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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Good memories and fatal mistakes [Yanhua/Any]
    I know what sin is

    The silence doesn’t stay for long. A soft “Hello” greets her and she turns her golden gaze on a small black mare. The ground before her is covered in a scattering of rainbows from the light that filters through the many crystals that adorn her body. A fox gazes at her inquisitively by her side and before she can open her mouth to greet her back, Yanhua is there to answer for her. She can’t help but laugh lightly as Yan introduces them and her tarnished iris’s look at him with warmth. “I’m quite capable of introducing myself Yan.” She smiles as she glances at the mare. “He never stops being a gentleman does he?” She teases and admonishes lightly, still remembering his chivalrous attitude in the Isle and thinking there wasn’t a mean bone or destructive tendency in the man that she could see.

    “Amarine, a pleasure.” She says gently, crossing the distance between them to softly bump her muzzle against hers in greeting. Familiarizing herself with her scent before stepping back beside Taiga’s fearless knight. “My word, he does speak highly of you doesn’t he?” She says with a grin, looking between husband and wife with curiosity. She had never been in love herself but it seemed a thing worth having. However she can’t imagine tying herself indefinitely to one person, the thought is rather terrifying. Perhaps that is why she had avoided such things so far, less messy that way.

    Yan speaks of the Isle and she can’t help but laugh a little at that. “You should have seen the flower crown he had to wear. He rocked it.” She snorts with a giggle, remembering how quickly he had wanted to get it off and the way he had lowered his head so she could remove it from where it snagged along his horns. Speaking of horns… She throws her flowered mane with a slight exaggerated toss, the smoky quartz spiral catching in the light. “As you can see Taiga has been kind to me so far, I appreciate the glow up.” He mentions Tephra and there is still a faint glimmer that sparks in the molten depths of her eye as she pauses. “I’d still love to see the jungle there and what might call it home. But I quite like the woods here.” It’s honest, she does find the giant mushrooms and towering redwoods enchanting in their own way. Not anything at all like the closely knotted vines of her old home but sometimes change was a good thing.

    They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself;
    html © dante.

    @[Yanhua] @[Amarine]
    [Image: BQjeje-Bardot2.png]

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    RE: Good memories and fatal mistakes [Yanhua/Any] - by Bardot - 06-01-2021, 04:50 PM

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