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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  a little white light; ledger

    Help me out before I drown
    Save me now before I give up

    Everything had changed when his heart had been restored.

    The things he could feel were overwhelming with this new heart that thrummed so strongly in his chest and the emotion that stirs specifically for the twilight mare (the one that had made this all possible) doesn’t hold a candle to anything he has ever felt before. She is nothing like Ellyse and what he comes to understand in his unwavering loyalty to her is something less fractured, something whole, which had been missing when he had thought himself in love before. Oceane was a steady presence that did not shy from the lingering remnants of his mental disorder. He had hesitated to enter the cave many times before but she was calm and unwavering when they finally entered it together. He no longer spent exhausted nights on the warm sands of the beach, exposed to the elements. Now he entered the cave with only flickers of memories but she is always waiting to remind him that this is not the Mountain nor is it a hallucination or nightmare. Between her patience and Cheri’s “therapy” sessions, he feels different. Not as broken or tortured, something he has never felt in the long life he has lived.

    For the first time in a long time he actually sleeps, entangled in the warmth of her beside him. And when he does experience those nights of insomnia, he is not held hostage by memories of grief and pain. Instead, he memorizes the delicate curves of her face and watches the steady rhythm of her breathing as he listens to the steady pulse of her heart until it lulls him back to sleep. They had not crossed anything other then soft caresses of affection, he as hesitant as her to muddy whatever waters they were wading through. Part of him was also terrified that he might lose her once that had happened, that she might turn from him as Ellyse had once done. He knows she is nothing like his ex and yet that fear still lingers. There is still much about the Loessian Queen that is a mystery, one that he has been meaning to solve, but the timing has never aligned. She is busy with the kingdom, in training Cheri, and a million other things that a ruler becomes occupied with. The nights are theirs alone but usually she is so tired that they only sleep and he doesn’t mind, content to have her simply nestled against him.

    The desire is always there, a fire that smolders in the pit of him, that wants more than just gentle touches. Each night that she comes to rest against him, when his muzzle nuzzles beneath her cheek, his mind strays to what it would feel like to have her say his name with raw wanting. How tempting to let his muzzle stray a little further, to linger on her skin and see if she might shiver in response. That fear always rises to nag at him, holding him back from exploring her further. To crossing that line.

    Yet he dreams vividly of her purple scent and the way she sighs his name and tonight is no different, stirring slightly as he hears her voice saying she wants him. In the dream she is lipping at his shoulder and even that is enough to make the smolder in him flare into something more fiery. Slowly, groggily, he opens his eye as the touch becomes more persistent and he sees Oceane standing before him with a molten look in her amber gaze. Unsteadily he rises to his feet, half asleep, and the evidence of his own dreams quickly becomes apparent. His muzzle comes to hers as if to press a kiss there but moves upward at the last minute, a teasing smile on his lips as the last remnants of fog fall away. He comes to graze his teeth against her opalescent neck but still holds back from more, uncertainty in the gold flecks of his eye. “Are you sure?” He murmurs to her, a question on his mind but hesitant to ask it.

    Although she had come to the cave to sleep for quite a few nights now, he is still in the dark to where her heart may lie. She knows every single thing about him but he doesn’t know if perhaps there might still be someone else in the picture. How does she truly feel about him? No confessions of feelings had fallen from either of their lips, was she merely lonely or did she only pity him? He presses a kiss beneath the layered tresses of her mane, breathing her in as that craving for her demands more and a low growl rumbles in his chest as the bear matches his longing for the one its come to know as its mate. “I want you Oceane. I would have all of you if that is your wish.” He huskily mutters into her fur, his arousal evident but his nerves still holding him back, waiting to see what it is that a genie might wish for.



    Messages In This Thread
    a little white light; ledger - by Oceane - 06-25-2021, 08:54 PM
    RE: a little white light; ledger - by Ledger - 06-26-2021, 01:58 PM
    RE: a little white light; ledger - by Oceane - 07-07-2021, 05:26 PM
    RE: a little white light; ledger - by Ledger - 07-08-2021, 02:33 PM
    RE: a little white light; ledger - by Oceane - 07-15-2021, 07:27 PM
    RE: a little white light; ledger - by Ledger - 07-18-2021, 02:40 PM

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