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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  when all we know is falling, ashhal and/or cassian

    He hadn’t expected the storm dammit. Though he hadn’t planned to stay long, he’d hung around after coming back from seeing that their mother had returned in the flesh. Mostly because it was comforting to be close to Casi, even if she was too busy most of the time to humor him. Not that that would have stopped him from bothering her if he wanted, but he was trying to be good.

    And look where that had gotten him - struck by a stray bolt of lightning. To be fair, there had been a lot of them. Though, from what he could tell, a lot is a really massive understatement. But lucky stallion that he is, he’d been struck. And apparently missed a hell of a lot in the meantime.

    He had woken in a starburst of scorched earth and clambered to wobbly legs, equal parts relieved and annoyed. Relieved because, despite two previous revivals, he hadn’t been certain how many lives he might have been granted. Annoyed because, once again, he is a child. With a huffed breath he investigates his surroundings, alarmed to find Tephra’s landscape drastically changed. How long had he been out?

    Stumbling forward, he nearly tumbles into a river of lava before right himself. With ginger steps, he backs away before climbing to higher ground to see if he can get a look. When he finally does however, his alarm quickly turns to horror. Much to his immense relief however, after a short time scanning the landscape, Cassian spots a familiar figure in the distance.

    Without thought or preamble, he launches himself forward. He’s still clumsy as he grows accustomed to new legs, though that doesn’t stop him from racing heedlessly forward, dancing around slow-moving streams of lava as he does.

    “Casi!” he yells, breath huffing from his lungs as he closes the distance between them. His brown eyes are wide with relief as he crashes into her, giving her a quick hug before pulling back. It’s only then that he realizes, quite belatedly, she isn’t alone. He had been so focused on his sister, caught by the immense joy of seeing her whole, that he hadn’t noticed her companion. “Oh,” he says a bit dumbly, peering at the vaguely familiar pegasus standing beside her. “You have company.” With a cheeky grin, he takes a step back, wobbling briefly before steadying himself. “Don’t mind me.”


    @Casimira you get double the trouble lucky you

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    RE: when all we know is falling, ashhal and/or cassian - by Cassian - 06-06-2022, 10:47 AM

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