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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Cast your light - Oceane

    The light that meets the dark

    Whatever Cheri had expected, it certainly had not been the Oceane that greeted them. Yanhua himself had never met the Queen of the Southern Lands, preferring to distance himself as much as possible from his heritage there, but the lady in command of this region had been at the helm for years now - her name was tied to her status and well-known throughout the territories. Cheri had practiced word for word with her father, hoping to avoid looking like an unlearned imbecile when confronted with the mare in the flesh, but as the vibrantly clear response cut through the dinge of fog her tongue felt heavy and cumbersome anyways. She could feel her nerves dissolving, but her father - ever the stalwart guide - leaned a broad shoulder against Cheri’s side and sent her quiet glimpses of the crystalline flowers back home. A memory they shared; one that renewed her tepid courage.

    “It’s our pleasure to be here.” Her father was first to reply, sensing Cheri’s racing pulse underneath her skin. He smiled and focused entirely on the presence of their host and her generosity. “I’m Yanhua from Taiga, and this -” He motioned with the sideways tilt of his horns, “- is one of my elder daughters, Cheri.”

    Here it was: her big moment.
    Cheri’s side felt suddenly bare as her father stepped away and turned his gaze down at her, expectant. It would’ve been so easy then to glance back at him for support, but fearing she would crumble from nervousness if she did, Cheri swallowed her doubt and cleared her throat.

    “He - hello your highness. Lady Oceane.” She stumbled through the first part, gathering momentum as she went on. It was hard not to be awed by the other mare’s presence, astounding as it was. Oceane looked positively mythical; her skin shimmered faintly like fairy dust and blended itself seductively throughout. Hues of an evening sky, Cheri thought. Radiantly lovely. She felt awkward and garish standing in front of such a display. “It would be my honor if you would allow me an apprenticeship here, in Loess. I come from a small herdland in the north and cannot offer much but my desire to learn and grow, which I hope will prove useful to your Kingdom some day. Please,” Cheri’s tone was hopeful, “if you have an opening in your ranks - anywhere, it does not matter - I would like to fill it.”

    There. She could breathe again. Adrenaline still had her pulse racing, but Cheri could smile at least and not make it look pathetic. Standing alongside her, Yanhua spoke up briefly on her behalf.

    “She’s a dedicated pupil and an avid healer. Her talents exceed my ability to train, and quite frankly I think they would find better use if shared with the world.” He laughed softly, not unkind. “Taiga itself is and always has been a place freely open for travelers, strangers, and friends alike. Unfortunately, this means I cannot freely offer you exclusive treaties. However, I can freely offer you my personal aid and any power at my disposal should you need it.” Her father’s tone leveled out into a deep, assured bass. Their peace and petition over with, Cheri could only stand and wait impatiently - though what she wanted was to dance right out of her skin. “Be calm, be cool.” The young ward schooled herself, not wanting to seem like a flighty sort of creature when she’d just promised the Queen of the South that she would be the exact opposite of that. “But please, please say yes.”


    Messages In This Thread
    Cast your light - Oceane - by Cheri - 04-30-2021, 05:44 PM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Oceane - 05-01-2021, 03:31 PM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Cheri - 05-03-2021, 09:42 PM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Oceane - 05-05-2021, 10:35 AM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Cheri - 05-07-2021, 08:34 AM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Oceane - 05-13-2021, 09:39 PM
    RE: Cast your light - Oceane - by Cheri - 05-17-2021, 01:12 PM

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