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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  By the sun and the moon [Borderline]
    So early in the season for a foal to be born, almost too early and they’re miles away from the safety and comfort of home. When Borderline’s water broke, Yanhua was surprised but not shocked. He’d been that way for Ama’s first time with the twins—had missed Memorie’s birth altogether, but he was ready this time around. All his hopes and ideas of having Cheri nearby to help were gone; Yanhua felt every muscle in his body tense and he refused to relax from there out until his mate was comfortably situated on the ground.

    That was all they had: the jungle sod and the humid darkness to keep them company while Borderline laboured to give birth to their second foal. Yanhua felt useless like he always did when it came to female issues, but he did his best to support Borderline and wipe the gathering sweat from the gray mare’s hide when she pushed. There was only the sound of her breathing, the chirping of insects, and the deadly quiet. Birds had stopped singing months ago. In the bended roots of an ancient tree, Yan cradled his love and watched as she brought their son into a world without hope.

    Wit, as the colt would come to be called, was nothing but a bundle of legs and an adorable lump of flesh when he first arrived. Yanhua was eager to help free him from the birth sac as long as Borderline allowed it, and he laughed in his head to think of how a young stallion might balk at the idea of what he was doing now. The experience of it all, of being a father for the fourth time around, wasn’t novelty any longer—it was miraculous to Yanhua. That his wives could be resourceful enough, strong and driven enough to give birth in a time of utter disparity… it left him at a loss for words. He only watched Wit take the first breaths of his life and smiled, shifting his body weight to better support Borderline while she spoke.

    “I could see it happen a thousand times and still be amazed.” He laughed softly in response, kissing the new mother’s warm cheek. “He’s wonderful, B.” Yan promised her.

    And yet there were a thousand new concerns to think about, as well as a thousand good thoughts. The redwood forest and their family weren’t around, he and Borderline still had a quest to complete, but now they had a newborn to keep watch over as well. It was a small blessing that the young horse would be up and moving quickly; Yanhua knew that he and Borderline couldn’t stay here for long. As if to prove him right, the jungle shuddered and growled in the distance.

    “Can you stand?” Yan wondered. “Does everything feel alright?”

    @[Borderline] this was brought to you by wine

    Messages In This Thread
    By the sun and the moon [Borderline] - by Yanhua - 03-19-2021, 07:51 PM
    RE: By the sun and the moon [Borderline] - by Yanhua - 03-23-2021, 06:52 PM

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