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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  Be my virtue, cause I need you tonight

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    It would not have surprised her if she had never seen him again. There had been many bridges she had burned (or attempted to sever) since the day she had awoken in the Meadow in a dried pool of her own blood. It was a surprise that she even had a place here, still, on the Isle. That she had anyone left at all. Her list of apologies owed was a long one, even if her mistakes and faults hadn’t entirely been her own.

    His name came high on that list.

    When he fell from where she had been watching the aurora playing it’s nightly winter dance, landing a little ways down-shore, she is instantly reminded of this. A new influx of intense emotion begins to shoot amongst the stars in her argent gaze as she fights amongst the feelings spiraling in her chest, trying to sort out what each one truly means. Anticipation, trepidation, and a thrill of pleasure is something she untangles when he says her name. Wariness, uncertainty, and something else she can’t quite place is what she pulls when he begins to move towards her.

    It is always cold on the Isle and winter only adds an extra layer of bite that not many can survive. After being encased in ice (experiencing true cold), the frigidness of the land barely registers anymore. Or perhaps it’s the heat within her that keeps her from feeling truly frosty, where the connection to the heavens above is now always open, never closed, and filled with brightness. She can tell he is feeling the Isle's harshness but she is hesitant to try and manipulate what she is still discovering. Stars are made of gas and fire after all, perhaps she could bring some heat and help ease the chill. Then she remembers what she had done to Amet and thinks better of it.

    Light flickers beneath the many scars across her body but she makes no move to hide what she had become. Her wings, however, still wrap protectively around her stomach. A secret she is not willing to share just yet. The crimson stars that hover around her twinkle at him in welcome as she waits for him to join her and when he does, she smiles uncertainly at him. “Kestrell.” Her voice is filled with starlight and she finds herself shifting her hooves, glancing down as she tries to once more understand the complexity of her emotions and avoid whatever harsh words she probably deserves from him. He had been a kind stranger who had unfortunately landed in a bitter viper's nest. How could she explain to him, to any of them, why she had been that way? Or what she had done to rid herself of it?

    In looking down, she catches his once injured leg in her periphery and a quiet laugh escapes her… Followed by a gleam of brightness as white light dances once more behind her scars. “Your leg looks better.” She offers gently, forcing herself to find his gaze and see what might be written there.

    -- Ciri

    Image by Phil Botha


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    Be my virtue, cause I need you tonight - by Ciri - 03-07-2022, 10:36 PM
    RE: Be my virtue, cause I need you tonight - by Ciri - 03-15-2022, 04:10 PM

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