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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Seasons came and changed the time | Aela
    Did Aela think this was a numbers lesson? She must’ve, considering the way she used a remembered story to pass off a thinly veiled threat. Her lashing tongue felt surprisingly good licking its way across Cheri’s dark pelt, because underneath the surface of the words there lay deeper meanings - small truths that contradicted the golden’s mare’s inane confidence. For one, she risked stepping so far out of line with a horse who could soon become her superior. Doing so meant that Cheri had really pushed a button on the pony. A button large enough that it spurred a vicious response. She liked knowing that: understanding Aela could be rattled enough to strike first and think second, so she couldn’t exactly dredge up the energy to frown.

    Aela had made the fault coming to Loess thinking she could laugh at the southerners because Obscene had been there to protect her actions, but in The Game pieces moved all the time. The budding mare Obscene had spit at that day was now a horse capable of making enemies and allies. If anything, Aela’s threat should’ve been taken closer to heart rather than turned on Cheri. “Good advice feeds itself,” The pegasus knew.

    If Aela wanted the best and brightest she would have to be… flexible. Lucky for her, in the course of their conversation the Pampas Seneschal had convinced the Loessian heir to bend a little more - for both their sakes.

    “I wouldn’t dream of it.” She assured the palomino mare with a smile. It was hard to keep from laughing, but she managed. Aela looked too serious. “Like I said, you’ve done so much for Loess already I should thank you, so I will: Thank you.” Cheri beamed.

    See? She could be nice to those who’d thrust a spear at her throat. Oceane would probably be proud of her right now, Ledger even more so.

    “I’d love to stay and take a walk down memory lane with you,” the spotted appaloosa sighed, turning her head to gaze in the direction of Taiga one final time, “but I’d hate to keep you from work. The borders are always open to you.” She said her goodbyes, but her eyes flashed an unspoken “So walk through them before they shut.”

    Aela had a short time to reply before Cheri’s wings expanded and she was gone, lifted through the air by a summoned gust of wind and headed north.


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    RE: Seasons came and changed the time | Aela - by Cheri - 09-07-2021, 09:43 AM

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