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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [Auto-Quest] the dust settles on my bones.

    She continues to struggle, and collapses at the top. A plateau of rock and high alpine lichen holds her like a cradle. The land cracks and moans, fog swirling around the chunk of mountain; it begins to rise and break from the rocks below. Floating, suspended, debris falling away from it and hitting the earth below with loud crashes and snaps. She’s folded oddly like a dead bird and with great ceremony, takes hers her last gasping breath. All life leaves the boney mare crumpled on the wet stone rising slowly into the clouds.

    She won’t let go, she won’t let go… they whisper – she can smell them. They smell of clean moisture, like clouds and fresh mountain wind, and lilacs and jasmine, honey, and their presence feels like warm milk poured over your chilly skin. She has no eyes, but she is somewhere, looking down at her dead body. A shame what it became, she laments, floating onward. She doesn’t feel any pain, or loss, but she doesn’t feel the elation she was hoping for with death either.

    She is.
    In between.

    She sighs with no lungs, no mouth, but still she does it. Well what now then? She floats, she floats.

    Lightening flashes through the cloudy fog she’s in, she can see with no eyes, and hear with no ears. The thunder cracks, loud, rattling to the bone – what bones? She laughs with no mouth. She’s feeling something now, something heavy, gravity? What gravity!? And just like that she’s slowly sucked down like a riptide, no control, no limbs to even thrash around; she’s an amoeba in a current. She’s back against the dark rock, but then floating again, looking down, going back and forth like some glitch until finally she’s watching her elderly body slowly burn from the inside out. She cannot feel it, she burns like dry paper, her edges alight with orange her body reduced to embers in minutes.

    She blacks out.

    City gasps as if she’s never breathed before and her lungs take in a full, life giving breath inward. The tide of oxygen feels new, her eyes open and her vision is so clear it makes her dizzy at first. She sits up, frantic, but something in her mind tells her to calm down. The rock that was once suspended, or so she dreamt? Is now firmly planted back into, onto, the mountain’s peak. The fog is cleared and she can see 360 degree vision of the world before her, all of Beqanna. She rises to her feet, her hooves feel strong, up her legs through her chest and hips – she feels….young again? She shakes, as if to see if it may go away, she looks herself over – she’s go the same body she had when she was four or five. Young, slender and fit. Where once her bones poked out she is well muscled, and where she was faded, she is vibrant again. Her grayed out coat is freshly freckled, like when she just completed her graying as a younger mare. She was fresh again.

    --------- 513 Words
    ----- Part III to follow.
    --- auto quest for PHEONIX TYPE IMMORTALITY [0 Space Trait]

    Messages In This Thread
    the dust settles on my bones. - by City - 05-24-2021, 06:10 PM
    RE: the dust settles on my bones, (auto quest) - by City - 05-29-2021, 12:51 PM

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