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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua]
    How helpless he felt. How useless. One trip outside the safety he’d built here and Yanhua came back broken, guiding a mare who’d put her faith and trust in him on a wild goose chase through hell.

    He watched Borderline as she comforted Ama, the way they seemed enveloped with one another and totally outside of his reach, but Yanhua didn’t feel a pang of jealousy or anger. He was glad, infinitely happy to have Borderline here right now to give Amarine hope and support where his was lacking. The distance, at least, gave Yanhua perspective. It felt like his entire world was wrapped up together, a tight little ball of sorrow and shared grief, and looking in from the outside gave him all the resolve he needed to muster in order to answer them the way he did.

    He wouldn’t sleep.
    He wouldn’t eat.
    He would die searching for his children before he gave up.

    Memorie - the dear filly - broke the tense moment. Her arrival had drawn a bit of the ire out of Yan and he felt himself smiling despite the jagged edges he felt inside. Here was reason to celebrate: Memorie was whole and healthy, present and ready to throw herself into action without being asked. One look at her and Yanhua knew, knew it before she even spoke, that he and Borderline had done their share of raising the filly into a fine mare. She would do her lineage justice; Yan couldn’t have been more proud.

    “Unfortunately,” The elder stallion murmured deeply, “I’m afraid finding them won’t be so easy.” He sighed.

    “I haven’t been able to harness my magic. The Echoes… I don’t see them anymore, not since coming down from the mountain.” Yan explained.
    Certainly Borderline’s plan would’ve worked if there were two of them doing the searching. Two horses leaving or seeking out echoes might do the trick for a good portion of the redwood forest, but only one? Memorie was as naturally gifted as Reynard or Yan when he’d been their age, but she was young yet. Her strength would wane and her powers deplete themselves before she managed even one-tenth of the redwood territory. Without Yan to help, they would get too little done too quickly.

    “We should spread out. I’ll go with Mem, Borderline you and Ama -” Yan had started to workaround his handicap when all of a sudden, he stopped.

    There - in the darkness - a sound? Yan pinned his ears and stiffened at the noise, only to deflate a second later when Reynard appeared in the middle of the dark.

    “Rey!” His father nearly shouted, the light in his hair glowing vibrantly in wordless elation. Tottering, Yan hobbled as quickly as he could toward the colt, no doubt outrun by the others who were hopefully equally as excited to see the spotted yearling. When he did reach his son, Yanhua wasted no time in reaching out to touch him, assuring himself that it wasn’t a fabrication but the real thing, alive and safe with his parents where he rightfully belonged. The old goat was speechless; all this time he’d been right under their noses! “Cheri?” Yan didn’t hesitate to ask Reynard, pulling away from the boy so the others could crowd around him if they liked. “Where’s your sister?”

    @[Borderline] @[Amarine] feel free to powerplay Cheri's whereabouts! I'll probably throw her into the mix next reply <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua] - by Yanhua - 02-09-2021, 12:31 PM

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