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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Birthing; vi, malka, lagertha, shatter me, rhy, sunday amazonians, !!ANY!!

    i was filled with poison,
    but blessed with beauty and rage

    There is a certain amount of brain function that magical beings use and she is thankful for Sunday getting there first, although the lioness may have old magic she has not practiced in quite some time. It is like riding a bicycle that once you learn, you don't forget but that doesn't keep you from shakily riding the first mile or so. That mile was not one they could risk right now.

    The gray mare picks up on the scents of her sisters, noting that Tantalize is doing well in her return as well as others, no harm in the group yet but soon testosterone, particularly a male she knows intimately is on the outskirts. She first wonders if he would come in to start trouble but as he stands back, he actually aids more. "Thank you, Texas," she says perhaps for the first time to him in her entire lifetime. Thank you for staying at arms length. Prague had noticed the two heartbeats, one was quite louder to her than another and then first she thought maybe the second child was in so much distress it was having PVCs...until it was gone. She watches as Tantalize helps the child, Prague is no mother to her own children and isn't the best choice to step in for someone else's.

    "Sunday, did you hear two as well?" she speaks to Sunday through magic, this was not for the group to hear because there's always that one who will say the wrong thing and cause an uproar. Although it was a frantic time they needed to keep structure about them in some way. "Scorch, we're all here to help find...Volcan, we'll find the child. Take care of this one and yourself for now." She says although she realizes it may go through one ear and out the other, "Malka is right, there's no use in us straining on resources here," she says even though it is not her place to delegate she looks to Lyris and Sunday, "Lyris, if Sunday and I can put our magic together and get a lead can you orchestrate a search?"

    Prague can sense there is something amiss, there is someone behind this or a carcass would float up behind the other child. The womb held two, Prague has looked inside and two placentas floated. There is someone else playing with magic she thinks to herself but just who is the mystery. "Ladies, did anyone hear of Scorch having a particular enemy? You don't have to say aloud if you have an answer."

    The old mare is useful for something, after a very long time of being useless.

    p r a g u e
    magical mare of the amazons

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Birthing; vi, malka, lagertha, shatter me, rhy, sunday amazonians, !!ANY!! - by prague - 09-08-2015, 04:49 PM

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