a slow leak drip, drip, dripping away. This would get exhausting if she had to keep it up long term. A problem for future her, she decided. 

    For now, current her was talking to this man on her shore, and she was afraid she was making a mess of it. Though the lighting was dim at best, she could see the lines of worry that decorated Tiercel's brow. They could have been copied from her own face. "And do you depend on them?" She asked, curious despite knowing she sounded nosy. "It's so much easier when the burden isn't carried on a one way path."  

    So very good at giving advice, so very awful at taking it herself. Aquaria laughed, and this time it was not the hysterical cackle that his power had inspired at their first meeting. This was her natural laugh, and it sounded like the first rays of sunshine breaking on the bay. 

    "That's very sweet of you to offer," she chimed after a moment, eyes warm with his offered peace. "But I think I will only be able to really relax when I know my folk are safe again. You understand that, if I'm not mistaken." And though she was tired, always so tired, she felt a little lighter. She was not good at taking her own advice most days, but this conversation had begun to remind her why she stayed.



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    RE: i will not speak of your sin; aquaria - by Aquaria - 01-24-2021, 10:29 AM

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