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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let's hang together, shall we, Straia?

    I have an unreserved respect and affection for queens over kings.

    Oh, yes, it's probably sexist of me and horribly biased, but let's face it. I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

    You see, mares are just as capable as stallions to rule (or anything) but we often get a bad rap as being bitchy and emotional and liable to burn a kingdom down because someone stared at our ass too long. And I say, what's wrong with that anyway? Perhaps we are just better at channeling our outrage in fun ways. Men wish they had our ability to kick ass and sport flowing locks all at once.

    Not to mention, anyone who can rule a kingdom while hauling around a massive pregnant belly knows the true meaning of sacrifice for their cause. Gods, if a stallion tried pregnancy he'd never fuck again in case he had to deliver a second baby.

    But I digress. A lot.

    Straia is a queen I have met in passing, on an official diplomatic mission. For all that she rules the Chamber, a land I am never inclined to admire, I have to admit to curiosity. She has a lineage of royalty, and from what I've gathered from Kushiel's mind, is more than equipped to handle her job.

    And that can't be an easy one, knowing my son. He's a full time job in and of himself.

    I approach the borders of the Chamber and toss my head, a tad irritable. I've had a rotten touch down again, because of course in the hundred plus years I've had my wings, I haven't mastered a fucking landing and my leg throbs from where it collided with a log.
    Logs should not be just lying around.

    I whicker, confident that someone will hear my call. Come closer, and let us make plans for some fun, my dear queen.

    Never mind that I am not the Valley's ruler and have little authroity. That can always be changed. After all, I have a deeply personal interest in my darling's welfare, and I have a feeling that my devotion for my home barely outpaces Straia's for hers. If only, if only there were a way to measure that.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.


    Messages In This Thread
    let's hang together, shall we, Straia? - by Gallows - 09-17-2015, 07:24 PM

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