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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the shadow proves the sunshine; vastra

    let my shadows prove the sunshine

    Svedka has always found comfort in Vastra’s fierceness and now he is even thankful for it. He doesn’t deserve to be coddled (not that he ever enjoyed it, anyway) and when she agrees with him, his contrite cerulean gaze snaps to hers. There is a moment of clarity that he feels in the steely-grey of her eyes, something like understanding intertwined with a twinge of sadness - regret, even? He has never been a truly present father in the past, but his loyalty to his children is nearly a fault. He should do better, he repremends himself inwardly, snorting softly as the yellow-gold of his ears tip back into the flaxen and blue of his mane. Her anger is warranted (not everlasting, however) and he allows it to seep into his skin and soften his heart.

    “Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go,” he huffs nonchalantly, his tone lackadaisical despite the truth in his statement and accompanied by a dramatic flick of his tail against his milk-and-honey flank. “Is that okay with you?”

    The overo stallion smiles. Twin girls. He has yet to father a son and he wonders if there is some kind of odd twist in the universe, giving him spirited and reckless daughters so much like himself. Vastra tugs at the deep cerulean blue that intermingles in the pale white of his mane, the same delicate blue that is so apparent in both Ciroc and Sundari. He’s even happy at Vastra’s choice in names - he’d never been any good at them and he doubts she would have let him have a say anyway.

    The gentle sparkling of her skin awakens him again, bringing him from his reverie and for a moment, fixating on the gentle glow that travels like waves across the tawny gold of her neck and cheeks. Vastra’s voice softens (not much, but enough for him to tilt his head curiously) as she mentions the twins’ ages and Svedka feels his throat tighten.

    He’s been beneath the earth for two years.

    With a gentle toss of his head, he swallows the pitfall feeling in his stomach and offers Vastra a classic, lopsided smile - one that he hopes she finds comforting and inviting.

    “I think,” he begins, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully, “I should do whatever it is you would like me to do. It has been two years, after all.”



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    RE: the shadow proves the sunshine; vastra - by Svedka - 06-01-2021, 07:17 PM

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