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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  One With the Ocean
    The ocean during winter isn't always the best place to be. But for Enuis, the ocean is perfect no matter what. And so, despite the icy wind and freezing water, the stallion is slowly making his way along the chilled beach. The sun is peeping weakly through the winter clouds and the weather is is cold and windy. The gold flecks on the stallions coat sparkle faintly as he slowly prods through the wet sand. His hooves leave perfect round prints that are washed away several seconds later. His breathing is slow and calm and every exhale leaves behind a cloudy puff. He is walking slowly, perfectly relaxed and calm. 

       He loves the ocean. Maybe because he is so similar to it. So calm and rhythmic. Serene and beautiful. And yet, at any moment could unleash such enormous wrath. The loved the ocean because he related to it. Its deep endlessness full of mysteries, beauty, and things no one could imagine.

       Enuis let his hooves fall motionless. He stood for a moment staring over the dark grey-blue waters. He felt so small and insignificant while looking at this enormous body of water. Yet at the same time it gave him such a rush of power and energy. He blinked in surprise as his trance was broken by a strong gust of wind. He shook his head, sending water flying from his damp mane. The wind was picking up. The stallion turned and began cantering up the beach, heading to a narrow rocky path that led to the top of the towering cliffs. He scrambled up the cliff wall as the wind began to pick up. At the top of the cliffs the harsh wind finally died down a bit and he stopped to catch his breath. 

    Im tired. He realized as a sudden wave of exhaustion hit him. The cold, wet and windy beach and worn him out. Heaving a sigh he began a slow walk away from the cliff side, looking for shelter to rest. It was exactly what he had done yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and many days before. He had such an aimless and boring life. But he didn't mind it much. At least thats what he convinced himself. He did love his calm and quiet walks by the beach. Away from other horses that just tired him out. 

       He didn't particularly enjoy spending time with others of his kind. He didn't like to burden himself with listening to others talk about things he had no clue of. Once in a while he would come across someone who was worth his time and energy. Someone interesting, that didnt want to either kill him or bore him with their talk. But that wasn't often and Enuis found himself better off not seeking interactions. 

       And so, the stallion plodded along until he found safety under a large draping tree.

    Messages In This Thread
    One With the Ocean - by Enuis - 07-05-2022, 04:20 PM

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