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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  fellow fiends feed the fire
    Claudia is at home in the sea  ̶  even under a great storm, she prefers tumultuous seas even, she enjoys racing through the violent waters. By the time she reaches the depths of Baltia, she’s full-kelpie, twirling and speeding into the center of the fallen metropolis. She swims with graceful ease, like she’s weightless, cutting through the water with precision. Her gills flare and her large keen eyes roll to see what she smells, tastes, beneath the water  ̶  a nest of delicious eels. 

    Why so many in one spot? Many fish and sea creature populations have boomed since the death of Baltia’s throne, but it was odd to see a concentration of eels. Upon approach she can see that they are very large and pearly white, some have ruby red eyes and others have crystalline blue. They strike out at her as she pushes her nose near the small cavern entrance, one or two bite at her and that is all it takes for her to shred them all in a kick violent burst of chaotic energy. Blood and bits flood in a cloud like chunky smoke, rising toward the surface with all the bubbles she caused from her frenzy. She ate some, ripped some, and took much delight in it all, really. Licking her sharp glowing teeth, grinning to herself as she swims around the area, letting the scene settle  ̶  and when it does settle, she sees something peculiar.

    “Hmm.” she hums to herself, blinking at the large oval-ish thing sitting on a soft bed of kelp twirled into a nest. The egg has scales, iridescent, glowing with blues and bright whites. She touches it with her nose, it feels like stone, warm stone. “A dragon egg?” she whispers to herself, and quickly realizes what she’s said out loud…she is a greedy little monster, and such a prize makes her immediately suspicious of being watched.

    She speeds away, investigating the surrounding area with bullish force  ̶  busting through barriers and overturning any suspected hiding spots. There’s no one nearby. She swims back to her prize, scooping it between her legs and pulling it from its nest. She rests it on her tail, admiring it, touching it, reveling in her find. The egg starts to crack and wobble, Claudia almost drops it in surprise, but makes a graceful save, watching it push a piece of shell off and peek through with bright aqua eyes. It is a little sea dragon! Claudia is not one for warmth or sweetness, but if ever she felt her heart, it is now. As it emerges, an adorable array of ocean colors with big shiny eyes. It has little horns, wings and four limbs with shiny smooth scales. It’s got gills, webbed feet and beautiful little fins (even at the tip of his long tail!) He’s tiny, but has a mouth full of sharp teeth, they match hers, as they grin happily at each other.

    It’s as if she and the little creature have known each other forever  ̶  the moment their eyes locked it was like they recognized one another, the link between their souls illuminating between them; coming to life as if it was sleeping.

    The rest of the day, after discovering the little devil, Claudia races all around with him, chasing and practicing all sorts of maneuvers. He was a little shadow, moving so well in tandem with every move she makes  ̶  any slight movement or  swift direction change, he goes with her so perfectly. They spend hours beneath the waves, herding pods of porpoise away just for fun, teasing sharks for the joy of it and finally, linking up with a family of veracious orcas who welcomed the pair's invaluable help in hunting a large whale. It was quite the first day’s adventures, but the sun above was beginning to sink and what dim light there was in the deep blue they played among, it was quickly fading. Of course nighttime is incredibly fun too, but, this was her new…baby..essentially. What if something tries to get him? She suddenly prickles at the thought, nuzzling the little reptilian beast, who coos bubbles at her with a snuggly rub of his snout.

    Claudia makes her way to the surface, her shadow close behind, and they make their way toward shore. A golden sunset seemingly afire with oranges, golds, reds and deep magenta, sinking into the sea where waves and sky meet. The storm that was raging when Claudia descended into the sapphire depths has gone now, all is wet and misty, but at peace. As soon as they reach the sandy beach her form melts into something more suitable for land, mostly equid, hooved and generally shaped like a sturdy warmblood mare. In her muzzle she hides razor sharp teeth, and her skin covered with wet scales, her golden hair dripping wet with salty seawater. Mostly horse, but still a kelpie-girl, never not that.

    And her new little companion? He too has a land adapted body, losing his fins and gills, his wings spreading and stretching out. He is small, but fierce, attacking and consuming three crabs in just a few minutes. Claudia watches him in awe, snatching a crab for herself, crunching it down happily, shell and all.

    Before dark descends, she plans to lead him to some ‘safer’ place, call it motherly instincts, but whatever it was, she wanted somewhere like the River, or the Meadow. Somewhere where normal folks bring their actual children…this was as close as she ever desires to get to motherhood.

    this is a companion quest post, but its also open to anyone if they want to say hello

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    fellow fiends feed the fire - by Claudia - 05-02-2023, 04:06 PM

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