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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  at the foot of this mountain i see only clouds; obscene
    She is not ashamed of the relief that floods her chest like cool springwater at the sound of his gruff voice. “Good,” she says, and she’s reaching for him even as he comes close to search her damp skin with the dark of his muzzle, “then I’m not too late.” Her voice is already something weary and tired, something that is both soft and heavy as she falls quiet again because she had not realized until now how much she needed this closeness with him, this quiet contact. She is a whisper in sound and glance, in the way her own nose searches his skin, her lips the caress of starlight against his midnight black.

    “It’s okay, I’m alright.” She whispers, and her eyes are twin pools of sapphire light, bottomless and clear and furrowed softly with pain she does her best to keep hidden from him. Except his movement stops with a suddenness that has her feeling regret - not for coming here, not for finding him. But for keeping this from him for so long, for not giving him any time to learn how to live with these new truths. When he jerks back from her, there is a split second where she wonders if he will leave, if he needs some time with this, needs all the time she robbed him of. But then he’s reaching for her again, and when those velvet midnight lips brush over the stormcloud grey of her skin, she knows only relief. “Thank you.” It is a murmur, a gasp, something ragged and mortal, something like the tattered wings of a wounded moth fluttering helplessly against his skin.

    She cringes again, forgets to breathe, holds her breath until the sound is a whimper she pushes back down with a stubbornness that comes from the storms deep inside her. I’m here. He says, and her eyes fly to his face, landing against the dark like falling stars as she searches his face again for anything that will tell her what he’s thinking. If she’s hurt him.  “I’m sorry, Obscene.” She says, and her voice is so soft like it hurts to speak, like this pain in her heart would rather she not say anything at all. “I didn’t mean to keep this secret for so long.”

    She would’ve said more, explained that she didn’t know how to tell him something so big, something so infinitely important, but another contraction sends her reeling to her knees, to her side, groaning in the grass beneath a silent sky and her legs writhe against the pain.

    It is hard for her to understand what happens next, hard for her to keep track of the minutes that shatter into seconds and fall away from her like stardust through a broken sky. There is pain, a kind that she is unfamiliar with, a kind that blinds her and leaves her digging long furrows of dirt with her hooves in the grass where she lay. There is sound, ragged and groaning, sound that she cannot shut out because it is her, because it is inside her head even when she closes her mouth and tries to lock this pain away somewhere deep inside.

    And then there is relief.

    It comes all at once, sudden and bright, like lungs that can expand fully. But she is still for a moment, exhausted and weary, unaware of the small, dark colt that now lays in the grass beside her. He is the same color as his father - the profound black of a pupil amidst a ring of color, the vastness of the space between stars. But there is gold on his legs and his face, gold etched over the tips of his ears and in the lines over his shoulders and down his spine - and buried amidst every spot of gold is a swirl of stars, an infinite tangle of constellations unique only to him. He is every perfect piece of both of them, and when Revelrie eases up onto her shoulder to see him, she is lost to the wonder of it. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more perfect.” She whispers, and she cannot tear her eyes from this newborn’s face long enough to let Obscene see the love in her eyes for him too. It’s there though, like wordless gratitude for the way he stayed, for the way his healing had trickled in to gentle what it could.

    She reaches for the boy, surprised that the instinct to care for him is something so strong inside her chest when she still feels so young herself. But that urge to draw him in and shield him gently from the coolness of the air with a single steel and gold wing is something she does not fight. She cleans his face and those tiny molten ears, cleans his neck and his body until the edges of his little downy hairs are soft and drying and trying to lift in the almost-breeze. She cannot get enough of the way he smells, the way he looks so much like both of them. They way he nuzzles into her warmth and bleats softly and she knows in an instant there is nothing she wouldn’t do to keep him safe. “What do you think of the name Obsidio?” She asks, and it is then that she finally looks up to search Obscene’s face, and there is nothing to shield him from the affection she thinks she’s hidden carefully out of sight. But it’s in the gentleness of those clear blue eyes, in the way they cannot help but trace over a face too beautiful to be real. “We’re starting to make a habit of jumping together into the unknown.”

    She meant to smile, to reach down and touch the boy’s goosedown mane, but it is pain that flares in her eyes and in the hard line of her mouth, pain that flattens her to her side again with a groan she does not manage to smother. "Obscene -" It is his name that falls from her lips, his name, though when she speaks it it rings with the sameness of help.


    it feels like falling, it feels like rain,
    like losing my balance again and again

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    RE: at the foot of this mountain i see only clouds; obscene - by revelrie - 08-26-2021, 07:39 PM

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