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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mature]  [chaos week] Boy, are we having a party
    [Image: image0.jpg]

    “I don’t have a kid!!!” He yells at the angsty girl. “I’M NOT YOUR DAD. I’M TOO COOL TO BE YOUR DAD. W00T.” Quickly he busts out a laptop and starts to make a new Livejournal entry title Break my Heart and I'll Break your Face.

    Today I threw one hell of a rager in the Pampas. It was the sex. Only the coolest bands showed up and played. But then this chick showed up claiming I was her dhaad. And I’m like, hell no even though I bang so hard you couldn’t possibly be my child, w00t. Thanks for listening LJ, your always there for me unlike Xanga XD.
    Signing off 

    Once he makes his post, he flips the layers of dark hair from his face and looks at Mobsy. “Ok, that was pretty good. But it can’t compare to this!” He uses Steve’s face to parkour on to the top of the screaming ambulance and rips out one of Steve’s tusk which turns into a microphone. “YOU THINK YOU KNOW BUT YOU DON’T BECAUSE I’M THE ORIGINAL SCENE KID!” He howls into the microphone. “IT’S IN MY NAMEEEEEEEE”

    And with that he starts to weave the most powerful of emo spells as Dashboard blares through the siren speakers. I’m missing your laugh, how did it break? And when did your eyessss begin to look fake? I hope you’re as happy as your pretendingggg He mouthes into the microphone while simultaneously taking large gulps out of a bottle of Jack Daniel's that has somehow appeared in one of his hands. This bottle of beast is taking me homeeeee Black eyeliner runs from where he cries and it’s embarrassingly obvious he’s singing about Cheri but everyone just pretends that he’s not having an emotional breakdown on top of the wahmbulance. He pulls up his super tight pants and adjusts his studded black belt as the music takes him over.

    ‘YOUR HAIR IS EVERYWHEREEEEEE SCREAMING INFIDELITIES AND TAKING ITS WEAR” He screams, no longer lip syncing as he pours his heart out and then suddenly the music shifts to something more hardcore as he starts doing windmills on the roof of the vehicle, going crazy as Underoath starts blaring. “I’m straight edge now!!!” He yells to the crowd below, black X’s on his hands but it’s obviously a lie since he’s still drinking from the bottle so he starts to vomit Hot Topic gift cards and Manic Panic in crazy colors all over the place. “ALSO I DEDICATE THIS TO CHERI. I STILL HATE YOU!” More vomited manic panic is this is also another obvious lie. A bunch of groupies try to rush the stage but he roundhouse kicks them away because he has no time for sloots.

    I admit that I’m just a fool for you…. I’m just a fool for you…. Ob starts doing screamo into the mic, Steve starts skanking in the mosh pit that now thrashes and circles around the ambulance as the lights start blinking on and off in time to the music. Ob starts doing the Gorilla and the Lawnmower from his stage on the roof as he rocks the fuck out and when he’s done he drops the mic from one hand and it slowly falls to the floor in front of the mosh and the moment it hits the whole area explodes.


    Doing an epic windmill off the ambulance he starts running off, yelling behind him "BRB I'M GONNA GO FIGHT A DRAGON!"

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    RE: [chaos week] Boy, are we having a party - by Obscene - 05-26-2021, 03:30 PM

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