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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is nothing like waking up in Vegas; any

    some are lost in the fire

    some are built from it

    Yes, someone will find him. And thankfully it doesn't even take too long. And thank the powers that be, it's a friendly face he sees first. His normally stoic disposition softens as he notes the heat signature, smells Killdare, and finally sees his kinsman come into view. He almost smiles – barely noticeable to a stranger, but to Killdare, who knows him? He'll know that Erebor is just as relieved to see Killdare as Killdare is to see Erebor.

    But that only lasts for a moment, and just as Erebor is about to respond to Killdare, a mare steps forward and addresses him. He offers her a nod of respect. It bothers him not at all that she seems to have cracks in her skin, and fireworks underneath that. He's seen worse, so much infinitely worse. He's about to respond to her when Killdare beats him to the punch, and the boy is not sure what to make of the dismissal. But if Killdare knows this woman, perhaps it will make his own explanation easier, and that at least is something.

    Once again he's about to explain everything, but again he's interrupted. He waits calmly as Killdare puzzles over the situation, sharply aware of just how little he knows about it himself. Killdare finishes, and Erebor doesn't miss the way that the other stallion steps forward as though trying to section them off.

    With a quick, knowing glance to Killdare, Erebor turns his attention to the mare. As far as he's aware they have no quarrel with the Amazons, and he intends to keep it that way. He is nothing if not diplomatic. "I'm sorry," he addresses her calmly, his voice deep, rich, and smooth. "It was not intentional, or even voluntary. I was brought here by an unknown force." With a gesture of his head, he indicates the area around him. "I was many miles outside the Jungle's border, and then I was waking up here. I remember nothing in between, and do not know what moved me, but it wasn't my own power." he gestures again to the ground immediately around him. "No hoofprints." He watches her, wondering what she's making of all this. "I do not know what brought me here, or why. But it appears to have left me unconscious but unharmed-" a quick pause "and trespassing in the most unintentional way possible."

    He glances back to Killdare. "No flying, no falling, no sleeping." the last is said with just a hint of humor, but he doesn't doubt the other stallion will see that he's concerned with how few answers he really has. But no matter what he won't forget diplomacy and manners, and he turns back to the mare once more. "I'm Erebor, from the Chamber." He doesn't give his title or any further information. Best not to tempt fate.


    heat manipulating lord of the chamber

    warship x straia

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is nothing like waking up in Vegas; any - by Erebor - 09-24-2015, 04:09 PM

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